Micro Audiometrics


MicroLab OWNERS MANUAL April 1997


20 Pages

TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1  INTRODUCTION Description of MicroLab ... 1 - 2  Chapter 2  INSTALLATION Connections ... 2 - 3 Getting Ready to Test ... 2 - 3 Calibration ... 2 - 6  Chapter 3  AUDIOMETER Programming Test Parameters... 3 - 7 Operation ... 3 - 9 Testing Procedure ... 3 - 9 Control Panel Display ... 3 - 10 Manual Audiometry ... 3 - 11 Initiate Testing ... 3 - 11 Frequency Select... 3 - 11 Level Select... 3 - 11 Ear Select ... 3 - 11 Determining Threshold ... 3 - 11 Talk-Over Mode ... 3 - 11 Exit... 3 - 11 Automatic Audiometry ... 3 - 11 Initiate Testing ... 3 - 11 Interrupt Test... 3 - 12 Talk-Over Mode ... 3 - 12 Abort/Restart... 3 - 12 Retesting Thresholds... 3 - 12 Displaying Audiograms ... 3 - 13 Saving Tests ... 3 - 13 Recalling Tests... 3 - 13 Sending Tests ... 3 - 13 Scale of Hearing Loss ... 3 - 14  Chapter 4  REPORTS Loading Information ... 4 - 15 User-Entered Numbers... 4 - 15 Hard Copy Reports ... 4 - 16 Single Test Report ... 4 - 16 Group Reports... 4 - 16 Clearing Test Data Between Patients... 4 - 16  Addendum Abbreviations and Definitions Setting/Resetting Date and Time  Serial Interface Details Warranty  Instrument Return
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