Micro Audiometrics

DSP Pure Tone Audiometer Owners Manual

Owners Manual

21 Pages

TABLE of CONTENTS Contents of Package ... 2 Warranty Registration ... 2 Headset... 3 Key Entry Notations ... 3 Keypad Interpretation ... 4 Batteries... 5 Tone Presentation Mode ... 6 Patient Set-Up ... 6 Modes of Operation ... 7 Manual Audiometry Mode... 7 Frequency Selection... 7 Presentation of Test Signal ... 8 Level Selection ... 8 Recording Test Results... 8 Automatic Sequencing Mode ... 9 Description of Mode ... 9 Starting Test ... 10 Maintenance ... 10 Error Codes ... 11 Scale of Hearing Loss... 12 Operating Mode Functions ... 13 Set-Up Mode Functions ... 14 Set Signal Options ... 15 Set Frequency Selection... 17 Set Level Selection ... 18 Warranty ... 19 1
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