
EPS320 Quick Reference ver 3.19

Quick Reference

6 Pages

Bard Electrophysiology POWER UP PROCEDURE • Turn on the SGU (stimulus generation box) at the back power switch. • Switch the CPU on. • The  main MicroPace stimulator screen will appear automatically after boot-up, and the computer software will then establish a serial link with the SGU box. This may take a minute. If the software asks you if you want to reset or reconnect to the SGU box, press ‘y’ for yes. Recheck that the SGU box is switched on by the presence of a green (not yellow) light above the MAINS POWER label on the panel.  BACK UP AND EMERGENCY PACING Pressing the F12 key allows S1 to pace at 600ms in both channels 1 and 2. BACK-UP PACING  EMERGENCY PACING  Failure of the computer is detected by the SGU, which displays an error message ‘NO PC’ on its LED display. The user may then invoke the BACKUP MANUAL PACING MODE by pressing the BACKUP ENABLE button, whereupon the SGU functions as a stand-alone programmable pacemaker. This mode is indicated by the extinguishing of the PC PACE LED and lighting of two 7segment LED numerical displays on the front panel indicating set Pacing Interval and Current. These can be adjusted by pressing adjacent up/down arrows. Pacing may be then toggled on/off by the RED PACE ON/OFF button. This mode may be forced by the operator, e.g. if the computer appears to be malfunctioning by pressing the BACKUP ENABLE button at any time.  Should the Stimulus Generator Box itself appear to fail by a lack of stimulation pulses or by displaying an alarm on its LED display and the patient requires urgent pacing, an independent analogue circuit pacemaker is available for emergency pacing. Remove the green Stimulus Cable plug from the green PACE OUTPUT socket on the Stimulus generator Box front panel and plug it into the red EMERGENCY FIXED RATE BACKUP PACING socket immediately to the right of it. Pacing will start immediately (by sensing the applied lead resistive load) at 100bpm, 5mA and 2ms pulse in the Ventricular channel only. This emergency facility has a separate battery and will function even in the unlikely event of a failure of all other systems.  HELP MENU • HOTKEYS: Most used Hotkeys are Highlighted and Underscored. For all hot keys go to H for help menu #4 Command Summary will give Basic Hotkeys, Page down will give you all advanced Hotkeys.  • PARAMETERS: To find out how each Parameter works choose the short cut hot key for that protocol and parameter and go to the Help (H) menu #1 Present Parameter.  • PROTOCOLS: To find out how each Protocol works choose the short cut hot key for that protocol and go to the Help (H) menu #2 Present Protocol.
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