MVE BioMedical
MVE Operating Manual for Vapor Shipper Dewars Rev K
Operating Manual
22 Pages

Page 1
MVE Operating Instruction Manual for Vapor Shipper Dewars
Table of Contents
English English (SI Version) German Spanish Italian French
2-8 9-15 16-22 23-29 30-36 37-43
Chart BioMedical Division, Chart Industries, Inc. 2200 Airport Industrial Dr. Suite 500 Ball Ground, GA 30107 USA
Chart BioMedical Ltd. Unit 6 – Ashville Way Wokingham RG41 2PL United Kingdom
Chart Australia Pty Ltd. ABN 21 075 909 410 Sydney Business & Technology Centre Unit 43 / 2 Railway Parade Lidcombe, NSW 2141, Australia
M.D.D. Representative: Medical Product Services Borngasse 20 35619 Braunfels, Germany Ref 11562640 Rev K 2/12
MVE Vapor Shippers are ideally suited for the transportation of cryobiological materials. The liquid nitrogen is retained in an absorbent material and the cold nitrogen vapors maintain the Cryo Storage Area at -190°C. The absorbent retains the liquid nitrogen and prevents accidental spills. Liquid nitrogen is classified as “Dangerous Goods” by the Department of Transportation (DOT). At least three regulatory agencies publish dangerous goods regulations: DOT - Department of Transportation IATA - International Air Transportation Association ICAO - International Civil Aviation Organization Liquid nitrogen is classified under the name “Nitrogen, refrigerated liquid” and has a UN 1977 code number. The name classification and UN Code Number must be indicated on the shipping carton in addition to a “Gas nonflammable” label. Packing and labeling requirements can be obtained from the above organizations. Also, contact your carrier for any variances in the rules as they may apply specifically to that company and/or the ultimate destination of the shipment. Be aware that the regulations undergo periodic revisions. If you need current information prior to the shipping of your cryobiological specimen, please contact your air carrier for the most recent regulations.
A) SAFETY To avoid injury by frostbite, use extreme care whenever handling liquid nitrogen, liquid nitrogen storage or transfer vessels or any objects which have come in contact with liquid nitrogen. • Leave no area of skin exposed. • Always wear proper safety attire over clothing: face shield, cryogenic gloves, cryogenic apron. • Never overfill vapor shippers with liquid nitrogen. Overfilling the tank may cause immediate or premature vacuum failure to occur. • Always keep vapor shippers in upright position. • Do not tightly seal liquid nitrogen container or prevent nitrogen gas from escaping. • Use extreme care to prevent spilling and splashing liquid nitrogen during transfer. • Immediately remove any clothing or safety attire on which liquid nitrogen has spilled. • Get immediate medical attention for any frostbite injuries due to liquid nitrogen. WARNING: The venting of nitrogen vapors will deplete oxygen in the air, possibly leading to asphyxiation or even death. Do not store or use container in areas that have poor ventilation.
C) PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE For Continuous Maintenance, follow steps 1 - 5. Allow unit to rest undisturbed for 1 hour minimum. Verify no frost/ condensation on outer container. For Annual Maintenance, follow steps 1 - 4 and then continue with steps 6 - 8. 6. Allow filled unit to sit for another 24 hours. 7. Weigh second time. 8. Calculate evaporation rate. The difference between the first weight and the second weight is the daily evaporation rate in lbs. This can be converted to liters by multiplying lbs x .5606. This figure roughly signifies the N.E.R. (first weight - second weight) x .5606 = liters/day. a) Also, during this time take note of any uncommon occurrences such as excess frosting or sweating along the outside of dewar. Take note of excess nitrogen boil off especially after the second weight. LN2 should settle (cease boiling) after an hour. MVE vapor shippers were primarily designed as vapor shipping containers; however, they can also be used for immersion of samples. A sharp blow to the outer vessel can damage the neck tube or start a vacuum leak. Use caution and common sense in handling the container. Use the following weight table as a general guide to determine if your vapor shipper is fully charged.
Name and address of manufacturer
Authorized representative in the European Community
GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The SC, XC, Doble and QWick vapor series dewar is a vacuum insulated container of aluminum with fiberglass neck construction providing the highest efficiency possible in nitrogen vapor storage. Use the container for inert fluids only. Liquid oxygen is not compatible with this unit and must not be stored.
B) FILLING INSTRUCTIONS Note: Fill the container with a funnel or transfer line when possible. Avoid spilling liquid nitrogen over the vacuum cap near the neck as this can shrink the seal and allow air to leak into the vacuum space. To ensure maximum performance from your MVE vapor dewar simply follow the listed steps just prior to shipping to final destination: 1. Open container that dewar is in and remove cork/cover (do not twist). 2. Fill unit to bottom of neck tube (at least halfway for QWick Series). a) Follow established safety practices and procedures for transferring LN2. b) Transfer using LN2 hose with phase separator or pouring container using a funnel. c) Canisters are to remain inside dewar. 3. For SC, XC, and Doble ONLY: Replace cork/cover and allow unit to stand for 24 hours (cooling down unit). a) To achieve 100% absorbed capacity you will need to refill (top off at least once). 4. For QWick ONLY: Replace cork/cover and allow unit to stand for 2 hours (cooling down unit). 5. Weigh unit (first weight) and record. 6. Pour off excess liquid just prior to shipment.
These high quality vacuum insulated units are constructed of durable material, compatible with the divergent temperature extremes and broad applications of cryobiology. The absorbent material used in construction after 1993 is hydrophobic (will not absorb water) which unlike calcium silicate does not need to be periodically heated to remove absorbed moisture. The life expectancy of this product is five (5) years. Upon receipt of the container, examine both the container and packaging for any evidence of damage during shipping. Contact the shipping agent if any damage is apparent. Watch after the first fill for any signs of vacuum loss, such as frost or sweating on the outside jacket. (Some frost near the top just after filling is normal).
SC 2/1V SC 4/2V SC 4/3V Cryoshipper XC Cryoshipper Cryomoover Mini-Moover XC 20/3V SC 20/12V
Empty Weight
Suggested Wt. Full
D) SHIPPING INSTRUCTIONS SC, XC, and Doble ONLY: Dewar is charged for 24 hours for full absorption capacity. Generally dewar will be 60% charged at 8 hours, 80% charged at 12 hours and 100% charged at 24 hours. QWick ONLY: Dewar is charged for 2 hours for full absorbtion capacity. BOTH: Prior to packaging dewar for shipment the entire contents of liquid nitrogen must be removed. This is usually done by pouring out excess liquid nitrogen until no liquid is visible on the bottom of the inner dewar. Place in bio samples, package dewar and ship. The plastic shipping container provided by MVE/Chart is recommended to help keep dewar in upright position. IF DEWAR IS SHIPPED ON ITS SIDE IT WILL ONLY PROVIDE 40% OF THE SPECIFIED HOLD TIME. IF SHIPPED UPSIDE DOWN IT WILL ONLY PROVIDE 10% OF HOLD TIME CAPACITY. Remember that all MVE vapor shippers can also be used for liquid nitrogen storage as well, so it is imperative that all liquid nitrogen be removed so dewar remains classified as a vapor shipper. If liquid nitrogen is visible in the bottom of the inner it then becomes a liquid shipper and the exception status is void. The liquid inside is now classified as hazardous material. LETTER EXPLAINING EXCEPTION This is concerning the applicability of the Federal Hazardous Material Regulations to the shipment of refrigerated samples in the “Dry Shipper” container. A “Dry Shipper” package consists of an outer container that is lined with an absorbent material. The container is charged with nitrogen refrigerated liquid which is absorbed into the container lining. The charged, completed package serves as refrigerated container for the shipment of samples.
Static Hold Time
6 11 13 31 26.2 30.5 8 28.4 30
(2.7) (5.0) (5.9) (14.1) (11.9) (13.8) (3.6) (12.9) (13.6)
8.8 17 20.6 48 41.3 38 11.6 38.4 52
(4.0) (7.7) (9.3) (21.8) (18.7) (17.2) (5.3) (17.4) (23.6)
8 13 21 14 10 12 14 16 85
22.5 (10.2) 30.2 (13.7) 49 (22.2) 51 (23.1) 63 (28.6) 64 (29.0)
17 21 24 30 21 21
8 (3.6) 15 (6.8) 16.5 (7.5) 42 (19) 13 (5.9) 39 (17.7) 48 (21.8) 48 (21.8)
6 10 14 62 14 9 10 10
22.5 (10.2) 30.2 (14) 47 (21.3) 50 (22.7) 63 (28.6) 63 (28.6)
10 20 17 20 14 14
In consideration of the above, consultation with the Research and Special Programs Administration of the DOT has determined that the use of nitrogen refrigerated liquid charged “dry shipper” containers for the shipment of samples fall within the regulation exception provided in 49CFR 173.320 paragraph (a) of the section states the requirements of this subchapter do not apply to atmospheric gases and helium when used in the operation of the process system such as refrigeration system. Paragraph (c) of 173.320 pertains to air transport of same refrigeration system. For exception status of air shipments please refer to IATA-Dangerous Goods Regulations for nitrogen refrigerated liquid. This falls in the class of 2.2 nonflammable gas, packing instructions 202 with special provisions A-152. For answers to questions regarding shipping regulations contact a Chart, AI-Cryobiological Tech Service Representative at 888-683-2796.
Doble Models Doble 11 17 (7.7) Doble 20 25.2 (11.4) Doble 28 34 (15.4) Doble 34 39.2 (17.8) Doble 47 47 (21.3) Doble 47-10 48 (21.8) CryoShipper QWick Models 6/9 6 (2.7) 10/100 11 (5.0) 14/48 11.5 (5.2) 62/180 25 (11.4) 14/24 9 (4) 9/500 25.5 (11.6) 10/950 30 (13.6) IATA 30 (13.6) Doble QWick Models 10/660 17 (7.7) 20/660 25.2 (12) 17/2400 34 (15.4) 20/2100 39.2 (18) 14/4500 47 (21.3) 14/3500 48 (21.8)
Limited Warranty Statement Chart Inc., 2200 Airport Industrial Dr., Suite 500, Ball Ground, GA 30107
General Terms: “New Product” – Chart Inc. ("CHART") warrants to the original purchaser ("Purchaser") that each new Vapor Shipper Dewar (collectively, the "New Products"), shall be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of two (2) years from the date of for a period of three (3) years from date of shipment, except as provided in the Limited Warranty Provisions below: “Repair/Blemished Product” – CHART warrants to the Purchaser that all repaired equipment and factory blemished equipment (collectively, the "Repair/Blemished Products") shall be free of defects in materials and workmanship for a period of (90) days from the date of shipment, except as provided below. CHART warrants that the dewar vacuum integrity shall be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of (I) year from date of shipment, except as provided below. “Service Part” – CHART warrants to the Purchaser that all Service Parts and Accessory Items (each a "Service Part") are warranted for (90) days from date of shipment to be free of defects in material and workmanship, except as provided below.
Limited Warranty Provisions: Purchaser agrees that before this limited warranty shall become effective, Purchaser shall fully inspect each New Product, Repair/Blemished Product, or Service Part within ten (10) days of delivery and before such Product is put to use. Purchaser also agrees to operate the New Product, Repair/Blemished Product, or Service Part in accordance with CHART's operating instructions and that failure to do so shall void this limited warranty. Purchaser further agrees that any claim for breach of warranty must be made in writing within 60 days of discovery of a purported defect. CHART will not be responsible for any alleged breach of warranty, which, as a result of CHART's inspection, CHART determines to have arisen from a cause not covered by this limited warranty. In this case, CHART will charge the purchaser a nominal fee to repair the unit. This limited warranty does not apply to: (A) Normal routine service items; (B) Repair or replacement necessitated by misuse, abuse, accident, or repairs made by persons other than CHART or persons not authorized by CHART, (C) Use of external equipment or parts with the New Product, Repair/Blemished Product, or Service Parts other than those approved by CHART, (D) Defects caused by effects of normal wear and tear; and (E) Acts of God, or other causes not within the control of CHART. If Purchaser believes that a New Product, Repair/Blemished Product, or Service Part does not comply with the limited warranty stated above, Purchaser should contact CHART at the address stated above, describing the problem and providing proof of the date of purchase. If directed by CHART, Purchaser shall return the New Product, Repair/Blemished Product, or Service Part freight prepaid, properly packaged in a CHART approved shipping container and properly identified by a Return Material Authorization Number issued by CHART. New Products, Repair/Blemished Product, or Service Parts returned without a Return Material Authorization Number will be refused and returned at Purchaser's expense. The remedies available for any breach of this limited warranty are limited to repair or replacement of the defective New Product, Repair/Blemished Product, Service Part, or refund of the purchase price, at the sole discretion of CHART. CHART warrants that replacement or repaired New Product, Repair/Blemished Product, or Service Part shall be free from defects in material and workmanship for the duration of the unexpired portion of the original warranty or ninety (90) days from the date of re-shipment to Purchaser, whichever is longer. PURCHASER'S RECOVERY FROM CHART FOR ANY CLAIM SHALL NOT EXCEED PURCHASER’S PURCHASE PRICE FOR THE NEW PRODUCT, REPAIR/BLEMISHED PRODUCT, OR SERVICE PART GIVING RISE TO SUCH CLAIM, IRRESPECTIVE OF THE NATURE OF THE CLAIM, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, TORT, WARRANTY, NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHERWISE. CHART SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR AND PURCHASER SHALL INDEMNIFY, DEFEND AND HOLD CHART HARMLESS FROM ANY CLAIMS BASED ON CHART'S COMPLIANCE WITH PURCHASER'S DESIGNS, SPECIFICATIONS OR INSTRUCTIONS, OR MODIFICATION OF ANY PRODUCTS BY PARTIES OTHER THAN CHART, OR USE IN COMBINATION WITH OTHER PRODUCTS. PURCHASER SHALL NOT IN ANY EVENT BE ENTITLED TO, AND CHART SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY NATURE INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION COSTS, REMOVAL AND/OR REINSTALLATION COSTS, REPROCUREMENT COSTS, LOSS OF PROFIT OR REVENUE, LOSS OF DATA, PROMOTIONAL OR MANUFACTURING EXPENSES, OVERHEAD, INJURY TO REPUTATION OR LOSS OF CUSTOMERS, EVEN IF CHART HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. EXCEPT FOR THIS LIMITED WARRANTY, CHART HAS MADE NO WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, AND HEREBY DISCLAIMS ANY OTHER WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. NO REPRESENTATION OR STATEMENT OF CHART MAY CHANGE OR ALTER THIS LIMITED WARRANTY.
Supplement to Chart Inc. Limited Warranty Statement for Sales in Australia (AI) General Terms: “New Product” – Chart Inc. ("CHART") warrants to the original purchaser only (meaning the party from whom CHART accepts the purchase order), whether such purchaser is a wholesaler, distributor or end user ("Purchaser"), that each new Liquid Nitrogen Dewar (collectively, the "New Products"), shall be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of two (2) years from the date of shipment, except as provided below. CHART warrants that the dewar vacuum integrity shall be free from defects in materials and workmanship as listed below, except as provided in the Limited Warranty Provisions below: Spectrum and CryoSystem Series, ET11, ET24, A-200, Workhorse 2003: 3 years / XC, SC, and Lab Series, ET 23-JLM: 5 years. "Repair/Blemished Product" – CHART warrants to the Purchaser that all repaired equipment and factory blemished equipment (collectively, the "Repair/Blemished Products") shall be free of defects in materials and workmanship for a period of (90) days from the date of shipment, except as provided below. CHART warrants that the dewar vacuum integrity shall be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of (I) year from date of shipment, except as provided below. "Service Part" - CHART warrants to the Purchaser that all Service Parts and Accessory Items (each a "Service Part") are warranted for (90) days from date of shipment to be free of defects in material and workmanship, except as provided below.
Sales of Product in Australia: Where the Purchaser is the end user of the Product, the following additional information is provided in relation to the warranty against defects (the Warranty) provided by CHART (as set out in the Limited Warranty Statement). 1. In circumstances where a New Product, Repair/Blemished Product or Service Part does not comply with the Warranty, CHART will at its expense repair or replace that defective New Product, Repair/Blemished Product or Service Part, or refund the purchase price at the sole discretion of CHART. CHART warrants that the replacement or repaired New Product, Repair/Blemished Product or Service Part shall be free from defects in materials and workmanship for the duration of the unexpired portion of the Warranty, or 90 days from the date of reshipment to the purchaser, whichever is longer. 2. The Warranty is subject to the Limited Warranty Provisions set out below and all exclusions and limitations set forth in the CHART Limited Warranty Statement. 3. To claim the Warranty, the Purchaser must contact CHART’s affiliate in Australia for further instruction, including the return of the defective New Product Repair/Blemished Product or Service Part (at the Purchaser's expense), to the following address: Chart Australia Pty Ltd. Unit 43/2 Railway Parade Lidcombe, NSW 2141, Australia Attention: Customer Service Department Phone number: (02) 9749-4333 Email address: 4. The Purchaser must otherwise comply with the requirements set out in the Limited Warranty Statement when making a claim under the Warranty.
Any claims for breach of this limited warranty shall be governed by Georgia law and without regard to conflict of law rules thereof and must be brought in a state or federal court in Georgia. Some states do not allow limitations on implied warranties or on incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitations may not apply. This limited warranty gives the Purchaser specific legal rights. Purchaser may also have other rights, which vary from state to state.
5. Notwithstanding the Limited Warranty Statement, our Products come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under the Australian Consumer Law (ACL). You are entitled to a replacement or refund for a major failure and compensation for any other reasonably foreseeable loss or damage. You are also entitled to have the Products repaired or replaced if the Products fail to be of acceptable quality and the failure does not amount to a major failure. 6. The provider of the Warranty is CHART. Relevant contact details are set out below for CHART (to claim the Warranty, please use the contact details provided in paragraph 3 above): (a) Customer Service Department (b) Business Address: Chart Inc. 2200 Airport Industrial Drive, Suite 500 Ball Ground, GA 30107 (USA) (c) Phone number: 770-721-7759 (d) Email address: Repair of Products Sold in Australia Where the Purchaser is the end user of the Product, the following additional information is provided in relation to the repair of Products by CHART: The Products may contain "user generated data" as defined under the Australian Consumer Law (ACL). Repair of Products may result in the loss of user generated data.
WARRANTY ACTIVATION IMPORTANT! PLEASE FILL OUT THIS REGISTRATION CARD TO ACTIVATE YOUR WARRANTY YOUR NAME _____________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS _______________________________________________________________________ CITY ___________________________________ STATE _________ ZIP ____________________ NAME OF DISTRIBUTOR ____________________________________________________________ ADDRESS ________________________________________________________________________ SERIAL NUMBER ______________________________ DATE PURCHASED ___________________ What is being stored in the container? ■ Semen ■ Embryos ■ Skin ■ Vaccines ■ Blood ■ Bone Marrow ■ Cell Lines ■ Other Was the new container purchased for ■ Replacement ■ New Lab ■ Project ■ Additional Storage How did you become aware of MVE products? ■ Advertisement ■ Sales Distributor ■ Colleague ■ Trade Show ■ Thomas Register ■ Internet ■ Other ___________________ What Journal/Magazines are you currently receiving? (Rate 1 as most useful, 3 as less useful) 1 ________________________ 2 _________________________ 3 ________________________ How important were the following features that lead to the purchase of this product? Very Important Not Important Quality of freezer 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 MVE reputation 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Price 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Storage Capacity 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Warranty 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Standard Features 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Customer Service 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Distributor Reputation 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Colleague Referral 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Temperature Under Lid 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Nitrogen Consumption 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Serviceability 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Other 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 How satisfied are you with your local MVE representative? Very Satisfied Not Satisfied 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Comments _______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Overall, how satisfied are you with your MVE container? 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Comments________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Please make any additional comments or suggestions _____________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________
MVE Vapor Shippers are ideally suited for the transportation of cryobiological materials. The liquid nitrogen is retained in an absorbent material and the cold nitrogen vapors maintain the Cryo Storage Area at -190°C. The absorbent retains the liquid nitrogen and prevents accidental spills.
A) SAFETY To avoid injury by frostbite, use extreme care whenever handling liquid nitrogen, liquid nitrogen storage or transfer vessels or any objects which have come in contact with liquid nitrogen. • Leave no area of skin exposed. • Always wear proper safety attire over clothing: face shield, cryogenic gloves, cryogenic apron. • Never overfill vapor shippers with liquid nitrogen. Overfilling the tank may cause immediate or premature vacuum failure to occur. • Always keep vapor shippers in upright position. • Do not tightly seal liquid nitrogen container or prevent nitrogen gas from escaping. • Use extreme care to prevent spilling and splashing liquid nitrogen during transfer. • Immediately remove any clothing or safety attire on which liquid nitrogen has spilled. • Get immediate medical attention for any frostbite injuries due to liquid nitrogen. WARNING: The venting of nitrogen vapors will deplete oxygen in the air, possibly leading to asphyxiation or even death. Do not store or use container in areas that have poor ventilation.
Liquid nitrogen is classified as “Dangerous Goods” by the Department of Transportation (DOT). At least three regulatory agencies publish dangerous goods regulations: DOT - Department of Transportation IATA - International Air Transportation Association ICAO - International Civil Aviation Organization
CHART BIOMEDICAL PRODUCTS ATTN: CUSTOMER SERVICE MANAGER 2200 Airport Industrial Dr. Suite 500 Ball Ground, GA 30107
Liquid nitrogen is classified under the name “Nitrogen, refrigerated liquid” and has a UN 1977 code number. The name classification and UN Code Number must be indicated on the shipping carton in addition to a “Gas nonflammable” label. Packing and labeling requirements can be obtained from the above organizations. Also, contact your carrier for any variances in the rules as they may apply specifically to that company and/or the ultimate destination of the shipment.
Be aware that the regulations undergo periodic revisions. If you need current information prior to the shipping of your cryobiological specimen, please contact your air carrier for the most recent regulations.
Thank You! You have just purchased the finest cryobiological storage container manufactured today. With Chart BioMedical Division’s experience and reputation, you can be assured of the most advanced technology and unsurpassed quality throughout our product. These containers have been designed, manufactured and tested to achieve maximum efficiency, along with durability to give many years of trouble-free service. If you have any questions regarding this product please contact Chart BioMedical.
Name and address of manufacturer Authorized representative in the European Community
GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The SC, XC, Doble and QWick vapor series dewar is a vacuum insulated container of aluminum with fiberglass neck construction providing the highest efficiency possible in nitrogen vapor storage. Use the container for inert fluids only. Liquid oxygen is not compatible with this unit and must not be stored.
B) FILLING INSTRUCTIONS Note: Fill the container with a funnel or transfer line when possible. Avoid spilling liquid nitrogen over the vacuum cap near the neck as this can shrink the seal and allow air to leak into the vacuum space. To ensure maximum performance from your MVE vapor dewar simply follow the listed steps just prior to shipping to final destination: 1. Open container that dewar is in and remove cork/cover (do not twist). 2. Fill unit to bottom of neck tube (at least halfway for QWick Series). a) Follow established safety practices and procedures for transferring LN2. b) Transfer using LN2 hose with phase separator or pouring container using a funnel. c) Canisters are to remain inside dewar. 3. For SC, XC, and Doble ONLY: Replace cork/cover and allow unit to stand for 24 hours (cooling down unit). a) To achieve 100% absorbed capacity you will need to refill (top off at least once). 4. For QWick ONLY: Replace cork/cover and allow unit to stand for 2 hours (cooling down unit). 5. Weigh unit (first weight) and record. 6. Pour off excess liquid just prior to shipment.
These high quality vacuum insulated units are constructed of durable material, compatible with the divergent temperature extremes and broad applications of cryobiology. The absorbent material used in construction after 1993 is hydrophobic (will not absorb water) which unlike calcium silicate does not need to be periodically heated to remove absorbed moisture. The life expectancy of this product is five (5) years. Upon receipt of the container, examine both the container and packaging for any evidence of damage during shipping. Contact the shipping agent if any damage is apparent. Watch after the first fill for any signs of vacuum loss, such as frost or sweating on the outside jacket. (Some frost near the top just after filling is normal).
C) PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE For Continuous Maintenance, follow steps 1 - 5. Allow unit to rest undisturbed for 1 hour minimum. Verify no frost/ condensation on outer container. For Annual Maintenance, follow steps 1 - 4 and then continue with steps 6 - 8. 6. Allow filled unit to sit for another 24 hours. 7. Weigh second time. 8. Calculate evaporation rate. The difference between the first weight and the second weight is the daily evaporation rate in Kgs. This can be converted to liters by multiplying Kgs. x 1.236. This figure roughly signifies the N.E.R. (first weight - second weight) x 1.236 = liters/day. a) Also, during this time take note of any uncommon occurrences such as excess frosting or sweating along the outside of dewar. Take note of excess nitrogen boil off especially after the second weight. LN2 should settle (cease boiling) after an hour. MVE vapor shippers were primarily designed as vapor shipping containers; however, they can also be used for immersion of samples. A sharp blow to the outer vessel can damage the neck tube or start a vacuum leak. Use caution and common sense in handling the container. Use the following weight table as a general guide to determine if your vapor shipper is fully charged. Model
SC 2/1V SC 4/2V SC 4/3V Cryoshipper XC Cryoshipper Cryomoover Mini-Moover XC 20/3V SC 20/12V
Empty Weight
Suggested Wt. Full
D) SHIPPING INSTRUCTIONS SC, XC, and Doble ONLY: Dewar is charged for 24 hours for full absorption capacity. Generally dewar will be 60% charged at 8 hours, 80% charged at 12 hours and 100% charged at 24 hours. QWick ONLY: Dewar is charged for 2 hours for full absorbtion capacity. BOTH: Prior to packaging dewar for shipment the entire contents of liquid nitrogen must be removed. This is usually done by pouring out excess liquid nitrogen until no liquid is visible on the bottom of the inner dewar. Place in bio samples, package dewar and ship. The plastic shipping container provided by MVE/Chart is recommended to help keep dewar in upright position. IF DEWAR IS SHIPPED ON ITS SIDE IT WILL ONLY PROVIDE 40% OF THE SPECIFIED HOLD TIME. IF SHIPPED UPSIDE DOWN IT WILL ONLY PROVIDE 10% OF HOLD TIME CAPACITY. Remember that all MVE vapor shippers can also be used for liquid nitrogen storage as well, so it is imperative that all liquid nitrogen be removed so dewar remains classified as a vapor shipper. If liquid nitrogen is visible in the bottom of the inner it then becomes a liquid shipper and the exception status is void. The liquid inside is now classified as hazardous material. LETTER EXPLAINING EXCEPTION This is concerning the applicability of the Federal Hazardous Material Regulations to the shipment of refrigerated samples in the “Dry Shipper” container. A “Dry Shipper” package consists of an outer container that is lined with an absorbent material. The container is charged with nitrogen refrigerated liquid which is absorbed into the container lining. The charged, completed package serves as refrigerated container for the shipment of samples.
Static Hold Time
6 11 13 31 26.2 30.5 8 28.4 30
(2.7) (5.0) (5.9) (14.1) (11.9) (13.8) (3.6) (12.9) (13.6)
8.8 17 20.6 48 41.3 38 11.6 38.4 52
(4.0) (7.7) (9.3) (21.8) (18.7) (17.2) (5.3) (17.4) (23.6)
8 13 21 14 10 12 14 16 85
22.5 (10.2) 30.2 (13.7) 49 (22.2) 51 (23.1) 63 (28.6) 64 (29.0)
17 21 24 30 21 21
8 (3.6) 15 (6.8) 16.5 (7.5) 42 (19) 13 (5.9) 39 (17.7) 48 (21.8) 48 (21.8)
6 10 14 62 14 9 10 10
22.5 (10.2) 30.2 (14) 47 (21.3) 50 (22.7) 63 (28.6) 63 (28.6)
10 20 17 20 14 14
In consideration of the above, consultation with the Research and Special Programs Administration of the DOT has determined that the use of nitrogen refrigerated liquid charged “dry shipper” containers for the shipment of samples fall within the regulation exception provided in 49CFR 173.320 paragraph (a) of the section states the requirements of this subchapter do not apply to atmospheric gases and helium when used in the operation of the process system such as refrigeration system. Paragraph (c) of 173.320 pertains to air transport of same refrigeration system. For exception status of air shipments please refer to IATA-Dangerous Goods Regulations for nitrogen refrigerated liquid. This falls in the class of 2.2 nonflammable gas, packing instructions 202 with special provisions A-152. For answers to questions regarding shipping regulations contact a Chart, AI-Cryobiological Tech Service Representative at 888-683-2796.
Doble Models Doble 11 17 (7.7) Doble 20 25.2 (11.4) Doble 28 34 (15.4) Doble 34 39.2 (17.8) Doble 47 47 (21.3) Doble 47-10 48 (21.8) CryoShipper QWick Models 6/9 6 (2.7) 10/100 11 (5.0) 14/48 11.5 (5.2) 62/180 25 (11.4) 14/24 9 (4) 9/500 25.5 (11.6) 10/950 30 (13.6) IATA 30 (13.6) Doble QWick Models 10/660 17 (7.7) 20/660 25.2 (12) 17/2400 34 (15.4) 20/2100 39.2 (18) 14/4500 47 (21.3) 14/3500 48 (21.8)
WARRANTY ACTIVATION IMPORTANT! PLEASE FILL OUT THIS REGISTRATION CARD TO ACTIVATE YOUR WARRANTY YOUR NAME _____________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS _______________________________________________________________________ CITY ___________________________________ STATE _________ ZIP ____________________ NAME OF DISTRIBUTOR ____________________________________________________________ ADDRESS ________________________________________________________________________ SERIAL NUMBER ______________________________ DATE PURCHASED ___________________ What is being stored in the container? ■ Semen ■ Embryos ■ Skin ■ Vaccines ■ Blood ■ Bone Marrow ■ Cell Lines ■ Other Was the new container purchased for ■ Replacement ■ New Lab ■ Project ■ Additional Storage How did you become aware of MVE products? ■ Advertisement ■ Sales Distributor ■ Colleague ■ Trade Show ■ Thomas Register ■ Internet ■ Other ___________________ What Journal/Magazines are you currently receiving? (Rate 1 as most useful, 3 as less useful) 1 ________________________ 2 _________________________ 3 ________________________ How important were the following features that lead to the purchase of this product? Very Important Not Important Quality of freezer 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 MVE reputation 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Price 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Storage Capacity 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Warranty 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Standard Features 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Customer Service 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Distributor Reputation 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Colleague Referral 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Temperature Under Lid 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Nitrogen Consumption 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Serviceability 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Other 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 How satisfied are you with your local MVE representative? Very Satisfied Not Satisfied 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Comments _______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Overall, how satisfied are you with your MVE container? 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Comments________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Please make any additional comments or suggestions _____________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________
Limited Warranty Statement Chart Inc., 2200 Airport Industrial Dr., Suite 500, Ball Ground, GA 30107
General Terms: “New Product” – Chart Inc. ("CHART") warrants to the original purchaser ("Purchaser") that each new Vapor Shipper Dewar (collectively, the "New Products"), shall be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of two (2) years from the date of shipment, except as provided below. CHART warrants that the dewar vacuum integrity shall be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of three (3) years from date of shipment, except as provided in the Limited Warranty Provisions below: “Repair/Blemished Product” – CHART warrants to the Purchaser that all repaired equipment and factory blemished equipment (collectively, the "Repair/Blemished Products") shall be free of defects in materials and workmanship for a period of (90) days from the date of shipment, except as provided below. CHART warrants that the dewar vacuum integrity shall be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of (I) year from date of shipment, except as provided below. “Service Part” – CHART warrants to the Purchaser that all Service Parts and Accessory Items (each a "Service Part") are warranted for (90) days from date of shipment to be free of defects in material and workmanship, except as provided below.
Limited Warranty Provisions: Purchaser agrees that before this limited warranty shall become effective, Purchaser shall fully inspect each New Product, Repair/Blemished Product, or Service Part within ten (10) days of delivery and before such Product is put to use. Purchaser also agrees to operate the New Product, Repair/Blemished Product, or Service Part in accordance with CHART's operating instructions and that failure to do so shall void this limited warranty. Purchaser further agrees that any claim for breach of warranty must be made in writing within 60 days of discovery of a purported defect. CHART will not be responsible for any alleged breach of warranty, which, as a result of CHART's inspection, CHART determines to have arisen from a cause not covered by this limited warranty. In this case, CHART will charge the purchaser a nominal fee to repair the unit.
CHART BIOMEDICAL Ltd. ATTN: CUSTOMER SERVICE MANAGER Unit 6 – Ashville Way Wokingham RG41 2PL United Kingdom
This limited warranty does not apply to: (A) Normal routine service items; (B) Repair or replacement necessitated by misuse, abuse, accident, or repairs made by persons other than CHART or persons not authorized by CHART, (C) Use of external equipment or parts with the New Product, Repair/Blemished Product, or Service Parts other than those approved by CHART, (D) Defects caused by effects of normal wear and tear; and (E) Acts of God, or other causes not within the control of CHART.
If Purchaser believes that a New Product, Repair/Blemished Product, or Service Part does not comply with the limited warranty stated above, Purchaser should contact CHART at the address stated above, describing the problem and providing proof of the date of purchase. If directed by CHART, Purchaser shall return the New Product, Repair/Blemished Product, or Service Part freight prepaid, properly packaged in a CHART approved shipping container and properly identified by a Return Material Authorization Number issued by CHART. New Products, Repair/Blemished Product, or Service Parts returned without a Return Material Authorization Number will be refused and returned at Purchaser's expense.
Thank You! You have just purchased the finest cryobiological storage container manufactured today. With Chart BioMedical Division’s experience and reputation, you can be assured of the most advanced technology and unsurpassed quality throughout our product. These containers have been designed, manufactured and tested to achieve maximum efficiency, along with durability to give many years of trouble-free service. If you have any questions regarding this product please contact Chart BioMedical.
The remedies available for any breach of this limited warranty are limited to repair or replacement of the defective New Product, Repair/Blemished Product, Service Part, or refund of the purchase price, at the sole discretion of CHART. CHART warrants that replacement or repaired New Product, Repair/Blemished Product, or Service Part shall be free from defects in material and workmanship for the duration of the unexpired portion of the original warranty or ninety (90) days from the date of re-shipment to Purchaser, whichever is longer. PURCHASER'S RECOVERY FROM CHART FOR ANY CLAIM SHALL NOT EXCEED PURCHASER’S PURCHASE PRICE FOR THE NEW PRODUCT, REPAIR/BLEMISHED PRODUCT, OR SERVICE PART GIVING RISE TO SUCH CLAIM, IRRESPECTIVE OF THE NATURE OF THE CLAIM, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, TORT, WARRANTY, NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHERWISE. CHART SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR AND PURCHASER SHALL INDEMNIFY, DEFEND AND HOLD CHART HARMLESS FROM ANY CLAIMS BASED ON CHART'S COMPLIANCE WITH PURCHASER'S DESIGNS, SPECIFICATIONS OR INSTRUCTIONS, OR MODIFICATION OF ANY PRODUCTS BY PARTIES OTHER THAN CHART, OR USE IN COMBINATION WITH OTHER PRODUCTS. PURCHASER SHALL NOT IN ANY EVENT BE ENTITLED TO, AND CHART SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY NATURE INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION COSTS, REMOVAL AND/OR REINSTALLATION COSTS, REPROCUREMENT COSTS, LOSS OF PROFIT OR REVENUE, LOSS OF DATA, PROMOTIONAL OR MANUFACTURING EXPENSES, OVERHEAD, INJURY TO REPUTATION OR LOSS OF CUSTOMERS, EVEN IF CHART HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. EXCEPT FOR THIS LIMITED WARRANTY, CHART HAS MADE NO WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, AND HEREBY DISCLAIMS ANY OTHER WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. NO REPRESENTATION OR STATEMENT OF CHART MAY CHANGE OR ALTER THIS LIMITED WARRANTY. Any claims for breach of this limited warranty shall be governed by Georgia law and without regard to conflict of law rules thereof and must be brought in a state or federal court in Georgia. Some states do not allow limitations on implied warranties or on incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitations may not apply. This limited warranty gives the Purchaser specific legal rights. Purchaser may also have other rights, which vary from state to state.
Supplement to Chart Inc. Limited Warranty Statement for Sales in Australia (AI) General Terms: “New Product” – Chart Inc. ("CHART") warrants to the original purchaser only (meaning the party from whom CHART accepts the purchase order), whether such purchaser is a wholesaler, distributor or end user ("Purchaser"), that each new Liquid Nitrogen Dewar (collectively, the "New Products"), shall be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of two (2) years from the date of shipment, except as provided below. CHART warrants that the dewar vacuum integrity shall be free from defects in materials and workmanship as listed below, except as provided in the Limited Warranty Provisions below: Spectrum and CryoSystem Series, ET11, ET24, A-200, Workhorse 2003: 3 years / XC, SC, and Lab Series, ET 23-JLM: 5 years. "Repair/Blemished Product" – CHART warrants to the Purchaser that all repaired equipment and factory blemished equipment (collectively, the "Repair/Blemished Products") shall be free of defects in materials and workmanship for a period of (90) days from the date of shipment, except as provided below. CHART warrants that the dewar vacuum integrity shall be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of (I) year from date of shipment, except as provided below. "Service Part" - CHART warrants to the Purchaser that all Service Parts and Accessory Items (each a "Service Part") are warranted for (90) days from date of shipment to be free of defects in material and workmanship, except as provided below.
5. Notwithstanding the Limited Warranty Statement, our Products come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under the Australian Consumer Law (ACL). You are entitled to a replacement or refund for a major failure and compensation for any other reasonably foreseeable loss or damage. You are also entitled to have the Products repaired or replaced if the Products fail to be of acceptable quality and the failure does not amount to a major failure. 6. The provider of the Warranty is CHART. Relevant contact details are set out below for CHART (to claim the Warranty, please use the contact details provided in paragraph 3 above): (a) Customer Service Department (b) Business Address: Chart Inc. 2200 Airport Industrial Drive, Suite 500 Ball Ground, GA 30107 (USA) (c) Phone number: 770-721-7759 (d) Email address: Repair of Products Sold in Australia Where the Purchaser is the end user of the Product, the following additional information is provided in relation to the repair of Products by CHART: The Products may contain "user generated data" as defined under the Australian Consumer Law (ACL). Repair of Products may result in the loss of user generated data.
Sales of Product in Australia: Where the Purchaser is the end user of the Product, the following additional information is provided in relation to the warranty against defects (the Warranty) provided by CHART (as set out in the Limited Warranty Statement). 1. In circumstances where a New Product, Repair/Blemished Product or Service Part does not comply with the Warranty, CHART will at its expense repair or replace that defective New Product, Repair/Blemished Product or Service Part, or refund the purchase price at the sole discretion of CHART. CHART warrants that the replacement or repaired New Product, Repair/Blemished Product or Service Part shall be free from defects in materials and workmanship for the duration of the unexpired portion of the Warranty, or 90 days from the date of reshipment to the purchaser, whichever is longer. 2. The Warranty is subject to the Limited Warranty Provisions set out below and all exclusions and limitations set forth in the CHART Limited Warranty Statement. 3. To claim the Warranty, the Purchaser must contact CHART’s affiliate in Australia for further instruction, including the return of the defective New Product Repair/Blemished Product or Service Part (at the Purchaser's expense), to the following address: Chart Australia Pty Ltd. Unit 43/2 Railway Parade Lidcombe, NSW 2141, Australia Attention: Customer Service Department Phone number: (02) 9749-4333 Email address: 4. The Purchaser must otherwise comply with the requirements set out in the Limited Warranty Statement when making a claim under the Warranty.