Trabectome Systems

TRABECTOME Model 550014-01 I-A Console Operations Manual Rev B

Operations Manual

35 Pages

NeoMedix – TRABECTOME® I/A Console Operations Manual (230V)  Table of Contents 1. SAFETY AND PRODUCT INDICATION STATEMENTS 1.1. General Safety ... 4 1.2. Indications For Use... 4 1.3. Cautions and Warnings... 5  2. INTRODUCING THE TRABECTOME® I/A CONSOLE 2.1. Console Overview ... 7 2.2. Trabectome® I/A Console Accessories ... 8  3. SETTING UP THE TRABECTOME® I/A CONSOLE 3.1. Unpacking Instructions ... 9 3.2. Mounting Instructions ... 9 3.3. Accessory Connections ... 10  4. OPERATING THE TRABECTOME® I/A CONSOLE 4.1. Symbols and Indicators ... 11 4.2. Front Panel Controls and Indicators ... 12 4.3. Rear Panel Controls and Connections ... 13 4.4. Operation With Remote Footswitch ... 14 4.5. Operational Guidelines – Connections, Loading/Unloading, Settings ... 15  5. MAINTAINENCE AND TROUBLESHOOTING 5.1. Storage Conditions ... 18 5.2. Cleaning Instructions ... 18 5.3. Troubleshooting Procedures ... 19  6. WARRANTY AND REPAIR POLICIES 6.1. Warranty Statement ... 29 6.2. Repair Procedures ... 29  7. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 7.1 Mechanical and Environmental Specifications ... 31 7.2 Electrical and Safety Specifications ... 31 7.3 Functional Specifications and Flow Graphs... 32 APPENDIX A: ELECTROMAGNETIC IMMUNITY TABLE ... 34 APPENDIX B: ELECTROMAGNETIC EMISSIONS TABLE ... 35 3
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File Name: NEOMEDIX Systems - TRABECTOME Model 550014-01 I-A Console Operations Manual Rev B.pdf

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