Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics

Ortho BioVue Clinical Diagnostics

BioVue System Heat Block-32 Users Manual Oct 2013

Users Manual

342 Pages

Table of Contents Topic			 Page Section 1 - Description... EN-5 Intended Use ... EN-5 Overview... EN-5 Physical Description... EN-6 Section 2 - Specifications... EN-7 Section 3 - Installation ... EN-8 Unpacking Procedure... EN-8 Installation Procedure... EN-8 Site Specifications... EN-9 Environmental Requirements... EN-9 Electrical Requirements... EN-10 Section 4 - Quality Assurance... EN-11 General... EN-11 Thermometer Verification... EN-11 Timer Verification ... EN-11 Section 5 - Operation ... EN-12 Section 6 - Temperature Selection/Correction Procedure... EN-14 Temperature Selection Procedure ... EN-14 Temperature Correction Procedure... EN-14 Section 7 - Maintenance ... EN-16 Cleaning... EN-16 Replacing Fuses... EN-16 Thermometer Verification... EN-16 Timer Verification ... EN-16 Section 8 - Troubleshooting Guide... EN-17 Section 9 - Instrument Disinfection... EN-18 Disinfection Procedure... EN-18 Disinfection Certificate... EN-19 Section 10 - Environmental Directives ... EN-20 		Disposal... EN-20 		 		  Chinese Environmental Regulations on Hazardous Substances (China RoHS)... EN-20  Section 11 - Warranty... EN-21 Warranty Time Period... EN-21 Warranty Repair Coverage... EN-21 		Limitations ... EN-21 Section 12 - Spare Parts List... EN-22 Revision History ... EN-23 Key to Symbols ... EN-25  2013-10-07  Ortho BioVue System Heat Block-32  EN-3  EN
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File Name: Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics - BioVue System Heat Block-32 Users Manual Oct 2013 - 2013-10.pdf

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