Inservice Guide
3 Pages

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High Level Disinfecting TV probes with OPA in a GUS Fume Free Soak Station. There are only two TGA approved High Level Disinfectants: gluteraldehyde and CIDEX OPA (which is also an aldehyde based product). CIDEX OPA seems to be the HLD of choice because it has a denser molecular structure (therefore doesn’t create as much fume) and it acts quicker (soak time only 10 minutes). By using OPA within a GUS, you will negate any fumes and minimise the volume of disinfectant required. GUS also protects probes from accidental submersion and impact damage. When used correctly, staff are protected from exposure to the OPA. Pre clean the probe per your normal protocol prior to soaking
Soaking 1) Turn the unit on so the extraction fan can draw air through the filter and recycle it fume free into the room. 2) Unscrew the cap off the canister of OPA 3) Place the probe’s electrical connector in the padded compartment on top of the station 4) Suspend the probe in the OPA by its cable with the clip above the canister
Rinsing 1) Hold the probe in one hand and release the cable from the clip with the other hand 2) Pick up an absorbent wipe with your free hand. 3) Lift the probe up and out of the OPA. At this stage you can wipe the excess OPA off the probe. Some users prefer to just hold the wipe under the probe to catch any drips. 4) If the rinsing sink is next to the GUS: Rinse thoroughly under running water. If the rinsing sink is not next to the GUS: Retain one of the GUS canisters for water. Dip the probe into the water and swirl it around to dilute the OPA. Wipe it down then transfer to the rinsing sink for a complete flush. Change the canister rinse water daily. 5) Your probe is ready for sheathing and reuse.
Disposing of waste OPA Waste OPA is still toxic. Pouring it down the drain will create aerosol. This is the point of highest exposure to fumes. This problem is solved by deactivating the OPA before removing the canister from the GUS. Since OPA works by attacking protein, deactivation is with 100% glycene, a protein which cross-links all the OPA polymers and saturates its toxic availability. 1) Turn the unit on 2) Unscrew the cap off the canister of OPA 3) Pour one 1oz bottle of Glute-Out Neutraliser into the canister. This is in powder form. 4) Leave for 15 minutes before withdrawing the canister and tipping contents down the drain with running water.
Refilling the Canister Before refilling: Thoroughly clean (with any domestic detergent), rinse and dry the canister. Wipe the GUS unit with a moist cloth, in particular the canister support trays. Remove stubborn stains with a cleaning chemical. 1) Turn the unit on 2) Take the lid of the OPA bottle and open the separate air valve on the bottle which allows the liquid to flow smoothly without “glugging”. 3) Pour straight from the bottle into the GUS canister 4) Replace the OPA bottle lid
Changing Filters 1) Remove the cushion pad from the top component 2) Undo the three screws in the top plate and remove the plate 3) Grasp the filter by its top flap. Pull it up and out. Dispose of the filter in ordinary waste. 4) Replace with a new filter, noting the airflow direction sticker arrows should point to the rear of the GUS station. 5) Write the filter change date and expiry date on the filter and also on the laminated card which should be mounted on the wall above the GUS.
Personnel Protective Equipment For Everyday Soaking & Rinsing Safety glasses or clear face visor Normal disposable gloves When Changing Solution Clear face visor Water resistant gown eg. tyuck Gauntles style Nitrile gloves
Other Tips
Mark the cable on each probe to indicate where to suspend it in the canister.
Use a magnetic backed digital timer
Do not leave the probe in the OPA for longer than 30 minutes. It is not good for some probes to do this.
Place a moisture absorbent floor matt under the GUS so any stray drips do not stain the floor
Have an OPA spill kit handy
Have a pedal operated waste bin handy for the absorbent wipes
You can heat the OPA to its recommended temp of 20°C by lacing the sealed canister in a sink of hot water.
Use a submersible aquarium style thermometer to test the OPA temp
Other OPA Facts
Once opened a bottle expires in 75 days.
The OPA in use should be changed every 14 days
It requires copious amounts of water to thoroughly rinse the OPA off the probes.
You need to regularly test the efficiency of OPA in use with test strips.