Blood Gas Analysers

ABL90 FLEX Blood Gas Analyzer Competency Test

Competency Test

2 Pages

Competency Test ABL90 FLEX blood gas analyzer  1  Can you print a result a second time?  a. No, once printed, the results are deleted b. Yes, results can be printed either immediately after analysis or by retrieving the result from the Patient results log c. No, once uploaded to a data management system, the results are deleted from the analyzer d. Yes, but only if you recall the results from the Event log  2  Which conditions must be present before the analyzer is ready?  a. Both the parameter tab and the traffic light must read either green or yellow b. The analyzer screen must read “Ready,” and the parameter color tab either green or yellow c. The analyzer screen must read “Ready,” and the parameters color tab & traffic light either green or yellow d. The analyzer screen must read “Ready,” and the traffic light either green or yellow  3  Can you get a patient result on a parameter that is yellow in the parameter bar?  a. Yes, but the result should be used with caution. You should follow local procedures on how to handle such results b. No, the sample is instantly aborted c. No, the analyzer blocks not only the yellow result but all results for that sample d. No, the analyzer blocks for further analysis  4  How do you activate a new solution a. Pull out the red safety pin. Put the palms of your hands over the edges of pack? the lid and firmly and evenly press down with both hands until the tabs click into the hole b. Pull out the red safety pin. Put the palm of your hand over the edge of the lid and firmly press down until one of the tabs click into the hole c. It is not necessary to activate a solution pack - it comes already activated d. To activate the solution pack, press on the safety pin and then break it off  5  How do you dispose of the sensor cassette?  a. The sensor cassette should be disposed of as bio-based plastics b. The sensor cassette should be disposed of as biohazardous waste c. The sensor cassette doesn’t need to be disposed of as classified waste  6  Which symbol is shown next to a result if the result is outside the reference range?  a. A single-headed arrow pointing either up or down b. A triple-headed arrow pointing either up or down c. A double-headed arrow pointing either up or down d. An asterisk  7  Which symbol is shown next to a result if the result is outside the critical limits?  a. A single-headed arrow pointing either up or down b. A double-headed arrow pointing either up or down c. A triple-headed arrow pointing either up or down d. An asterisk  8  Which symbol is shown next to a result if the result is outside the reportable range?  a. A single-headed arrow pointing either up or down b. A double-headed arrow pointing either up or down c. A triple-headed arrow pointing either up or down d. An asterisk  1/2
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