ABL90 FLEX Reference Manual Edition D

Reference Manual

346 Pages

CHAPTER 10: Conditioning in As a manual conditioning of the sensor cassette pack is not sensor cassette pack possible for the time being, references to this option are no longer not possible valid and, therefore, the following analyzer messages no longer exist in software version 2.4: 972  Sensor conditioning due  1080  Installed sensor cassette was not registered as conditioned  1333  Sensor conditioning started, no BC  1334  Sensor conditioning started, BC  Warm start No. 1340  With the new warm start feature in software version 2.4 the following new analyzer message has been included: Message  Interpretation  Sensor cassette This message is used in the Activity maintenance by log to indicate startup using a sensor Analyzer has cassette which has been left without been interrupted an FTC activity for more than 1 hour.  Operator action No action required  TABLE OF CONTENTS/INDEX: Conditioning in sensor cassette pack not possible  As the pack with the sensor cassette cannot be used for conditioning, the name of the pack has been changed from Conditioning unit to Sensor cassette pack.  Technical documentation  The manual will be updated with the above information as part of the next manual update.  Instructions to user  Please place this note to the users in the binder of your manual.
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