RDM Consultants Ltd

CFAMTM4 Brain Monitor User Manual

User Manual

143 Pages

C1 10/10/03 Rev 0  SECTION 1 page 1 of 1  FOUR CHANNEL CFAM4 Introduction The function of the CFAM4 is to obtain long-term recordings of the EEG on up to four channels, with a display of the EEG and a compressed display of variations of amplitude and frequency distributions. Additionally, if fitted with the appropriate software, it can record averaged evoked potentials from stimuli applied to the patient by external stimulators, triggered by the CFAM4. It is the fifth in a series of brain monitors (class IIb) which began with the Cerebral Function Monitor (CFM) in 1967 and have generated considerable clinical and research experience in the use of this type of equipment. A list of publications can be found on www.cfams.com. The CFAM4 is controlled almost entirely by four touch-screen arrow keys set to the top right of the screen. These actuate choices on two types of menus. The first type is a list which appears in a box on the screen. The up and down arrows enable you to move up and down the list. You can then select an item by pressing the right arrow. The second type of menu appears during recording and is a row of simulated buttons across the top of the screen. You can move from button to button across the screen by pressing the left and right arrow keys. The active button is highlighted.. To operate the buttons you use the up and down arrow keys. In routine clinical practice there is little use of these keys. The basic functions that they select are as follows:  1) Chart paper load-start (6 or 30cm.hour)-feed-stop. 2) Print out on the chart an unprocessed EEG sample. 3) Event marker on-off. 4) Adjust size of unprocessed electroencephalogram (EEG) displayed on the screen. 5) Alter the calibration signal at calibration socket on the rear right hand side of the CFAM4. This is where the headbox is normally stowed for transport.  The display format of CFAM4is virtually identical with that of the earlier CFAMs so that people with experience with the earlier instruments do not need retraining. Scientific publications with the earlier instruments remain applicable to CFAM4  BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH USE please read the section on EQUIPMENT CLASSIFICATION, WARNINGS AND NOTES. CFAM is a Registered Trademark of RDM Consultants Ltd. EQUIPMENT CLASSIFICATION The CFAMTM4 brain monitor is a Class IIb instrument designed for continuous use with skin surface, non-invasive electrodes, and with sub-dermal disposable needle electrodes, although the latter are not recommended (see warning
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