ROMEDEX International

Nautilus system

Nautilus and Nautilus Plus Users Manual Reviewed Oct 2013

Users Manual

10 Pages

TABLE OF CONTENTS  1. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ... 4 1.1. Indications for use 1.2 Configuration 2. CONTRAINDICATIONS ... 4 3. WARNING AND PRECAUTIONS ... 4 4. WORKFLOW PROCEDURE ... 6 4.1 System setup 4.2 Patient preparation and vein puncture 4.3 Connecting the Nautilus E/S Adaptor 4.4 Display ECG waveforms 4.5 Document the catheter tip location 4.6. Catheter Guidance 4.6.1. Lower third of superior vena cava 4.6.2. Cavo-atrial junction 4.6.3. Right atrium 5. CLEANING AND DISINFECTION... 9 6. SERVICE ... 10 7. MAINTENANCE ... 10 8. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ... 10 9. RECYCLE INFORMATION ... 10 10. CONTACT INFORMATION ... 10  3 [9.1.87] [Users manual-ed1rev6en.pdf] [Page 3 of 10]
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