Instruction Manual and Guarantee
464 Pages

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seca 704
English English CONTENTS 1. Full certification... 38 2. Description of device... 39 2.1 Congratulations!... 39 2.2 Intended use... 39 3. Safety information... 40
Permanently store additional weight (Pt)... 53 Activate Autohold function (AHOLd)... 54 Activate acoustic signals (bEEP) . 54 Select attenuation (FIL)... 55 Restore factory settings (rESEt) . . 55
3.1 Basic safety precautions... 40 7. seca 360° wireless Network... 57 3.2 Safety information in this manual... 40 7.1 Introduction... 57 3.3 Handling (rechargeable) seca wireless groups... 57 batteries... 41 Channels... 57 Detection of equipment devices . 58 4. Overview... 42 7.2 Operate scales in a wireless 4.1 Controls/Features... 42 group (menu)... 58 4.2 Symbols in display... 43 Set up wireless group (Lrn)... 59 4.3 Information on rating plate... 43 Activate automatic transmission 4.4 Menu structure... 45 (ASEnd)... 61 5. Before you get started …... 46 Activate wireless module (SYS) . 59 Select print option (APrt)... 61 5.1 Installation of column... 46 Set time (tIME)... 62 5.2 Create power supply... 47 Insert batteries... 47 8. Cleaning... 63 Connect the power supply unit 9. What to do if …?... 63 (optional)... 47 5.3 Set up scales... 48 10. Maintenance/Verification... 65 6. Operation... 48 6.1 Weighing... 48 Start weighing... 48 Weigh babies/infants (2 in 1) . . . 48 Continuous display of measured result (HOLD)... 49 Determine and evaluate body mass index (BMI)... 50 Calculate and print out BMI automatically... 50 Transmit measured results to a radio receiver... 51 Switch off scales... 51 6.2 Additional functions (menu)... 52 Navigate in the menu... 52 Clear stored values automatically (ACLr)... 53
10.1 Information about maintenance and verification... 65 10.2 Check content of calibration counter... 65 11. Technical data... 66 11.1 General technical data... 66 11.2 Weighing data... 67 12. Accessories... 68 13. Disposal... 68 13.1 Disposal of device... 68 13.2 Batteries (including rechargeables)... 69 14. Warranty... 69 15. Declaration of conformity... 69
Contents • 37
1. FULL CERTIFICATION With products from seca you are not only purchasing technology developed over a century, but also quality that has been validated by official bodies, the legal system and relevant institutes. seca products comply with European directives, standards and national laws. With seca you are buying into the future. The products in this user manual comply with the legislation governing medical devices, i.e. with directives 93/ 42/EEC and 2007/47/EEC issued by the Council of the European Community, which is embodied throughout Europe in its national laws. Scales bearing this symbol comply with the stringent requirements of Class III of the directive and can be used for medical measurements which are subject to calibration.
0102 0123
Device complies with EC directives. • M: Conformity label in compliance with Directive 2014/31/EU for non-automatic weighing instruments (verified models) • 18: (Example: 2018) Year in which conformity verification was performed and the CE label was applied (verified models). • 0102: Appointed office for metrology (verified models) • 0123: Appointed office for medical devices seca’s professionalism has also been officially recognised. The certificate from TÜV Product Service, the body responsible for medical devices, confirms that as a manufacturer of medical devices, seca rigorously complies with the stringent legal requirements applicable. Here seca’s quality assurance system covers the development, production, distribution and service of medical scales and measuring systems. seca contributes to environmental protection. We are anxious to preserve our natural resources. This is why we strive to save packagingmaterial where practical. And what is left over can be conveniently disposed of locally via Germany's Dual System recycling programme.
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2. DESCRIPTION OF DEVICE 2.1 Congratulations! By purchasing the electronic personal scales seca 704 you are now in possession of an extremely accurate device that is also robust at the same time. seca has put its experience at the service of health care for over 170 years and as a market leader in many countries, is constantly setting new standards with its innovative developments for weighing and measurement.
2.2 Intended use The electronic personal scales seca 704 are mainly used in hospitals, doctors' surgeries and inpatient care facilities in accordance with national regulations. Besides conventional weight measurement the seca 704 also features a function to calculate the body
mass index. The keypad is used to enter the height, and this is followed by automatic calculation of the body mass index from the weighing value. The seca 360° wireless network allows the measured results to be transmitted wirelessly to a seca wireless printer or a PC equipped with the seca analytics 105 software and the seca 360° Wireless USB adapter 456. The seca 704 is provided with rollers to allow it to be moved about and thanks to its low power consumption, it will offer hours of battery operation for mobile applications.
Description of device • 39
3. SAFETY INFORMATION 3.1 Basic safety precautions • Please take note of the information in this user manual. • Keep the user manual with the declaration of conformity in a safe place. • Make sure that the scales are positioned securely on a flat and stable surface. • Make sure you do not drop the scales. Protect the scales from violent impacts. • When using the scales with a power supply unit, make sure you route the mains cable so that no-one can trip over it. • Have the scales serviced and verified regularly see “Maintenance/Verification” on page 65. • Make sure that maintenance and repair are only carried out by an authorised service partner. You can find your local service partner at or just send an e-mail to • Make sure you only use genuine seca accessories and spare parts. Otherwise the warranty provided by seca will become null and void. • Make sure RF equipment such as mobile phones is kept at a minimum distance of approx. 1 metre to prevent incorrect measurements or interference with radio transmission.
3.2 Safety information in this manual DANGER! Used to identify an extremely hazardous situation. If you fail to take note of this information, serious irreversible or fatal injuries will result. WARNING! Used to identify an extremely hazardous situation. If you fail to take note of this information, serious irreversible or fatal injuries may result.
40 •
English CAUTION! Used to identify a hazardous situation. If you fail to take note of this information, minor to moderate injuries may result. ATTENTION! Used to identify possible incorrect usage of device. If you fail to take note of this information, you may damage the device or the measured results may be incorrect. NOTE: Includes additional information about use of the device.
3.3 Handling (rechargeable) batteries The device is supplied with 6 batteries, type AA (Mignon). This type of battery is not rechargeable. Please take note of the following safety information. WARNING! Personal injury with improper handling
Batteries contain harmful substances which may explode if not handled properly. – Do not try to recharge such batteries. – Do not expose (rechargeable) batteries to heat. – Do not burn (rechargeable) batteries. – If acid is leaking out, avoid contact with the skin, eyes and mucous membranes. Rinse affected areas with plenty of clean water and seek medical help at once. ATTENTION! Damage to device and malfunctions with improper handling
– Only use the type of (rechargeable) battery specified see “Insert batteries” on page 47. – When replacing (rechargeable) batteries, always replace a complete set at a time. – Do not short-circuit (rechargeable) batteries. – If you do not use the device for a long period of time, remove the batteries (incl. rechargeables). This will prevent acid from leaking into the device.
Safety information • 41
4. OVERVIEW 4.1 Controls/Features 5 1 2 3 4
7 10 6 8
9 No. Control/Feature
To switch scales off and on
42 •
Battery compartment
Arrow key • During weighing: - Press briefly: Activate Hold function - Hold down: Activate 2 in 1 function • In menu: - Select submenu, select menu item - Increase value Arrow key • During weighing: - Press briefly: Activate BMI function - Hold down: Call up menu • In menu: - Select submenu, select menu item - Reduce value Enter key • During weighing (if wireless network is set up): - Press briefly: Send measured result to receive-ready equipment (PC with USB wireless module) - Hold down: Print out measured result (wireless printer) • In menu: - Confirm menu item selected - Store set value Display element for measured results and for device configuration Designed to take 6 batteries, type AA (Mignon), 1.5 V
English No. Control/Feature Power 7 connection Transport rollers 8 Foot screw 9 Spirit level 10
Function Used to connect an optional power supply unit The scales can be moved about with these rollers 4 screws, for precise alignment of device Indicates whether device is horizontal
4.2 Symbols in display A B C
Batteries are weak
Operation with power supply unit
Non-calibratable function active
4.3 Information on rating plate Text/Symbol
Meaning Name and address of manufacturer, date of manufacture Model number Serial number, consecutive
GAL ProdID Approval Type
Value in m/s² (verified models) • Gravitational acceleration on earth • Depends on the intended location Product identification number, consecutive Type designation of design approval Refer to user manual Type B electromedical device
For USA: Device licensing number issued by US authority FCC (Federal Communications Commission) Overview • 43
Text/Symbol IC
M18 0102 0123
Meaning For Canada: Device licensing number issued by authority Industry Canada Device complies with EU standards and directives. • M: Conformity label according to Directive 2014/31/ EU governing non-automatic weighing instruments (verified models) • 18: (Example: 2018) Year in which conformity verification was performed and the CE label was applied (verified model) • 0102: Notified body metrology (verified models) • 0123: Notified body medical products Symbol for FCC (USA) Only operate device with DC
Do not discard with household waste
44 •
4.4 Menu structure Other functions are available in the menu of the device. This enables you to configure the device perfectly to suit the conditions in which you use it (details from page 52). • Channel 1 (C1) rF*
Learn Autosend
• Channel 2 (C2)
• On
• Channel 3 (C3)
Reg. Devices (MO)
• Off • On • Off • HI
• MA • HI_MA • Off • Year • Month
• Day • Hour
• Minute
• On • Off
PT Weight
• Off Press
• On • Off
• On • Off
• 0 FIL
Raum (ID): Group (ID): Max. 3drei secawireless Funkräume: 0, 1, 2 0, 1, 2 Max. seca groups: Maximal-Konfiguration pro Funkraum: Maximum configuration per wireless group: - 1 Babywaage 1 set of baby scales - -1 Personenwaage - 1 set of personal scales - 1 Längenmessstab - 1 length measuring device - 1 Funkdrucker - 1 wireless printer - -1 PC mit with USB-Funkmodul 1 PC USB wireless module
Net Weight
• On Autohold
*Wireless network *Funknetzwerk seca 360° Wireless: seca 360° wireless:
• 1 • 2
Kanal (C1, C2, C3): Channel (C1, C2, C3): -Drei Kanäle pro Funkraum insg. 9 Kanäle) - Three channels per (wireless group (in0-99 total 9 channels) -Kanalzahlen: - Channel numbers: 0 - einen 99 Kanal -Jede Kanalzahl für nur jeweils - Only use each channel number -Empfohlener Abstand: 30 once Beispiel-Konfiguration: - Recommended spacing: 30 - Raum 0: C1__0, C2_30, C3_60 Example of configuration: - -Raum 1: C1_10, Group 0: C1C2_40, 0, C2C3_70 30, C3 60 - -Raum 2: C1_20, C3_80 Group 1: C1C2_50, 10, C2 40, C3 70 - Group C1 20, 50, C3 80 (Hinweis: Im 2: Display keineC2 Leerzeichen) (Note: no spaces in display) Erkannte Geräte (Mo):
Call up menu:
Devices detected (MO): - 1: Personenwaage Personal scale - -2: 1: Längenmessstab - 2: Length measuring device - 3: Funkdrucker - 3: Wireless printer - 4: PC mit USB-Funkmodul - 4: PC with USB wireless module - -7: 7: Babywaage Baby scales
Overview • 45
5. BEFORE YOU GET STARTED … 5.1 Installation of column The column with the LCD display can be fitted in two positions, so allowing you to determine the direction in which the display is legible - facing either towards or away from the platform. 1. Fit the column cover to the column. 2. Place the column in the recess, facing it in the desired direction. 3. Screw the column to the weighing platform from underneath. If necessary, lay the scales down carefully on their side to tighten up the screws. 4. On the underside of the weighing platform connect the plugs of the display cable as shown in the diagram. ATTENTION! Malfunction with any error in installation
If cables are strained during fitting, e.g. bent tight or with plugs kinked, this may result in malfunctions and failure of the display. – Make sure that all cables are laid so as to prevent them from being bent too tight or the plugs kinked. – Ensure strain relief by laying all cables in the relevant holders. 5. Secure cables in their holders. 6. Then place the scales upright again. 7. Slide the column cover right down until it engages on the weighing platform.
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5.2 Create power supply Power is supplied to the scales either using batteries or with a power supply unit available as an accessory.
Insert batteries
You need 6 batteries, type AA (Mignon), 1.5 V (included in scope of supply). 1. Press on latch of battery compartment. 2. Move down lid of battery compartment. 3. Remove battery holder. 4. Insert batteries in holder. NOTE: Observe correct polarity of batteries (markings on battery holder). Should the display read bAtt, you have inserted one of the batteries incorrectly or they are flat. 5. Replace the holder with the batteries in the battery compartment. 6. Close the battery compartment.
Connect the power supply unit (optional)
The scales can be operated with a power supply unit available as an accessory. WARNING! Personal injury and damage to device if incorrect power supply unit is used
The voltage provided by standard power supply units may be higher than their indicated rating. This may cause the scales to overheat, catch fire, melt or short-circuit. – Only use genuine seca plug-in power supply units with 9 V or a controlled 12 V output voltage. 1. Insert the power plug necessary for your power supply in the power supply unit. 2. Insert the connector plug of the power supply unit in the connecting socket of the scales. 3. Plug the power supply unit into a mains socket.
Before you get started … • 47
5.3 Set up scales ATTENTION! Incorrect measurement with force shunt
Spirit level
If the housing of the scales is resting on something, e.g. a towel, the weight measurement will not be correct. – When setting up the scales, ensure that they only make contact with the ground via the foot screws. 1. Place the scales on a flat, stable surface. 2. Align the scales by turning the foot screws. The air bubble in the spirit level must be centred in the circle.
Foot screws
6. OPERATION 6.1 Weighing Start weighing
1. Check that there is no load on the scales. 2. Press the Start key. The display will read se[A and then quickly run through all elements of the display. The scales are ready for operation when the display reads 0.0. If the device is being operated with a power supply unit, the symbol will appear in the display. 3. Step onto the scales and try not to move. 4. Read off the measured result.
Weigh babies/infants (2 in 1)
You can use the 2 in 1 function to weigh babies and infants. Here the child is held by an adult during weighing. Proceed as follows: 1. Check that there is no load on the scales. 2. Ask the adult to step onto the scales. 3. Read off the measured result.
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English 4. Hold down the arrow key (hold/2 in 1) until NET appears in the display. The weight is stored. 0.0 appears in the display. ATTENTION! Incorrect measurement due to change in initial weight
If the child is weighed with a different initial weight, the child's weight will not be calculated correctly. – Make sure that the child is always weighed with the adult used to determine the initial weight. – Check that the weight of this adult does not change, e.g. by taking off a garment. 5. Ask the adult to step onto the scales with the child. The child's weight is displayed. The symbol, the symbol and the messages “HOLD” and “NET” are displayed. 6. Ask the adult to step off the scales with the child. 7. To disable the 2 in 1 function, press the arrow key (hold/2 in 1) until the symbol, the symbol and and the messages “HOLD” and “NET” are no longer displayed or switch the scales off.
Continuous display of measured result (HOLD)
If you activate the HOLD function, the weighing value will continue to be displayed after the load has been removed. This allows you to attend to the patient before noting down the weight. 1. Check that there is no load on the scales. 2. Ask the patient to step onto the scales. 3. Briefly press the arrow key (hold/2 in 1). The display will flash until a stable weight is measured. The weighing value will then be displayed continuously. The symbol (non-calibratable function) and the message “HOLD” will be displayed. 4. To disable the HOLD function, briefly press the arrow key (hold/2 in 1). The symbol and the message “HOLD” will no longer be displayed.
Operation • 49
NOTE: If the Autohold function is activated, continuous display of the weighing value will take place automatically. see “Activate Autohold function (AHOLd)” on page 54.
Determine and evaluate body mass index (BMI)
The body mass index compares height and weight, so resulting in more accurate figures than with Broca's formula for ideal weight. It includes a tolerance range which is considered ideal in health terms. 1. Check that there is no load on the scales. 2. Briefly press the arrow key (bmi/menu). The message “BMI” appears. Arrows can be seen flashing in the display. The height last entered is displayed. 3. You can either accept this height or select another value using the arrow keys. 4. Confirm your selection with the Enter key (send/ print). 5. Ask the patient to step onto the scales and try not to move. 6. Read off the BMI and compare it with the categories given below. 7. To disable the BMI function, briefly press the Enter key (send/print).
Under 18.5
The patient is underweight. There might be a tendency to anorexia. It is advisable that the patient puts on weight to improve well-being and performance. If in doubt, a medical specialist should be consulted.
Between 18.5 and 24.9
The patient's weight is normal. No change is necessary.
Between 25 and 30 (pre-obesity)
The patient is slightly to moderately overweight and should lose weight if already suffering from disease (e.g. diabetes, high blood pressure, gout, disorders of the fat metabolism).
50 •
English BMI
Over 30
Evaluation The patient urgently needs to lose weight as this is putting a strain on the metabolism, circulation and skeleton. The recommendation is for careful adherence to a diet, plenty of exercise and behavioural training. If in doubt, a medical specialist should be consulted.
Calculate and print out BMI automatically
If you use these scales with a wireless printer and a length measuring device from the seca 360° wireless system, you can calculate and print out the BMI automatically. NOTE: The prerequisite for this function is that the equipment devices are logged into a wireless group (see “seca 360° wireless Network” on page 57). 1. Carry out weighing. 2. Briefly press the Enter key (send/print) on the scales. The measured value is sent to the wireless printer but not printed out. 3. Measure the height. 4. Hold down the Enter key (send/print) on the length measuring device. The measured value is sent to the wireless printer. The BMI is calculated. The height, weight and BMI will be printed out.
Transmit measured results to a radio receiver
Switch off scales
If the scales are integrated in a seca 360° wireless network, you can transmit the measured results to receive-ready equipment (wireless printer, PC with wireless USB module) at the touch of a button.
Press the Enter key (send/print). – Press key briefly: Send measured results to all receive-ready equipment – Hold down: Print out measured result using wireless printer
Press the Start key. NOTE: When in battery mode, the scales will switch off automatically after a short period if no load is placed on them. Operation • 51
6.2 Additional functions (menu) Additional functions are available in the menu for the scales. This allows you to configure the scales perfectly to your own needs. rF*
Reset • On
• Off
PT Weight
Net Weight
• On Autohold
• Off Press
• On • Off
• On • Off
• 0 Fil
• 1 • 2
* The menu item “rF” is described in section “Operate scales in a wireless group (menu)” on page 58.
Navigate in the menu
1. Switch on the scales. 2. Hold down the arrow key (bmi/menu) until the menu is called up. The last menu item selected is shown in the display (here: Autohold “AHOLd”). 3. Keep pressing one of the arrow keys until the required menu item appears in the display (here: attenuation “FIL”). 4. Confirm your selection with the Enter key (send/ print). The current selection for the menu item or a submenu is displayed (here: level “0”).
52 •
English 5. To change your selection or call up another submenu, keep pressing one of the arrow keys until the required selection is displayed (here: level “2”). 6. Confirm the selection with the Enter key (send/ print). You will leave the menu automatically. 7. To make further selections, call up the menu again and proceed as described above. NOTE: If no key is pressed for approx. 24 seconds, you will leave the menu automatically. 8. Press the Start key. The settings will be saved. The device switches off.
Clear stored values automatically (ACLr)
To avoid storing obsolete measured results in the device memory and so calculating the BMI incorrectly, you can set the scales to ensure measured values are automatically cleared after 5 minutes. NOTE: With certain models this function is already activated at the factory. If required, you can disable this function. 1. Select the item “ACLr” in the menu. 2. Confirm the selection. 3. Select the setting you require: – On – Off 4. Confirm the selection. You will leave the menu automatically.
Permanently store additional weight (Pt)
You can use the Pre-Tare function to permanently store an additional weight and automatically deduct it from the measured result. You can for example store a flatrate figure as the weight of shoes and clothing and then always deduct it from the measured result when a patient is weighed fully dressed. 1. Select the item “Pt” in the menu. The message “Pt” appears. 2. Confirm your selection. Arrows can be seen flashing in the display. The additional weight last stored is displayed. Operation • 53
3. You can accept the stored value or adjust it using the arrow keys. NOTE: If you enter the value “0”, the function will be switched off. The message “Pt” will no longer be displayed. 4. Confirm your selection. 5. Ask the patient to step onto the scales. The patient's weight is displayed. The additional weight stored has been automatically deducted. 6. To disable this function, select the item “Pt” in the menu again. 7. Confirm your selection. The function is disabled. You will leave the menu automatically.
Activate Autohold function (AHOLd)
If you activate the Autohold function, the measured result for each weighing operation will continue to be displayed after the load has been removed. This means you no longer have to manually activate the Hold function for every weighing operation. NOTE: • With certain models this function is already activated at the factory. If required, you can disable this function. • Whatever selection is made here, in the 2 in 1 function the child's weight is always determined with Autohold. 1. Select the item “AHOLd” in the menu. 2. Confirm the selection. The current selection is displayed. 3. Select the setting you require: – On – Off 4. Confirm your selection. You will leave the menu automatically.
Activate acoustic signals (bEEP)
54 •
You can select whether an acoustic signal is to be emitted whenever a key is pressed or a stable weighing value has been attained. The latter is relevant for the Hold/Autohold function.
English NOTE: The function “Acoustic signal with stable weighing value” is activated at the factory. If required, you can disable this function. 1. Select the item “bEEP” in the menu. 2. Confirm the selection. 3. Select a menu item: – PrESS: Acoustic signal whenever a key is pressed – Hold: Acoustic signal with a stable weighing value. 4. Confirm your selection. The current selection is displayed. 5. Select the setting you require: – On – Off 6. Confirm your selection. You will leave the menu automatically. 7. If you also wish to activate the acoustic signal for the second function, repeat this procedure.
Select attenuation (FIL)
You can use attenuation (FIL = filter) to reduce any interference during weighing (e.g. caused by patient moving). 1. Select the item “FIL” in the menu. 2. Confirm the selection. The current selection is displayed. 3. Select an attenuation level. – 0: low attenuation – 1: moderate attenuation – 2: high attenuation 4. Confirm the selection. You will leave the menu automatically.
Restore factory settings (rESEt)
You can restore the factory settings for the following functions: Function Autohold (AHOLd) Acoustic signal (PrESS) Acoustic signal (Hold) Attenuation (FIL)
Factory setting depending on model Off On 0 Operation • 55