Instruction Manual
155 Pages

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seca 761 seca 750/760 seca 762
Bedienungsanleitung und Garantieerklärung... 3
Instruction manual and guarantee... 25
Mode d’emploi et garantie... 45
Manuale di istruzioni e garanzia... 65
Manual de instrucciones y garantia... 85
Instruções de utilização e declaração de garantia... 107
Instrukcja obsługi i gwarancja... 129
English English CONTENTS 1. Full certification... 26 2. Device description... 26
5.2 Removing the transport lock . . 34 5.3 Fitting the wall spacer... 34 5.4 Aligning the scale... 35
2.1 Congratulations!... 26 2.2 Intended use... 26 6. Weighing... 35 2.3 Functional description... 27 6.1 Adjusting the display... 35 2.4 User qualification... 27 6.2 Performing weighing... 36 3. Safety information... 28 7. Hygienic reprocessing... 36
3.1 Safety information in this 7.1 Cleaning... 36 manual... 28 Cleaning housing... 36 3.2 Basic safety precautions... 28 Cleaning scale ring and Handling the instrument... 28 scale... 37 Avoiding infections... 29 7.2 Desinfection... 38 Avoiding injury... 29 7.3 Sterilisation... 38 Avoiding damage to the 8. Function check... 38 device... 30 9. What do I do if …?... 39 Handling the measurement results... 30 10. Maintenance/Recalibration . . . 40 Handling the packaging 10.1 Information on servicing material... 31 (seca 750/760/762)... 40 4. Overview... 32 10.2 Information on recalibration (seca 761)... 40 4.1 Controls/Features... 32 4.2 Information on device and on 11. Technical data... 41 rating plate... 32 11.1 General technical data... 41 4.3 Information on the 11.2 Technical data, weighing . . . 42 packaging... 33 11.3 Conversion tool... 43 5. Before you get started …... 34 12. Disposal... 44 5.1 Removing the locking pin... 34 13. Warranty... 44
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1. FULL CERTIFICATION With seca products, you are not only purchasing technology which has been perfected over 100 years, but also quality with official legal certification confirmed by institutions. seca products comply with European directives, standards and national laws. When you buy seca, you buy the future. seca’s professionalism is also recognized by official testing agencies. TÜV SÜD Product Service, the appointed office for medical devices, confirms with this certificate that as a medical devices manufacturer, seca consistently complies with the strict legal requirements. seca’s quality assurance system includes the areas of design, development, production, sales and service of medical scales and length measuring systems as well as software and measuring systems for assessing state of health and nutrition. seca helps the environment. Saving natural resources is very important to us. We therefore make every effort to save on packaging materials wherever it makes sense and whatever is left over can be conveniently disposed of on site via the recycling system.
2. DEVICE DESCRIPTION 2.1 Congratulations! With this personal scale, you have just purchased a precise and simultaneously robust weighing instrument. seca has put its experience at the service of health care for over 170 years and as a market leader in many countries, is constantly setting new standards with its innovative developments for weighing and measurement.
2.2 Intended use The mechanical seca flat dial scale is mainly used in hospitals, medical practices and inpatient care facilities in accordance with national regulations.
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English The scale is for conventional determination of weight and establishment of general state of nutrition; it assists the physician supervising treatment in making a diagnosis or deciding on a course of treatment. To make an accurate diagnosis, however, other specific examinations have to be ordered by the physician and their results taken into account, in addition to determining a weight value.
2.3 Functional description With a mechanical dial scale weight is calculated via a load lever system. Before weighing takes place, the zero point can be manually reset each time with the adjusting wheel. Calibrated scales are supplied with a kg scale. Uncalibrated scales are supplied with a kg, lbs, kg/lbs or a kg/sts scale depending on the model.
2.4 User qualification The device may only be operated by healthcare professionals.
Device description • 27
3. SAFETY INFORMATION 3.1 Safety information in this manual DANGER! Used to identify an extremely hazardous situation. If you fail to take note of this information, serious irreversible or fatal injuries will occur. WARNING! Used to identify an extremely hazardous situation. If you fail to take note of this information, serious irreversible or fatal injuries may result. CAUTION! Used to identify a hazardous situation. If you fail to take note of this information, minor to moderate injuries may result. NOTICE! Used to identify possible incorrect usage of the device. If you fail to take note of this information, you may damage the device, or the measured results may be incorrect. NOTE Includes additional information about use of the device.
3.2 Basic safety precautions Handling the instrument
• Please take note of the information in these instructions for use. • Keep the instructions for use in a safe place. The instructions for use are a component of the device and must be available at all times. CAUTION! Patient hazard, damage to device
• Have servicing and recalibration carried out regularly as described in the relevant section of this document. • Technical modifications may not be made to the device. The device does not contain any parts for servicing by the user. Only have servicing and repairs performed by an authorized 28 •
English seca service partner. You can find service partners in your area at or by sending an e-mail to • Only use original seca accessories and spare parts, otherwise seca will not grant any warranty.
Avoiding infections
WARNING! Risk of infection
• Hygienically reprocess the scale regularly as described in the respective section in this document. • Make sure that the patient has no infectious diseases. • Make sure that the patient has no open wounds or infectious skin alterations, which may come into contact with the device.
Avoiding injury
WARNING! Risk of falling
• Ensure that the device is positioned firmly and level. • Support people with restricted mobility when they step onto the scale. • Only use this scale for patients who are able to stand on their own when being weighed. • Make sure that the patient does not step onto the weighing platform directly at the edges. • Make sure that the patient steps onto the weighing platform slowly and securely. WARNING! Danger of slipping
• Ensure that the weighing platform is dry before the patient steps onto it. • Ensure that the patients feet are dry before he or she steps onto the weighing platform. • Make sure that the patient steps onto the weighing platform slowly and securely.
Safety information • 29
Avoiding damage to the device
NOTICE! Damage to device
• Make sure not to drop the device. • Do not expose the device to any impact or vibration. • Perform function controls regularly as described in the relevant section in this document. Do not operate the device if it is damaged or not working properly. • Caustic detergents may damage the surfaces. Only use a soft cloth dampened with mild soapsuds to clean the surfaces of the device. • Only use disinfectants suitable for sensitive surfaces. Suitable disinfectants are available from specialist dealers.
Handling the measurement results
WARNING! Patient hazard
This device is no diagnostic device. It simply assists the treating physician in establishing a diagnosis. – In order to make a precise diagnosis and initiate therapeutic measures, besides determination of the weight, further targeted examinations must be set up by the physician, and their results must be considered. – The responsibility for diagnosis and treatment lies with the treating physician. CAUTION! Patient hazard
In order to avoid misinterpretations, test results for medical use must be displayed and used in SI units (weight: kilograms, length: metres) only. – Use the results exclusively in SI units. – The use of measurement results in non-SI units is the sole responsibility of the user. – If your scale is unable to display SI units, you can use the conversion tool in this document.
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English NOTICE! Inconsistent measuring results
• Before you save measurement values determined using this device and use them further (e.g. in seca PC software or in a hospital information system), make sure that the measurement values are plausible. • If measurement values are transmitted to seca PC software or a hospital information system, make sure prior to further use that the measurement values are plausible and are assigned to the correct patient.
Handling the packaging material
WARNING! Risk of suffocation
Packaging material made of plastic foil (bags) is a choking hazard. – Keep packaging material out of reach of children. – In the event that the original packing material may not be available anymore, only use plastic bags with security holes in order to reduce the risk of suffocation. NOTE Keep the original packing material for future use (e.g. returning for maintenance service).
Safety information • 31
4. OVERVIEW 4.1 Controls/Features seca 750:
seca 760/761/762:
No. Control/Feature Function 1 Adjusting wheel For adjusting the display. • Protects the pointer and dial 2 Scale ring • Can be removed for cleaning (not seca 750) • Prevents any relative movement between the weighing platform and lower section of the housing during 3 Transport lock transport • Can be used as a wall spacer.
4.2 Information on device and on rating plate Text/Symbol Model Ser. no.
Meaning Model number Serial number Follow instructions for use Conformity symbol in compliance with directive 2009/23/ EC for non-automatic scales (calibrated models)
e d
32 •
Value in units of measurement used to classify and calibrate a scale (calibrated models) Value in units of measurement which gives the difference between two consecutive display values
English Text/Symbol
Meaning Class IIII scale in compliance with directive 2009/23/EC
XX kg
xx 0109 0123
• Unit used for scale (here: kg) • Part of scale below the minimum load: For technical reasons no meaningful measured results possible in this range Device conforms to EC directives • xx: year in which the EC calibration was performed and the CE mark was applied (calibrated models) • 0109: appointed office for metrology: Hessen Weights & Measures Office [Hessische Eichdirektion, Germany] (calibrated models) • 0123: appointed office for medical devices: TÜV SÜD Product Service
4.3 Information on the packaging
Protect from moisture Arrows indicate top of product. Transport and store in an upright position. Fragile Do not throw or drop. Permitted min. and max. temperature for transport and storage Permitted min. and max. moisture for transport and storage Packaging material can be disposed of through recycling programs
Overview • 33
5. BEFORE YOU GET STARTED … 5.1 Removing the locking pin Click!
1. Turn the locking pin on the base of the housing a quarter-turn anticlockwise.
2. Take out the locking pin. NOTE Keep the locking pin for transporting the scale at a later date.
5.2 Removing the transport lock
Remove the transport lock from the lower section of the housing. NOTE: • Put the transport lock in a safe place for subsequent transport of the scale. • You can use the transport lock as a wall spacer (see section “Fitting the wall spacer”).
5.3 Fitting the wall spacer If you wish to position the scale close to a wall, we recommend using the transport lock (see section “Removing the transport lock”) as a wall spacer. This stops the weighing platform from touching the wall and the measured result from being incorrect.
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English 1. Position the transport lock as shown in the adjacent drawing. 2. Attach the transport lock to the lower section of the housing.
5.4 Aligning the scale ATTENTION! Incorrect measurement due to force shunts
Soft floor coverings such as carpets may cause weights to be measured incorrectly. – Set the scale up so that only its feet are in contact with the floor.
Place the scale on a firm, flat surface.
6. WEIGHING CAUTION! Bodily injury
Perform a function check before every use as described in the section “Function check” on page 38.
6.1 Adjusting the display To obtain meaningful measured values you must check before every use that the pointer of the scale reads “0”. 1. Ensure that the scale has no load. 2. Check the current position of the pointer. 3. Move the adjusting wheel so that the pointer reads “0”. – Turn clockwise: Pointer moves counterclockwise – Turn counter-clockwise: Pointer moves clockwise
Weighing • 35
6.2 Performing weighing CAUTION! Patients can be injured if they fall
People with restricted mobility may fall when trying to step on or off the scales. – Support people with restricted mobility when they step on and off the scales. – Only use this scale for patients who are able to stand on their own when being weighed. 1. Make sure that the pointer reads “0”. 2. Ask the patient to step onto the scale and keep still. 3. Read off the measured result. NOTE: If your scales only display measurement values in "lbs", you can use the conversion tool on page 43 to convert measurement values to kg values. 4. Ask the patient to step off the scale.
Inappropriate detergents and disinfectants may damage the sensitive surfaces of the device. – Do not use aggressive or abrasive cleaning agents. – Do not use white spirit or petroleum spirit. – Only use disinfectants suitable for sensitive surfaces. Suitable disinfectants are available from specialist dealers.
7.1 Cleaning Cleaning housing
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Use a soft cloth dampened with mild soapsuds to clean the surfaces of the device.
Cleaning scale ring and scale
You can take the scale ring off the weighing platform (not seca 750) to clean the inside of the scale ring and the scale. 1. Turn the scale ring counter-clockwise.
2. Take the scale ring off. ATTENTION! Damage to device
When the scale ring has been taken off, the pointer and scale on the device are freely accessible. If these parts are damaged, it will not be possible to obtain meaningful measured results. – Check that the pointer and scale have not been damaged during cleaning. 3. Clean the following parts with a soft cloth dampened with a mild soapy solution: – Scale – Inside of scale ring 4. Put the scale ring back on the housing.
5. Turn the scale ring clockwise to resecure. Click!
Hygienic reprocessing • 37
7.2 Desinfection ATTENTION! Damage to device
The viewing windows of scales and displays are made of acrylic glass. Acrylic glass windows can crack or become cloudy if unsuitable disinfectants are used on them. – Only use disinfectants suitable for sensitive surfaces. Suitable disinfectants are available from specialist dealers. 1. Follow the instructions on the disinfectant. 2. Disinfect the device at regular intervals using a soft cloth dampened with a suitable disinfectant. 3. Please take note of the following terms: Interval
Prior to every measurement Weighing platform with direct skin contact After every measurement with direct skin contact
Weighing platform
If required
Scale ring and viewing window
7.3 Sterilisation This device may not be sterilised.
Perform functional check prior to each operation.
A complete functional check includes: • Visual inspection for mechanical damage • Visual inspection and function check of the display elements • Function check of all controls shown in the section “Overview”
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English If you find faults or deviations during the function check, first try to remedy the fault with the aid of the section “What do I do if …?”. CAUTION! Bodily injury
If you find faults or deviations during the function check which you are unable to remedy with the aid of the section “What do I do if …?”, you may not use the device. – Have the device repaired by seca service or an authorized service partner. – You should also follow the instructions in the section “Maintenance/Recalibration” on page 40.
9. WHAT DO I DO IF …? Malfunction
... the scale does not show any weight?
The device is not ready for use - Remove transport lock
... the scale does not show any plausible weight?
• Before weighing pointer does not read “0” - Adjust display • Force shunt: scale is e.g. touching a wall or patient is supporting his/her weight against the wall. - Move scale away from wall - Use transport lock as wall spacer - Ask patient to stand on the scale unaided
What do I do if …? • 39
10.MAINTENANCE/RECALIBRATION 10.1 Information on servicing (seca 750/760/762) The product must be set up carefully and serviced regularly. Depending on how frequently the scale is used, we recommended servicing at intervals of 3 to 5 years. ATTENTION! Incorrect measurements as a result of poor servicing
– Please only have servicing and repairs performed by an authorized service partner. – You can find service partners in your area at or by sending an e-mail to
10.2 Information on recalibration (seca 761) We recommend having your device serviced prior to recalibration. NOTICE! Incorrect measurements as a result of poor servicing
– Please only have servicing and repairs performed by an authorized service partner. – You can find service partners in your area at or by sending an e-mail to Have an authorized technician perform recalibration according to national legal regulations. The year of first calibration can be found after the CE symbol on the rating plate above the number of the notified body 0109 (Hessen Weights & Measures Office [Hessische Eichdirektion, Germany]). Recalibration is necessary whenever one or more calibration seals are damaged.
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11.TECHNICAL DATA 11.1 General technical data General technical data Dimensions seca 750 • Depth • Width • Height
477 mm 317 mm 117 mm
Net weight seca 750
approx. 3.5 kg
Dimensions seca 760/761 • Depth • Width • Height
470 mm 303 mm 118 mm
Dimensions seca 762 • Depth • Width • Height
470 mm 303 mm 118 mm
Net weight seca 760/761/762 Temperature range • Operation • Storage • Transport
approx. 3.5 kg +10 °C to +40 °C (50 °F to 104 °F) -10 °C to +65 °C (14 °F to 149 °F) -10 °C to +65 °C (14 °F to 149 °F)
Air pressure • Operation • Storage • Transport
700 - 1060 hPa 700 - 1060 hPa 700 - 1060 hPa
Humidity • Operation • Storage • Transport
30 % - 80 % no condensation 0 % - 95 % no condensation 0 % - 95 % no condensation
Medical device in accordance with Directive 93/42/EEC
Class I with measuring function
Technical data • 41
11.2 Technical data, weighing Technical data, weighing seca 761 Calibration in accordance with Directive 2009/ 23/EC
Class IIII
Maximum load
150 kg
Minimum load
10 kg
1 kg
Zero adjustment range
20 kg
Accuracy on initial calibration: • 10 kg to 50 kg • 50 kg to 150 kg
±0.5 kg ±1 kg
Technical data, weighing seca 750/760/762 Maximum load
150 kg / 320 lbs / 23 sts
Minimum load
10 kg / 20 lbs / 1 sts
Graduations seca 750/760
0,5 kg / 1 lbs / 1 lbs
Zero adjustment range
20 kg / 45 lbs / 3 sts
Accuracy: • 10 kg to 80 kg • 80 kg to 150 kg • 20 lbs to 180 lbs • 180 lbs to 320 lbs • 1 sts to 12 sts • 12 sts to 23 sts
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1 kg / 1 lbs / 1 lbs
Graduations seca 762
±1 kg ±1.25 % ±2.2 lbs ±1.25 % ±0.2 sts ±1.25 %