Shukla Medical

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Manual Surgical Orthopedic Instruments Cleaning and Sterilization Instructions

4 Pages

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE CLEANING & STERILIZATION  Manual Surgical Orthopedic Instruments  Revolutionizing the Art of Revision Surgery 1. INTRODUCTION: These processing instructions are intended to assist the hospital and central supply management in developing procedures for safe and effective reprocessing of both hospital owned and loaned Shukla Medical instrument sets. a. Title of this document is Instruction For Use (IFU): “Manual Surgical Orthopedic Instruments. Recommendation for Care, Cleaning, Maintenance and Sterilization.” b. The ID number for this document is L3-IFU-INS-REVISED: OCTOBER-06-20. The Rev number indicates the date when this version was approved for release. c. This document is controlled by a Document Management System (DMS). If any contents in here need to be updated, the changes shall be processed through an internal DMS process. Upon approval, Rev # in 1-b will be updated. d. The most current version of this document is available on the Shukla Medical website.
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File Size: 805 KB
File Name: Shukla Medical - L3-IFU-INS - Manual Surgical Orthopedic Instruments Cleaning and Sterilization Instructions - 2020-10.pdf

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