SLE Limited


SLE6000 Troubleshooting Guide sw ver V2.0.90 onwards

Troubleshooting Guide

4 Pages

SLE6000  SLE6000 Troubleshooting Alarms and Messages  This document covers possible actions that can be taken to resolve alarms generated on the SLE6000. Please note that there are 3 levels of priority assigned to alarms so that in certain situations this hierarchy may mean that if one alarm is resolved a second lower priority alarm may appear. Alarm Category  High Priority  Medium Priority  Low Priority  Flash and Tones  Flow Sensor Alarms (Red and Yellow Alarms)  There are a number of flow sensor alarms and messages which will need action to resolve: Faulty Flow Sensor – this message advises that you should replace the flow sensor and then recalibrate the flow sensor. Flow sensor not connected – this can be caused by the following •  Flow sensor is not connected to the flow sensor cable  •  Flow sensor cable is not connected to the ventilator  •  Flow sensor cable has a break and requires replacement.  Unable to calibrate – flow sensor or cable fault Flow sensor defective – change flow sensor  Connecting a flow sensor or replacing the flow sensor cable should resolve this alarm message Calibrate flow sensor – the user needs to calibrate the flow sensor. This message appears whenever the flow sensor cable is disconnected from the ventilator or the flow sensor is disconnected from the flow sensor cable. Select utilities and follow on screen instructions Flow sensor is contaminated – replace flow sensor or disconnect and rinse (as per user instructions). Special note ensure that the flow sensor is not in place when administering Surfactant Flow sensor reversed – this message is likely to clear after a few seconds and is due to transitory reverse flow of gas across the flow sensor. The connections of the flow sensor do not allow for it to be connected in a reverse position. Flow sensor clipping – This is generated if the flow across the flow sensor is too high. To resolve this reduce pressure / volume. N.B The flow sensor is designed for flows up to 30LPM only. This alarm is typically generated when Higher volumes are selected when ventilating larger volume lungs and in also in HFOV. Continue without flow sensor – if the flow sensor is connected In NIV modes there will be a message in the information bar ‘Continue without flow’ It can also occur if a flow sensor or cable is disconnected in invasive ventilation.  Pressure alarms (Red alarms)  The SLE6000 has a number of pre-set alarms for high and low pressure (see manual for pre-set values) If these values are exceeded (above or below) the cause will be insufficient or too much pressure in the circuit and the user should check ventilation settings. Low pressure alarms can be caused by a variety of reasons.  © SLE 2020 | Subject to Change | G0210/0UK/001 05/20
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File Name: SLE Limited - G0210-0UK-001 - SLE6000 Troubleshooting Guide sw ver V2.0.90 onwards - 2020-05.pdf

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