
Intracavity Transducer ICT Transducer Care and Disinfection Guide Sept 2019

Care and Disinfection Guide

32 Pages

Intracavity Transducer (ICT) Transducer Care Step 1of 2: Clean the transducer WARNINGS  Caution   Be sure to use the appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) whenever necessary.  DO NOT skip any steps or abbreviate the cleaning process in any way. DO NOT allow bodily fluids to dry on the transducer. Always clean the transducer immediately after use.  Table 1: Compatible cleaners and disinfectants for cleaning the system and transducer Cleaner  Wet Contact Times  SaniCloth Plus (red top)  3 minutes  SaniCloth AF3 (grey top)  3 minutes  PI-Spray II  10 minutes  Immediately after extracting the device from the patient, wipe the transducer from the cable to the scanhead, with a pre-moistened wipe from Table 1, “Compatible cleaners and disinfectants for cleaning the system and transducer”or a cloth dampened with cleaner. Be sure to remove all visible biological material.  Cautions   DO NOT use unapproved cleaning agents.  DO NOT spray or immerse the connector with any fluid.  Note  After thoroughly cleaning, proceed to disinfection in step 2 of 2.  Step 2 of 2: Disinfect and store the transducer WARNINGS  Cautions  Be sure to use the appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) whenever necessary.  DO NOT skip any steps or abbreviate the disinfection process in any way.  DO NOT use unapproved disinfecting agents.  DO NOT immerse the connector in any fluid.  DO NOT soak the transducer longer than recommended by the chemical manufacturer. Cannot be submerged Can be submerged  Cable  Scanhead  2 inches  Connector  Table 2: Approved high-level disinfectants and soak times Disinfectant  Temperature  Disinfectant Soak Duration  Clean Water Soak Time  Cidex  23° C (73° F)  45 minutes  3 x 1 minute  1
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