Sontec Instruments

Hemorrhoidal Ligator Instructions for Use

2 Pages

last modified 04/04/2019 crb & cph  Instructions for Use for Hemorrhoidal Ligator Indications for Use Hemorrhoidal Ligator is indicated for use to cut off the blood flow to hemorrhoidal tissue by means of a ligature or ring placed around the hemorrhoid base. Contraindications Hemorrhoid ligation is contraindicated, if: - Patient is using anticoagulants - Septic conditions in the anorectal region are present - Any large grade IV hemorrhoids are evident - Cases of hypertrophied anal papilla and/or chronic anal fissure Warning DO NOT flash sterilize the Hemorrhoid Ligators. These instruments have not been validated for flash sterilization. Discard instrument after suspected Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD) exposure; as the instrument has not been validated to withstand the chemical and thermal exposures recommended to eradicate prions. Damage to the product may occur if inappropriate cleaning or disinfecting agents are used or if exposed to excessive temperatures. Instructions for Use Ligation procedures are a frequently used treatment option for hemorrhoids due to its simple and effective application which does not require anesthesia. 1. Load the ligator with a latex-free o-ring by using the loading cone. Place the loading cone onto the ligator barrel and roll oring down the tip of the loading cone until it is seated evenly around the end of the ligator barrel in the maximum expanded diameter. Remove the loading cone. 2. A proctoscope/anoscope should be inserted into the anal opening to provide site visualization. The largest hemorrhoid should be treated first. 3. Grasp the hemorrhoid with forceps approximately 1 centimeter proximal of the dentate line and pull the hemorrhoid into the drum of the ligator. If the patient indicates there is pain, a more proximal position for the band ligation should be selected. 4. With the hemorrhoid pulled taut through the drum of the ligator and the ligator pressed up against the base of the hemorrhoid, the trigger should be squeezes to apply the ligation o-ring to the base of the hemorrhoid. 5. Remove the ligator from the hemorrhoid and repeat as necessary to treat any additional hemorrhoids present. 6. Remove the proctoscope/anoscope from the anal opening. Provide the patient with instructions for follow-up visits and possible complications of band ligation procedures. Pre-cleaning, Cleaning, and Sterilization Procedures Before using the instruments pre-clean, clean (manual or automated), dry, visually examine, and sterilize following the procedures below.  Page 1 of 2  3. Vigorously flush lumens with 50ml of deionized water using a syringe or similar apparatus. 4. Prepare enzymatic solution per manufacturer’s recommendations/instructions for correct dilution and temperature. 5. Immerse fully opened instruments in the prepared enzymatic solution for ten (10) minutes. 6. Rinse instruments and flush lumens with deionized water for two (2) minutes. 7. Proceed either to Manual or Automated Cleaning below. Manual Cleaning 1. Prepare enzymatic solution per manufacture’s recommendation/ instructions for correct dilution and temperature. 2. Using a small, clean hand-held brush, remove soil from all surfaces of instrument while fully immersed in the solution. 3. Use a soft bristled brush to clean the lumens. Never use steel wool, wire brushes, scalpel blades or highly abrasive detergent or cleaners to remove soil as these will damage the instrument’s protective surface and lead to corrosion. 4. Vigorously flush channels with deionized water. Rinse thoroughly and aggressively for two (2) minutes with deionized water. 5. Using an ultrasonic cleaner sonicate instruments for ten (10) minutes. 6. Remove instruments from sonicator and rinse for two (2) minutes with deionized water. 7. Visually inspect instruments for cleanliness and ensure all parts are in proper working order. 8. Force air through inner lumen until excess water can no longer be visually seen evacuating the device before allowing instruments to dry on lint-free cloth for at least twenty (20) minutes at a temperature of not more than 110°C (230°F). 9. Inspect instruments for visual dryness. Automated Cleaning 1. Place instruments in a wire basket that is suitable for cleaning. 2. Place wire baskets in an automatic washer-sterilizer or washerdisinfector. When carrying out the reprocessing cycle, the minimum requirements are recommended: - Use an appropriate cleaning/disinfecting agent; - Observe the maximum washing temperature of 55°C (131°F); - Wash the product for at least ten (10) minutes; - Neutralize, if necessary; - Carry out intermediate rinse for at least two (2) minutes; - Carry out intensive final rinse with deionized, demineralized water; - For thermal disinfection: rinse for ten (10) minutes at 93°C (199.4°F) with deionized, demineralized water; - Complete the program with a drying phase of at least twenty (20) minutes at a temperature of not more than 110°C (230°F). 3. Remove instruments from automatic washer. 4. Visually inspect instruments for cleanliness and ensure all parts are in a proper working order. 5. Visually inspect instruments to ensure they are dry.  Pre-cleaning Pre cleaning should occur as soon as possible after instrumentation is used. 1. Remove gross debris from surgical instruments with a sponge and sterile water after use to prevent drying of blood and body fluids on the instruments. 2. Place instruments in an instrument tray/container and saturate all surfaces for five (5) minutes with a pre-cleaning enzymatic product.  7248 S. Tucson Way, Centennial, Colorado 80112, USA / Toll free: 800.821.7496 / Local: 303.790.9411 / Fax: 303.792.2606 /
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File Name: Sontec Instruments - Hemorrhoidal Ligator Instructions for Use - 2019-04 - Not Listed.pdf

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