
Sonoca Ultrasonic Generators

SONOCA 300 User Manual July 2012

User Manual

46 Pages

Table of Contents  Table of Contents  1 Introduction ... 5 1.1  Information About This User Manual ... 5  1.2 1.2.1 1.2.2  Display Conventions... 5 Safety Information and Warnings... 5 Additional Information... 6  1.3  General Conditions ... 6  2 Safety ... 7 2.1  Intended Use ... 7  2.2  General Safety Information... 7  3 Overview...10 3.1 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3  Overview of the Ultrasonic Generator ...10 Symbols on the ultrasonic generator...13 Type plate...14 Operator control panels...14  3.2  Scope of delivery...17  3.3  System overview ...17  4 Transport and storage...19 5 Installation ...20 5.1  Connecting the ultrasonic generator to the supply network...20  5.2 5.2.1 5.2.2 5.2.3  Putting the ultrasonic generator into operation ...21 Preparing the ultrasonic generator ...21 Connecting the instrument ...25 Turning on the ultrasonic generator...25  6 Operation ...27 6.1  Checking the settings ...27  6.2 6.2.1 6.2.2 6.2.3  Beginning treatment ...29 Using an instrument with rinsing and suction ...30 Using an instrument with rinsing ...31 Using an instrument without rinsing and suction...31  6.3  Ending treatment...32  DocNr.: 03-1211_R02.01 | 07-2012 | en | Sonoca 300  3
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