Sports Art Industria

Stationary Bikes

Sports Art 5005B and 5005H Owners Manual

Owners Manual

18 Pages

TABLE OF CONTENTS A. SAFETY GUIDELINES...1 B. INTRODUCTION... 2 C. ASSEMBLING YOUR CYCLE List of parts... 3 Step by step instructions... 4 Floor level adjustment... 8 D. EXERCISING ON YOUR CYCLE Understanding the Electronics Package... 9 Set... 9 Choosing between Program and Manual mode...10 Manual...10 Mode (What each of these categories means) ...10 INTERVAL...11 PROGRAM... 12 E. KEY FUNCTIONS ▲ Up/ ▼ Down...13 Enter/Mode...13 Reset...13 F. MAINTAINING YOUR CYCLE Cleaning The Cycle...14 G. TROUBLE SHOOTING Blank Display... 15 No Tension...16 No "RPM" Reading... 16
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File Name: Sports Art Industria - Sports Art 5005B and 5005H Owners Manual.pdf

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