Sports Art Industria

Stationary Bikes

Sports Art C531u Owners Manual

Owners Manual

28 Pages

SPORTSART C531U UPRIGHT BIKE  TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION... 1 2. IMPORTANT SAFETY PRECAUTIONS ... 2 3. ASSEMBLING YOUR BIKE List of Parts... 4 Unit Assembly Procedure... 6 Seat Adjustment Procedure...12 Seat Forward/Backward Adjustment... 13 4. UNDERSTANDING THE C531U DISPLAY CONSOLE Display Windows... 14 Operating the C531U Bike... 17 Program Functions... 20 Internal Settings... 22 5. USER PARAMETER SETTING... 24 6. MAINTAINING THE BIKE...25 7. GUIDELINES FOR EXERCISE How long should I exercise ... 25 How often should I exercise... 25 8. TROUBLESHOOTING Error Messages... 26 9. WIRING SCHEMATIC... 27
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