Sports Art Industria


Sports Art 3250 Owners Manual

Owners Manual

23 Pages

TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. SAFETY GUIDELINES... 1 2. INTRODUCTION... 3 3. ASSEMBLING YOUR TREADMILL ... 4 Installation Requirements... 4 List of parts... 4 Step by step instructions... 5 Floor level adjustment... 8 4. OPERATING INSTRUCTION... 9 Safety key... 9 5. MODES OF OPERATION... 9 Using the MANUAL/SET mode... 9 Using the PAUSE/RESET mode... 10 What each of the categories means... 11 6. WORKOUT OPTIONS... 12 INTERVAL mode... 12 PROGRAM mode... 13 7. RUNNING ON THE TREADMILL... 14 8. GUILDLINES FOR EXERCISE... 15 How long should I exercise?... 15 How often should I exercise?... 15 10.MAINTAINING YOUR TREADMILL... 15 Cleaning the treadmill... 15 Adjusting the running belt... 16 11.TROUBLE SHOOTING... 19 ERR message... 19 Fuse failure for electronics package and motor... 19 Fuse failure for incline system... 21 Fuse failure for Drive Board... 21
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File Name: Sports Art Industria - Sports Art 3250 Owners Manual.pdf

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