Sports Art Industria


Sports Art T630 Owners Manual

Owners Manual

25 Pages

TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION... 1 2. IMPORTANT SAFETY PRECAUTIONS... 2 3. ASSEMBLING YOUR TREADMILL... 4 List of Parts... 4 4. TREADMILL ASSEMBLY... Pedestal and Handle Assembly... Display Installation... Connect to Power...  5 5 6 7  5. T630 Display... 8 Display Features... 8 Display Functions... 8 Button Functions... 9 Safety Key... 11 6. HOW TO USE YOUR T630 TREADMILL... 12 QUICK START... 12 WORKOUT SETUP... 12 OPERATING PROCEDURE WHILE WORKING... 13 COOL DOWN... 14 7. PROGRAMS... 15 USER PARAMETER SETTING... 17 8. GUIDELINES FOR EXERCISE... 18 9. ADJUST THE WALK BELT... 19 10. FLOOR LEVEL ADJUSTMENT... 21 11. MAIN FUSE FAILURE... 22 12. ERROR MESSAGE... 23 13. WIRING SCHEMATIC... 24
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File Name: Sports Art Industria - Sports Art T630 Owners Manual.pdf

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