
Automated Blood Coagulation Analyzers

CA-1500 Operators Manual sw ver V00-18 May 2009

Operators Manual

510 Pages

CA-1500 OPERATOR’S MANUAL TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.  INTRODUCTION...1-1 INSTRUMENT OVERVIEW...1-2 OPTIONAL UNITS ...1-2 OUTLINE OF OPERATION...1-3 ANALYSIS PARAMETERS AND CALCULATED PARAMETERS...1-4 LCD SCREEN AND TOUCH PANEL ...1-6 6.1 LCD Screen ...1-6 6.2 Touch Panel Keys ...1-9 7. PASSWORDS...1-11 8. EMERGENCY STOP PROCEDURE ...1-11 9. ALARMS ...1-11 10. PACKAGING ...1-12 11. INSTALLATION ENVIRONMENT ...1-12 11.1 Installation and Relocation ...1-12 11.2 Grounding...1-12 11.3 Installation Space...1-13 11.4 Installation Environment ...1-14 12. INSTRUMENT SPECIFICATIONS ...1-15 13. MENU TREE ...1-23  CHAPTER 2: SAMPLE PREPARATION 1. 2. 3. 4.  INTRODUCTION...2-1 BEFORE TURNING ON THE POWER...2-2 TURNING ON THE POWER ...2-2 REAGENT PREPARATION...2-4 4.1 Preparing Reagents ...2-4 4.2 Setting the Reagents and Sample Plates (when the Wand Barcode Reader is Not Used) ...2-7 4.3 Setting the Reagents (when the Wand Barcode Reader is Used) ...2-14 5. REPLENISHING REACTION TUBES ...2-19 6. CHECKING THE STANDARD CURVE ...2-20 7. QUALITY CONTROL ...2-22 8. SAMPLE PREPARATION ...2-25 8.1 Preparing Plasma ...2-26 8.2 Preparing Serum ...2-38 8.3 Affixing Barcode Labels (Option)...2-38 8.4 Setting the Sample Rack into the Sampler ...2-40  Sysmex CA-1500 System Operator’s Manual -- Revised September 2002  I
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