Teco Diagnostics

TC-720 Plus Operators Manual Rev Feb 2010

Operators Manual

31 Pages

TC-720PLUS  Table of Contents  Page 5  1. Introduction 2. System Overview 2.1 Specification 2.2 Measuring Principle  6 7  3. Installation  3.1 Unpacking 3.2 Installation and Power-on Procedure 3.3 Selection of Strip Type  4. Operation Instructions  4.1 Id ON / Id OFF Setting 4.2 Setting Patient Id ON /Id OFF 4.3 Operator ID ON / OFF Setting 4.4 Setting Operator ID Number 4.5 Setting Sample ID Number 4.6 Modification to Sample ID Number 4.7 Operation Methods of the TC-720 Plus 4.8 Testing A Strip 4.9 Setting Buzzer Volume 4.10 Setting Test Number 4.11 Setting the Printer Function, English, Date, Time, and Data (I) Print On (II) English (III) Setting the Date (IV) Setting the Time (V) Setting Data Input / Output (VI) Move (VII) Strips (VIII) Units  5. Management Instructions 5.1 Data Management (I) Search (II) Printing Data (III) Sending Data (IV) Comment (V) Setting Urine Color (VI) Time  9 9 13 14 15 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 22 22 23 24 24 24 24  6. Maintenance 6.1 Routine Cleaning  25  6.2 Daily Maintenance  25  (I) (II)  Rev 02/2010  Test Platform Urine Strip Waste Box  25 25  - 3-
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