Thermo Electron Corp
Model 5500 Automatic TLD Reader Operators Manual Rev E Aug 2005
Operators Manual
130 Pages
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Telephone: (440) 439-2020 Fax: (440) 439-9835 Suite A 26400 Broadway Ave. Oakwood Village, Ohio 44146 USA
Model 5500 Automatic TLD Reader with WinREMSTM Operator's Manual
Publication No. 5500-W-O-0805-006 * * * Release Date * * * August 13, 2005
Part No. M-26957 Rev. E Thermo Electron Corporation
ISO 9001 Quality System Certified
Telephone: (440) 439-2020 Fax: (440) 439-9835 Suite A 26400 Broadway Ave. Oakwood Village, Ohio 44146 USA
Model 5500 Automatic TLD Reader with WinREMS Operator's Manual
Publication No. 5500-W-O-0805-006 * * * Release Date * * * August 13, 2005
Part No. M-26957 Rev. E Thermo Electron Corporation
ISO 9001 Quality System Certified
Model 5500 Automatic TLD Reader with WinREMS 5500-W-O-0805
Page 0-1 Operator's Manual FOREWORD
Introduction This manual provides you with all the information you need to properly operate the Harshaw Model 5500 Manual TLD Reader, when controlled through WinREMS (Windows®–based Radiation Evaluation and Management System). WinREMS is Thermo Electron Corporation proprietary operating system, operating on a personal computer and connected to the Reader via a serial port. This manual is released concurrently with WinREMS version PL-26732. You may confirm the version number of your system on the Help, About screen (Section 7.11.3 About). This software requires Photronics firmware S-25071.002 or later and Sample changer firmware S-25945.005 or later with EEPROMs S-25197.005 or later for compatible operation. This Operator's Manual is structured so that a novice can use it to become acquainted with the instrument at a comfortable pace, yet the more experienced user will find that it is a valuable reference. This manual is not intended, however, to be used to introduce an operator to the equipment without training. This training may come from Thermo Electron Corporation or an experienced user. You also should have the Technical Service Manual (Publication No. 5500-0-S) with your Model 5500 Reader. This manual provides troubleshooting and repair instructions and engineering drawings to help a trained service technician to properly maintain and repair the Reader.
Overview The manual is structured to give you the information you need to become familiar with the instrument for your initial use and to be a continuing reference as you become more familiar with the instrument and take greater advantage of its capabilities. Depending on your situation with respect to the system, certain sections will be more helpful than others. All users should read Section 1.0 System Overview first.
If you have just received your Model 5500 Reader and will be installing and starting up the system yourself, you should read Section 2.0 Installation for installation instructions, Section 3.0 General Instructions and 4.0 Tutorial to familiarize yourself with the general operation of the Reader, Section 5.0 Quality Assurance to understand the quality assurance measures available in the system, and Section 6.0 Calibration Procedures to calibrate your Reader and dosimeters for production use.
If you have received your system completely installed and operational, you may begin with Sections 3.0 General Instructions and 4.0 Tutorial to familiarize yourself with the general operation of the Reader, Section 5.0 Quality Assurance to understand the quality assurance measures available in the system, and Section 6.0 Calibration Procedures to calibrate your Reader for production use.
If you are a new operator coming into a system that is fully operational, you will initially benefit most from Sections 3.0 General Instructions and 4.0 Tutorial.
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5500-W-O-0805 Operator's Manual FOREWORD (cont’d)
Overview (cont’d)
If you are familiar with this model Reader, but need occasional reference to specific fields or procedures, then Section 7.0 WinREMS Reference will serve as a reference for you, possibly in conjunction with Section 8.0 Index to help you find the exact topic you need.
The following are brief descriptions of each of the sections in this manual: Section 1.0 System Overview gives a general description of the Model 5500 Reader, its operating principles and optional configurations, the dosimeters it reads, and a summary of its performance specifications. Section 2.0 Installation describes the necessary environment and procedure for setting up the instrument. Section 3.0 General Instructions is an introduction to the instrument controls and the WinREMS software and the general principles of its use. This section also describes the proper precautions for handling dosimeters. Section 4.0 Tutorial is a procedural instruction designed to guide the novice user
through several basic operations of the Reader and WinREMS. Section 5.0 Quality Assurance collects all the quality assurance features of the system in one place for your convenience. These include both daily quality control and online quality checks. Section 6.0 Calibration Procedures describes in detail the procedures for generating a set of Calibration Dosimeters, calibrating the instrument, and calibrating all the dosimeters in the system. The methodology behind the overall calibration system is also discussed. Section 7.0 WinREMS Reference is a comprehensive reference source for all screens and field entries in the system. Section 8.0 Index is an alphabetical listing of the subjects covered in this manual to help you find any information you need. The Appendix contains two documents. The first is a software troubleshooting form; fill the top of this out as part of your initial setup. The second explains the ASCII Export function; which may require some programming expertise to use.
Model 5500 Automatic TLD Reader with WinREMS 5500-W-O-0805
Page 0-3 Operator's Manual TABLE OF CONTENTS
Section Page Writing Conventions... 0-9 Safety Warnings... 0-9 Safety Symbols... 0-10 WEEE Compliance Recycling and Disposal of Hazardous Waste... 0-11 European Notice - Model 5500... 0-12 1.0 System Overview 1.1 General Description... 1-1 1.2 WinREMS... 1-2 1.3 Dosimeters... 1-2 1.4 Instrument Performance Specifications... 1-3 1.5 Dosimetric Performance Specifications... 1-4 1.6 Accessories... 1-5 2.0 Installation 2.1 Operating Requirements... 2-1 2.1.1 Utilities... 2-1 2.1.2 Environment... 2-1 2.2 PC Requirements... 2-2 2.3 Software... 2-2 2.4 Password... 2-2 2.5 Hardware... 2-3 2.6 Initial Operation... 2-6 3.0 General Instructions... 3-1 3.1 WinREMS... 3-1 3.1.1 Mouse Support... 3-1 3.1.2 Highlighting Records... 3-1 3.1.3 Password... 3-1 3.1.4 Launching WinREMS... 3-1 3.1.5 Exiting WinREMS... 3-2 3.1.6 Unit Scaling... 3-2 3.2 Results Screen... 3-3 3.3 TL Materials 3.3.1 Handling... 3-4 3.3.2 Identification... 3-4 4.0 Tutorial... 4-1 4.1 Time Temperature Profile Setup... 4-2 4.2 Acquisition Setup... 4-2 4.3 Patient File Setup... 4-4 4.4 Chipset File Setup... 4-5 4.5 Reading TL Materials... 4-6
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5500-W-O-0805 Operator's Manual TABLE OF CONTENTS (cont’d) Section Page 5.0 Quality Assurance... 5-1 5.1 Daily QA... 5-1 5.1.1 Record Retention... 5-1 5.1.2 Reader Operational Checks... 5-2 5.1.3 Reader Calibration factor (RCF)... 5-2 5.2 Online QC Tests... 5-3 5.2.1 PMT Noise... 5-3 5.2.2 Reference Light... 5-3 6.0 Calibration Procedures 6.1 Introduction... 6-1 6.1.1 Purpose... 6-1 6.1.2 Procedure Overview... 6-1 6.2 Prepare Dosimeters... 6-2 6.3 Generate Calibration Dosimeters... 6-3 6.4 Calibrate Reader... 6-5 6.5 Calibrate Dosimeters... 6-7 6.6 Calibration Methodology 6.6.1 Element Correction Coefficients... 6-9 6.6.2 Reader Calibration Factors... 6-12 7.0 WinREMS Reference... 7-1 7.1 File... 7-1 7.1.1 Workspace... 7-1 7.1.2 Import... 7-2 7.1.3 Export... 7-4 7.1.4 Archive/Restore Functions... 7-5 7.1.5 Print Functions... 7-5 7.1.6 Recent Files... 7-5 7.2 Edit... 7-5 7.3 Search... 7-6 7.3.1 Response Database... 7-6 7.3.2 ECC Database... 7-14 7.3.3 Log Database... 7-16 7.3.4 Electronics QC Database... 7-17 7.4 View... 7-18 7.4.1 Glow Curves... 7-18 7.4.2 Regions of Interest... 7-18 7.4.3 Computed Exposures... 7-18 7.4.4 First, Previous, Next, Last Record... 7-18 7.4.5 Tool Bar... 7-18 7.4.6 Status Bar... 7-18
Model 5500 Automatic TLD Reader with WinREMS 5500-W-O-0805
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TABLE OF CONTENTS (cont'd) Section Page 7.5 Read... 7-19 7.5.1 Start... 7-19 7.5.2 Acquisition Setup... 7-21 7.5.3 TTP Setup... 7-25 7.5.4 Patient Setup... 7-30 7.5.5 Chipset Setup... 7-31 7.6 Calibration... 7-33 7.6.1 Generate Calibration Dosimeters... 7-33 7.6.2 Reader Calibration... 7-36 7.6.3 Dosimeter Calibration... 7-39 7.7 QC 7.7.1 Electronics QC... 7-42 7.8 Tools... 7-44 7.9 Workspace... 7-46 7.9.1 Properties... 7-46 7.9.2 Password Maintenance... 7-48 7.10 Window... 7-50 7.11 Help... 7-51 7.11.1 Help Topics... 7-51 7.11.2 Version Information... 7-52 7.11.3 About... 7-52 8.0 Index... 8-1
Appendix Troubleshooting Documentation... A-1 ASCII Export file... A-3
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5500-W-O-0805 Operator's Manual ILLUSTRATIONS Figure
0.1 WEEE Compliance Symbol... 0-13 1.1 Model 5500 Automatic TLD Chip Reader... 1-1 3.1 Results Screen... 3-3 4.1 Typical Time Temperature Profile... 4-1 4.2 Change Reader Gain Message... 4-6 6.1 Internal Calibration of a TLD System... 6-11 7.1 File Menu... 7-1 7.2 Main Menu and Tool Bar... 7-1 7.3 Workspace Wizard... 7-2 7.4 Import TTP Log Report Box... 7-3 7.5 Export Response Records Dialog Box... 7-4 7.6 Edit Menu... 7-5 7.7 Search Menu... 7-6 7.8 Search Response Database Dialog Box... 7-6 7.9 Response Record - Glow Curve View... 7-9 7.10 Floating Data Box... 7-10 7.11 Response Record - Computed Exposure View... 7-11 7.12 Reading Type Floating Box... 7-12 7.13 Response Record - Regions of Interest View... 7-13 7.14 Search ECC Database Dialog Box... 7-14 7.15 ECC Database Display... 7-15 7.16 Search Log Database Dialog Box... 7-16 7.17 Log Database View Screen... 7-17 7.18 View Menu... 7-18 7.19 Read Menu... 7-19 7.20 Read Dosimeters Dialog Box... 7-19 7.21 Acquisition Setup Dialog Box... 7-20 7.22 Typical Time Temperature Profile... 7-21 7.23 Time Temperature Profile Setup Dialog box... 7-25 7.24 Patient Setup Dialog Box... 7-30 7.25 Chipset Setup Dialog Box... 7-31 7.26 Calibration Menu... 7-33 7.27 Generate Calibration Dosimeters... 7-34 7.28 Reader Calibration Dialog Box... 7-36 7.29 Dosimeter Calibration Dialog Box... 7-40
Model 5500 Automatic TLD Reader with WinREMS 5500-W-O-0805
Page 0-7 Operator's Manual
ILLUSTRATIONS (cont’d) Figure Page 7.30 QC Menu... 7-42 7.31 Sample Tools Menu... 7-43 7.32 Workspace Menu... 7-44 7.33 Instrument Options Dialog Box... 7-44 7.34 Database Location Dialog Box... 7-45 7.35 File Location Dialog Box... 7-46 7.36 Password File Location Dialog Box... 7-47 7.37 Print Regions of Interest Dialog Box... 7-47 7.38 Enter Password Dialog Box... 7-48 7.39 Password Maintenance Dialog Box... 7-48 7.40 Add a New User Dialog Box... 7-48 7.41 Modify User Dialog Box... 7-49 7.42 Window Menu... 7-50 7.43 Help Menu... 7-51 7.44 WinREMS Help Home Page... 7-51 7.45 About WinREMS Dialog Box... 7-52
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5500-W-O-0805 Operator's Manual TABLES Table Page 5.1 Test Conditions... 5-3 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4
Standard TTP Recommendations... 6-2 Acquisition Setup ... Generating Calibration Dosimeters 6-3 Acquisition Setup ... Calibrating the Reader... 6-5 Acquisition Setup ... Calibrating Dosimeters... 6-7
7.1 Reading Types... 7-12 7.2 Calibration Factors by Read Mode... 7-21
Model 5500 Automatic TLD Reader with WinREMS 5500-W-O-0805
Page 0-9 Operator's Manual
Writing conventions To maintain consistency throughout this and all Thermo manuals, certain writing conventions have been followed. These are listed below for your convenience. When instructions are given for using DOS or any other operating system, the following conventions are used.
When a specific operating system command, file name, directory name, or environment variable is used in the text, it is shown in small caps; for example,
Safety Warnings There are also certain conventions for safety warnings. They are divided into three categories and defined as follows:
DANGER indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury. DANGER NOTICES ALWAYS APPEAR IN BOLD, ITALICIZED UPPER CASE LETTERS.
WARNING indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury. WARNING NOTICES ALWAYS APPEAR IN UPPERCASE BOLD LETTERS.
CAUTION indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury. It may also be used to alert against unsafe practices. CAUTION notices always appear in bold, italicized letters.
When a general operating system command, file name, directory name or environment variable is used in the text, it is shown in italics; for example, drive:pathfilename.
When a specific example of an operating system entry is given, it is offset from the paragraph and shown in Courier font; for example, >copy a:*.asc
When describing Harshaw software, such as NET-REMS, the following conventions are used. ! Screen names, Pull-Down Menu Selections, and Field Names are always capitalized; for example, Main Menu Screen or Input File Field. ! Data Field Entries and Multiple Choice (pop-up) Field Selections are enclosed in single quotes; for example, 'neutron'. Keyboard keys (other than letters, numbers, and punctuation) are shown enclosed in pointed brackets; for example, <Ctrl>.
The definition of these safety warnings is according to ANSI Z535.4. The style of the warnings (bold, italicized, etc.) is Thermo Electron Corporation RM&P’s. In addition to the above, we have added the following warning:
NOTE indicates a situation which has the potential for erroneous data collection, loss of electronic data, or damage to equipment, but which does not directly affect the safety of the operator with respect to this product. The responsibility for any safety consequences as a result of erroneous data lies solely with the operator. NOTE notices always appear in italics.
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5500-W-O-0805 Operator's Manual SAFETY SYMBOLS
The following symbols may appear on the Reader.
Caution! (ISO 3864, No. B.3.1) This symbol designates possible hazards both mechanical and electrical.
Caution, risk of electric shock (ISO 3864 No. B.3.6) This symbol designates a high voltage connection or an exposure to working voltage.
Caution Hot Surface (IEC 417 No. 5041) The above symbol designates an accessible hot surface with which the operator could come in contact.
This symbol designates this instrument as being compliant with the CE standards listed on the European Notice page of this section (page 0-11). Please follow all safety warnings, both on the Reader and in the manuals. Failure to operate the Reader in the manner specified by the manufacturer may impair the safety protections built into the equipment.
Protective conductor Terminal (IEC 417, No. 5019) This symbol designates the ground terminal for the mains protective ground. The wiring should be green/yellow in color.
Model 5500 Automatic TLD Reader with WinREMS 5500-W-O-0805
Page 0-11 Operator's Manual WEEE Compliance
Recycling and Disposal of Hazardous Waste The Model 5500 TLD Card Reader complies with the European Union’s Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive 2002/96/EC. The Reader is marked on the backside with the WEEE Compliance symbol (Figure 0.1), in the general area of other compliance stickers. In addition, any other applicable system component will also be properly labeled. Thermo Electron has contracted with one or more recycling/disposal companies in each EU Member State, and this product should be recycled or disposed of through them. Further information on Thermo Electron’s compliance with this directive, the recyclers in your country, and information on Thermo Electron Products that may assist with the detection of substances subject to the Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) Directive 2002/95/EC are available at:
Figure 0.1 WEEE Compliance Symbol
Model 5500 Automatic TLD Reader with WinREMS Page 0-12
5500-W-O-0805 Operator's Manual EUROPEAN NOTICE - Model 5500
Products with the CE Marking comply with the EMC directive (89/336/EEC) issued by the Commission of the European Community. Compliance with the directive implies conformity to the following European standards: EN 61010-1: 1990Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use. EN 50011: 1991Limits and methods of measurement of radio disturbance characteristics of industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) radio frequency equipment. (Emission standard) EN50082-1: 1992Electromagnetic compatibility - Generic immunity standard. IEC 1000-4-2:1994 IEC 1000-4-3:1994 IEC 1000-4-4:1994 IEC 1000-4-5:1994 IEC 1000-4-8:1994 Note: In order for the instrument to comply with the standards as tested, the cable lengths (Power, Serial, and UPS) may not exceed three meters.
Model 5500 Automatic TLD Reader with WinREMS 5500-W-O-0805
Page 1-1 Operator's Manual
1.0 System Overview The Harshaw Model 5500 Automatic TL Reader is a PC-driven, table-top instrument for thermoluminescence dosimetry (TLD) measurement. It has been designed to economically provide both high performance and high reliability, and it complies with the latest International Standards Organization (ISO) requirements. This Reader is capable of reading 50 dosimeters per loading and accommodates TL chips, rods, and cubes in a variety of sizes. The system consists of two major components: the TLD Reader and the Windows Radiation Evaluation and Management System (WinREMS) software resident on a personal computer (PC), which is connected to the Reader via a serial communications port.
Figure 1.1
1.1 TLD Reader The Reader's basic external components include a front control panel consisting of three LED status lights, a Dosimeter Load/Unload pushbutton, and a Sample Drawer Assembly that features interchangeable Dosimeter Carriers (Disks). The right side of the instrument features a small panel with an On/Off switch and an instrument Reset button. The rear panel houses a voltage-selectable power input module with fuse access, a fitting for nitrogen gas tubing, an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) receptor, and an RS-232-C serial communication port. The Reader uses hot nitrogen gas heating with a closed loop feedback system that produces linearly ramped temperatures accurate within ±1o C to 400o C. The Time
Model 5500 Automatic TLD Chip Reader
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5500-W-O-0805 Operator's Manual
1.0 System Overview (cont’d) 1.1 TLD Reader (cont’d) Temperature Profile (TTP) is user-defined in three segments: Preheat, Acquire, and Anneal, each with independent times and temperatures. Any number of different TTPs may be defined and calibrated. To assist in periodic monitoring of the 5500's performance, an LED Reference Light has been built into the read chamber. It is used as a part of a daily QC check and may be read at operator-specified intervals during the normal reading process. The Photomultiplier Tube (PMT) Assembly is cooled to a constant temperature to maintain consistent performance of the PMT. Nitrogen is routed through the PMT chamber to eliminate condensation. A full complement of hardware and software accessories is available from Thermo Electron Corporation RM&P to facilitate the effective use of the 5500. These include: annealing ovens, external irradiators, dosimeter handling tools, dosimeter carriers (disks) and storage bins, a nitrogen pressure regulator and valve, an uninterruptible power supply (UPS), and specialized applications software. If a supply of nitrogen is not available, clean dry air as produced by the Thermo Electron Corporation Model 4488 Dry Air Generator may be used as the heating medium for the TLD cards. 1.2 Physical Specifications The 5500 has the following dimensions, excluding any external connections (i.e., power cord, nitrogen tubing, and RS-232 cable): Dimensions: Height: 38 cm (15 inches) Width: 46 cm (18 inches) Depth: 48 cm (19 inches) Weight: 40 kg (90 pounds). 1.3 WinREMS Application Software
The data architecture of the system includes both a host computer in the Reader and a Windows®-based PC connected through an RS-232-C serial communication port. The dosimetry functions are divided between the Reader and the Harshaw WinREMS (Windows Radiation Evaluation and Management) software on the PC. All dosimetric data storage, instrument control, and operator inputs are performed on the PC; transport subsystem control, gas and vacuum controls, and signal acquisition and conditioning are performed in the Reader. Sufficient redundancy is maintained that dosimetric data is never lost in the event of a power failure. WinREMS controls the operations of the Reader, including storing the operating parameters: Time Temperature Profiles (TTPs), Reader Calibration Factors (RCFs), and Element Correction Coefficients (ECCs). The flexible design of WinREMS enables the user to automatically calibrate the reader and dosimeters in a wide variety of dosimetric units, or to work directly in nanocoulombs and do his own calibration through a custom spreadsheet program. For example, for radiation therapy and planning, the system can be calibrated in Grays, and the dosimeters tracked primarily by Patient Identification. For personnel radiation protection monitoring, the primary data tracking may be by dosimeter and Employee ID, and the instrument calibration can be in Sieverts. Other calibration units and identification combinations are available. As the Reader generates TL data, the host computer stores it until a reading is completed. It then transmits the data to WinREMS in the form of 200 response points forming a Glow Curve. WinREMS displays the curve as it is received and then stores the data for future computation and reporting. WinREMS also performs a variety of calibration and Quality Assurance operations.
Model 5500 Automatic TLD Reader with WinREMS 5500-W-O-0805
Page 1-3 Operator's Manual
1.0 System Overview (cont’d) 1.3 WinREMS Application (cont’d)
The user may create, store, and select from any number of Time Temperature Profiles (TTP) and Acquisition Setup Parameters. A separate Reader Calibration Factor (RCF) can be established for each TTP to assure accurate conversion of data from charge to dosimetric units. This simple architecture allows users the flexibility and economy of using an existing computer, provides for the simple addition of optional functions such as Dose computation algorithms, and for convenient updating of application software. Through WinREMS, any model Harshaw TLD Reader may be installed as part of a network of readers with or without a central server and may be networked with a complete Harshaw Health Physics Record System (HPRS).
1.4 Dosimeters Thermo Electron Corporation RM&P produces TL chips in a variety of materials in various sizes of chips, rods, and disks, all of which can be read on the Model 5500. Available materials include TLD-100, TLD200, TLD-400, TLD-500, TLD-600, TLD700, TLD-100H, TLD-600H, and TLD-700H. Available sizes include the following: !
3.2mm (1/8") square face from 0.15mm (0.006") to 0.89mm (0.035")
1mm dia. x 6mm long 1mm dia. x 3mm long 1mm x 1mm x 6mm 1mm x 1mm x 1mm
Disks: 5mm (0.20") dia. from 0.38mm (0.015") to 0.89mm (0.035")
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5500-W-O-0805 Operator's Manual
1.0 System Overview (cont'd) 1.4 Instrument Performance Specifications This section details the electronic performance specifications of the Reader.
Stability: Better than 1.0 µGy, based on one standard deviation of ten consecutive measurements. TTP Capabilities:
Preheat temperature: 01 Preheat time: 0 Acquire temperature: 01 Acquire time: 10 Acquire rate: 1 Anneal temperature: 01 Anneal time: 0
Dynamic Range: Seven decades. Warm-up Time: 30 minutes. Reference Light Stability: Short term - Less than 0.5% variation, based on 1 standard deviation of 10 consecutive readings performed at a constant temperature. Long term (0.5 to 110 hours) - 2% maximum deviation. TTP Reproducibility: ±1o C.
to 200 o C to 100 sec. to 400 o C to 3002 sec. to 30 oC/sec. to 400 o C to 20 sec.
Throughput: Dependent on Acquisition Setup Parameters and TTP. Thirty seconds per dosimeter with use of the standard TTP and no printing is typical. Dosimeter Types: Chips: 3.2 mm (1/8") sq. x 0.25 mm (.010") to 0.89 mm (0.035") thick.
Linearity: Less than 1% deviation.
1 mm (0.039") dia. x 6 mm (0.236") long.
Dark Current: Less than 50 µGy, 137Cs equivalent.
1 mm (0.039") sq. x 6 mm (0.236") long.
High Voltage Stability (after a warm-up period of at least 30 minutes): ±0.005% per hour and ±0.02% over 8 hours.
1 mm (0.039") dia. x 3 mm (0.118") long. Disks:
The displayed high voltage may vary by ±2 volts during acquisition because of the High Voltage A/D Monitor Circuit.
4.2 mm (0.165") dia. x 0.25 mm (0.010") to 0.89 mm (0.035") thick.3
Cubes: 1 mm (0.039") per side. 1
equals room temperature. limited to 60 sec. max when Acquire temperature is 350o C, or higher. 3 Disks larger than 4.5 mm diam. require the optional Macro-pick. 2
Model 5500 Automatic TLD Reader with WinREMS 5500-W-O-0805
Page 1-5 Operator's Manual
1.0 System Overview (cont'd)
Fading (using total integral):
1.5 Dosimetric Performance Specifications The following performance characteristics have been experimentally determined using Harshaw standard sensitivity LiF:Mg,Ti chips (TLD-700).
Without thermal treatments or fading correction: less than 20% in 3 months.
With Harshaw fading correction algorithm, glow curve batch deconvolution, or application of preheat: less than 5% in 3 months.
Radiation Types and Energies: Photon: Greater than 1 keV Neutron: Thermal to 100 MeV Beta: Greater than 70 MeV. Measurement Range: 10 µGy (1mrad) to 1 Gy (100 rad): Linear. 1 Gy (100 rad) to 20 Gy (2,000 rad): Supralinear. Tissue Equivalence: Nearly tissue equivalent. Batch Uniformity: ±30% maximum deviation from the batch mean without application of Element Correction Coefficients.
Repeatability: Less than 2% variation (based on one standard deviation for ten sequential measurements at 1 mGy (100 mrad) 137 Cs). Minimum Detectability: Less than 10 µGy (1 mrad) (based on 2.26 x standard deviation of 10 repeated evaluations of an unexposed dosimeter). Residual TL Signal: Less than 0.2% of reading over the dose range without annealing
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5500-W-O-0805 Operator's Manual
1.0 System Overview (cont'd) 1.6 Accessories There are numerous accessories available from Thermo Electron Corporation RM&P to assist users of the 5500. These include:
Personal Computers to control the 5500 Reader.
External Printers for printing the reading results, parameters, etc.
Micro Vacuum Cleaners to aid in cleaning sample drawers.
Dosimeter Holding Trays that provide excellent storage and staging for dosimetric materials.
Dosimeter Carriers (Disks) that hold 50 TL Elements. Disks are available for chips, rods, and microcubes.
Nitrogen Pressure Regulators and Hoses to feed nitrogen gas into the 5500 Reader unit.
Spare Parts Kits that contain backup parts for the instrument.
Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPSs) to ensure the continuity of the power supplied to the 5500 Reader and its controlling PC during a loss of line power.
Applications Software for instrument and dosimeter calibration; Computerized Glow Curve Deconvolution; collecting, storing and manipulating data for dose algorithms; and quality assurance and diagnostics programs.
Annealing Ovens - including both singleset point and programmable types.
External Irradiators to prepare dosimeter materials for use in Reader calibration.
Tweezers, both vacuum and mechanically actuated, to assist with placement of dosimetric materials (chips, rods, and cubes).