Aplio TUS-A500 Fundamentals Operation Manual Rev M

Operation Manual

232 Pages

Table of Contents Organization of the Operation Manuals ...U-1  1.  Intended Use ... 1-1  1.1  Intended Medical Use ... 1-1  1.2  Intended Patient Information ... 1-1  1.3  User Profile... 1-1  1.4  Operating Principles... 1-1  2.  General Safety Information ... 2-1  2.1  Meaning of Signal Words ... 2-1  2.2  Meaning of Safety Symbols ... 2-1  2.3  Ensuring the Safety of Patients and Operators ... 2-2  2.4  Preventing Electric Shocks, Fires, and Power Supply Interruptions ... 2-3  2.5  Chemical Hazard ... 2-5  2.6  Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)... 2-5  2.7  Acoustic Power ... 2-6  2.8  Preventing System Malfunctions ... 2-7  2.9  Handling Patient and Image Data... 2-9  2.10  Warning Labels ... 2-9  2.11  Regulatory Labels ... 2-12  2.12  Precautions Concerning Clinical Examination Techniques... 2-13  No. 2B771-004EN*M -a-
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File Name: TOSHIBA - 2B771-004EN*M - Aplio TUS-A500 Fundamentals Operation Manual Rev M.pdf

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