Model UIDM-580A Data Management Board Operation Manual Rev C June 2007

Operation Manual

71 Pages

Table of Contents Safety Precautions ...S-1 Intellectual Property ... L-1 How to Use This Operation Manual ...U-1  1.  DICOM Operations ... 1-1  1.1  Patient List Interface ... 1-1  1.1.1  Sending studies... 1-1  1.1.2  Querying and retrieving studies... 1-3  1.1.3  Acquiring the examination schedules ... 1-4  1.1.4  Notifying the RIS server of examination start/end ... 1-7  1.2  Interoperability with DICOM Functions ... 1-8  2.  Report Function ... 2-1  2.1  General ... 2-1  2.1.1  Template Editor (TE)... 2-1  2.1.2  Report Generator (RG)... 2-1  2.2  Report Generator ... 2-1  2.2.1  Launching Report Generator ... 2-2  2.2.2  Selecting a template ... 2-3  2.2.3  Adding image rows ... 2-3  2.2.4  Removing image rows ... 2-3  2.2.5  Adding or changing images ... 2-4  2.2.6  Changing a template ... 2-5  2.2.7  Adding comments ... 2-5  2.2.8  Saving a report ... 2-5 No. 2B708-501EN*C -a-  YE0556010C-3
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