
Manujet Device

Manujet III Instructions for Use 2000

Instructions for Use

1 Page

INSTRUCTION FOR USE OF THE MANUJET III The Manujet lll is designed for use with either oxygen or compressed air and is supplied with a pressure hose attached. The Manujet lll requires a working pressure of 4-10 bar. The patient can be connected via a Jet Ventilation Catheterwith a Luer Lock Connecting Tube on the Manujet lll. The respiration pressure can be set by turning the knob of the pressure regulator according to the patient, e.g. for babies, children or adults. By squeezing and releasing the pressure regulator knob, the pressure regulator will bL opened or closed. The regulation of the respiration pressure and the frequency of ventilation can be chosen by the doctor, whereby the following values have to be considered as standard values.  The following volumes can be given to the patient with normal frequency ol ventilation, based on an inspiratoryexpiratory rate of 1:1. Patient / Catheter  Frequency of ventilation per minute  Newbom 16G  40 times 40 times 20-30 times 12-13times  Baby child Adult  16G  14G  13c  lnjection Pressure  Volume in Litres  0.5 bar  - 3.5 - 6.0  1.0 bar  3.0 4.0  2.Obar  '16.0 - 21 .0  3.0 bar  24.0 - 30.0  It is important for the user to observe the patient all the time. The rise and fall of the patients chest indicates a successf ul respiration. By increasing the frequency of ventitation from 30 to 50 strokes per minute, aspiration will be prevented because the gastric content will be transported automatically upwards during expiration.  ENDOJET ADAPTER The EndojetAdapter allows Jet Ventilation on the Endotracheal Tube, Laryngeal Mask or Face Mask. The Catheter can be pushed forward through the EndotrachealTube or Laryngeal Mask as far as required and can be fastened with the screw. REF  Endoiet Adapter, 15mm I 22mm, swivelling, with Endojet Catheter  3(H)}111  Endojet Catheter, only Luer Lock Connecting Tube, length: 100cm  30-03-m0 544+'111-1  JET CANNULA, maae of metat for positive pressure assisted ventilation during laryn goscopy and micro-laryngoscopy  3rcru.  l.D. 1.4 mm, length: 12.0cm l.D. 1.4 mm, length: 18.0cm l.D. 2.5 mm, length: 21.Scm  I  REF  30{3€33 30-03-444  jl  ?fa  ,b  Cannula Holder, suitable for allthree sizes, necessary to fix the Jet Cannula to the Operati ng-Layngoscope  GE  03(Wm0  30.()3s66  Medizinlechnik GmbH EinsteinstraBe 1  ( ( orzs  - D-72172 Sulz a.N. - Germany - Tel.: +497454/95 96 10 - Fu<: +497454/95 96 33
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