
FloPoint Elite Setup and Use Quick Reference

Setup and Use Quick Reference

2 Pages

®  Setup and Use Quick Reference Note: To turn on the ScanPoint Remote when it is in sleep mode, press and release the Remote button. ®  Remove the FloSensor from the FloCharger Wearing gloves and using the handles, remove the FloSensor from the FloCharger. Spread the handles and place the FloSensor in the toilet bowl as shown. The FloSensor will beep and the motor will start spinning. It will take approximately 15 seconds for the FloSensor to warm up. Note: the exam cannot be initiated until warm-up period is complete.  Place the Funnel on the FloSensor Press the tabs around the FloSensor handles to secure the Funnel in place.  To start the exam, press and release the button on the ScanPoint Remote Position the Remote within 10 feet of the FloSensor; press and release the button on the ScanPoint Remote to start the exam process. When you hear a chirp from the Remote, see a “0” on the Remote, and hear beeps from the FloSensor, the device is ready to perform an exam.  Press and Release  Instruct the patient Tell the patient that the FloSensor will beep every 3 seconds to indicate normal operation. No cause for concern. The beeping will stop when the patient begins to urinate. Instruct the patient to relax and urinate (and only urinate) normally into the funnel. Ask male patients to aim for the marked location on the side of the funnel.  10 feet or less  Leave the ScanPoint Remote within 10 feet of the FloSensor (for example, on a hook in the restroom, or just outside the restroom door). This distance allows the FloSensor and ScanPoint Remote to communicate with each other. The Remote will provide real-time data throughout the exam.  To end the exam, press and release the button on the ScanPoint Remote When the patient is finished, pick up the ScanPoint Remote; press and release the button to end the exam. The ScanPoint Remote LCD screen displays the final volume, the peak flow and a flashing speaker icon to indicate the device is ready for annotation.  Press and Release For more information, call 800.331.2313 (in the U.S. and Canada) or contact your local Verathon Medical representative. FloPoint, ScanPoint, the ScanPoint symbol, Verathon and the Verathon Torch symbol are trademarks of Verathon Inc. © 2007, 2010 Verathon Inc.
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