Verity Medical

NeuroTrac MyoPlus4S Sports Operation Manual Nov 2010

Operation Manual

28 Pages

NeuroTrac™ MyoPlus4S Sports Operation Manual  Table of Contents Contents  Page  Warnings Contra-Indication and Precautions NeuroTrac™ MyoPlus4S Layout Lead / Electrode connection Assembly Quick start instructions  2 4 5 6 7  Body Area - Programme - Phase Setting the custom programme Running the programme STIM phase operation How to change STIM parameters  9 10 11 12 15  Daily progress report, LOCK function Date, Time and Language settings Statistics  15 16 17  Electrodes Types and Tips Care, Maintenance, Accessories and Disposal Specifications Information regarding Electromagnetic compatibility and interference (EMC) Troubleshooting Warranty Clinical Reference  18 19 21  3  22 25 26 27
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File Size: 3.05 MB
File Name: Verity Medical - NeuroTrac MyoPlus4S Sports Operation Manual Nov 2010 - 2010-11.pdf

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