VIASYS Healthcare

Infant SiPAP

Infant Flow SiPAP Service Manual 3rd Edition Ver A

Service Manual

111 Pages

Vyaire Medical, Inc. Title: Infant Flow SiPAP 3rd Edition Service Manual Part no.: 33199-001  Cover Sheet  Ver.: A  Print the attached pages according to the printing instructions.  Do not print this page. Printing Instructions Document size: 8.5” X 11” Paper: 20# or similar printer/copier-weight, white paper, three-hole drilled Print quality: High resolution Ink: Black Layout: Print the pages two sided. Start all chapters on right-facing, (odd-numbered) pages. File formats: Adobe Acrobat Note: Vyaire Medical, Inc., owns all digital files and images related to this job. Binding: Three ring, 0.5-inch, white, clear window (View Binder). Inside pockets are not required but are acceptable. Front cover and spine: 4/0 color copy preferred; bright white cover stock, 80 lb. Insert the front cover and spine into the binder clear plastic overlays. Print the cover and spine from the files included with the manual files. Back cover: NA Tabs: NA Approval: Two proof copies of the document are to be provided to Vyaire Medical for review and approval before printing production order quantities. After approval by Vyaire Medical: •  Packaging:  Printer:  One proof copy will be retained by Vyaire Medical to use as the customer control copy.  • The second proof copy will be returned to the printer as the supplier control copy. Production order quantities may then be produced. Label all cartons to identify the contents and quantities. Do not allow any carton to exceed 40 pounds. Include the purchase order number, part numbers, and descriptions on all paperwork. Purchasing will choose the printer.  Versions Ver.  Chg. Order  Description  A  104064  Initial release per ECO.
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File Name: VIASYS Healthcare - 33199-001 - Infant Flow SiPAP Service Manual 3rd Edition Ver A - 2021-11.pdf

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