VISTA Medical
Pressure Mapping Systems
BodiTrak and FSA Systems User Manual 1st Edition Rev 0 Oct 2012
User Manual
103 Pages

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User Manual for
BodiTrak and
FSA Systems
1st Edition Rev 0 Copyright October, 2012
User Manual for BodiTrak and FSA Systems 1st Edition Rev 0 © 2012 ... Vista Medical Ltd.
All rights reserved. No parts of this work may be reproduced in any form or by any means - graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or information storage and retrieval systems - without the written permission of the publisher. Products that are referred to in this document may be either trademarks and/or registered trademarks of the respective owners. The publisher and the author make no claim to these trademarks. While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this document, the publisher and the author assume no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of information contained in this document or from the use of programs and source code that may accompany it. In no event shall the publisher and the author be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damage caused or alleged to have been caused directly or indirectly by this document. Printed: October 2012 in Winnipeg Manitoba Canada Publisher
Vista Medical Ltd. Managing Editor
Carol Vermeer Technical Editors
Carol Vermeer Grant Derksen Ted Duthoit Cover Designer
Carol Vermeer Team Coordinator
Carol Vermeer Production Vista Medical Ltd.
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) statement The Federal Communications Commission (in 47 CFR 15.105) has specified that the follow ing notice be brought to the attention of the users of this product. This equipment has been tested and found to comply w ith the limits for a Class A digital dev ice, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to prov ide reasonable protection against harmful interference w hen the equipment is operated in a commercial env ironment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance w ith the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in w hich case the user w ill be required to correct the interference at his ow n ex pense. The end user of this product should be aw are that any changes or modifications made to this equipment w ithout the approv al of Vista Medical could result in the product not meeting the Class A limits, in w hich case the FCC could v oid the user's authority to operate the equipment. This dev ice complies w ith Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the follow ing tw o conditions: (1) this dev ice may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this dev ice must accept any interference receiv ed, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Industry Canada compliance statement This Class A digital apparatus complies w ith Canadian ICES-003. Cet appareil numérique de la classe A est conforme a la norme NMB-003 du Canada
User Manual for BodiTrak and FSA Systems - 1st Edition Rev 0
Table of Contents Foreword
Part I Introduction
1 Before ... you Begin 1 Vista Medical Ltd. ... Softw are License Agreem ent 1 Lim ited Warranty ... 1 User Assistance ... Inform ation 3 System Requirem ... ents 4 Operator Requirem ... ents 4 Operator and Patient ... Positioning 5 Intended Use ... 5 Models Covered ... by This User Manual 5 Applied Parts ... 5 Disposal of the... BodiTrak and FSA Hardw are 5 Statem ent of Accuracy ... 5 Warnings ... 6 Typographical Conventions ... 7
Part II Getting Started
1 Software ... 8 Softw are Installation ... 8 Upgrading or Re-installing ... the Softw are 9
2 BodiTrak ... Systems 10 Com ponent Description ... of BodiTrak System 10 Hardw are Setup ... for BodiTrak System 11 Proper Care of ... the BodiTrak Mat 11 Cleaning the BodiTrak ... Mat 12
3 FSA Systems ... 13 Com ponent Description ... of FSA Type 4 System 14 Com ponent Description ... of FSA Type 5 or 5E System 15 Hardw are Setup ... USB FSA System s 16 Hardw are Setup ... Serial FSA System s 17 Installing the FSA ... System USB Drivers 18 Proper Care of ... the FSA Mat 19 Proper Care of ... the FSA Interface Modules 19 Cleaning the FSA ... Mat 20
4 Calibration ... Equipment 21 5 Sample ... Session 22
Part III Operating Instructions
1 The Main ... FSA Window 23 2 The Title ... Bar 24 3 The Menu ... Bar 24 File Edit View
... 24 ... 25 ... 27 © 2012 ... Vista Medical Ltd.
Action ... 27 Tools ... 28 Create Template ... 29 Templates ... 29 Seating Protocol ... Wizard 31 System Settings ... - FSA Systems 33 System Settings ... - BodiTrak Systems 34 Scan Rate ... 34 Upload Firmw ... are - FSA Systems 35 Calibration ... Wizard 36 Options ... 36 Help ... 37
4 The Tool ... Bars 38 The Docum ent ... Bar 38 The Navigation ... Bar 39 The Status Bar... 40 Key Fram es ... 41 Selected Fram... es 41
5 Your Main ... Display Area 42 Com parison View ... 44 Thum bnail Display ... 45 Splitters ... 45 The Contour Plot ... 46 The Surface Plot ... 48 The Legend Display ... Panel 49 The Statistics... Display Panel 50 The Tim e Plot... Display 50 The Note Area... 51 The Video Window ... 51 The Scroll Bar... 52
6 Remote ... (FSA Type 4 Systems Only) 53 Rem ote Setup... 53 Rem ote Dow nload ... 54
7 Adding ... Video 55 8 Printing ... Reports 56 9 The Client ... Information Tab 57 10 Exporting ... 57 What can be exported ... from the Softw are 57 Exporting a Graphic ... 57 Exporting Data... 58
11 Statistics ... 58 Average (units) ... 58 Coefficient of ... Variation (%) 58 Horizontal Center ... (cm or in) 58 Maxim um (units) ... 58 Minim um (units) ... 58 Regional Distribution ... 59 Selectable Areas ... 60 Sensing Area... (units) 61 Standard Deviation ... (units) 61 Statistics Minim ... um 61 © 2012 ... Vista Medical Ltd.
User Manual for BodiTrak and FSA Systems - 1st Edition Rev 0 Variance (units) ... 61 Vertical Center ... (cm or in) 61
Part IV Calibration
1 Why is... Calibration Needed? 62 2 Sensor... Array Files 62 3 How Often ... to Calibrate? 63 4 Acceptable ... Calibration Values 63 5 Calibration ... Instructions 64 Assem bly of the ... Calibration Jig 64 Placem ent of ... the Sensing Mat 64 Calibrating the... Mat Step by Step 66 Calibration Validation/ ... Verification 68
Part V Optional Accessories
1 The FSA ... Autocalibrator 69 2 FSA Wireless ... Kits (FSA Systems Only) 70 3 Custom ... Sensors and Mats 71
Part VI Appendix
1 FAQ's ... 72 2 Safety... Notices BodiTrak System 76 CAN/CSA C22.2 ... No. 60601-1:2008, ANSI/AAMI ES 60601-1:2005/A2:2010 and EN 60601 1:2006/A11:2011 76 Electronic Em issions ... Notices 76 Medical Electrical ... Equipm ent Classification 78 IEC 60601-1-2:2007 ... (Ed 3.0) Tables (BodiTrak System s) 78
3 Safety... Notices FSA System 81 CAN/CSA C22.2 ... 601.1-M90, UL 60601-1 and EN60601-1 81 Electronic Em issions ... Notices (FSA System s) 81 IEC 60601-1-2:2004 ... (Ed. 2.1) Tables (FSA System s) 84
4 Approved ... Parts and Accessories 89 5 Definition ... of Symbols 90 6 Product ... Environmental Specifications 90
Part VII Glossary Index
91 95
© 2012 ... Vista Medical Ltd.
Before you Begin
Vista Medical Ltd. Software License Agreement
By opening the packages containing the software and hardware, you indicate your acceptance of the following Software/ Hardware License Agreement. This is a legal agreement between you (either an individual or an entity) and the manufacturer of the system (Vista Medical Ltd. and its suppliers). By opening the packages you are agreeing to be bound by the terms of this agreement. If you do not agree to the terms of this agreement, promptly return the system package(s) to the place you obtained them for a full refund. GRANT OF LICENSE. This License Agreement permits you to use one copy of the enclosed software program (the 'SOFTWARE') on a single computer. The SOFTWARE is in 'use' on a computer when it is loaded into permanent memory (e.g., hard disk, CD-ROM, or other storage device) of that computer. COPYRIGHT. The SOFTWARE is owned by Vista Medical Ltd. and its suppliers and is protected by Canadian copyright laws and international treaty provisions. You must treat the SOFTWARE like any other copyright material (e.g., a book or musical recording) except that you may either (a) make one copy of the SOFTWARE solely for backup or archival purposes, or (b) transfer the SOFTWARE to a single hard disk provided you keep the original solely for backup or archival purposes. You may not copy the written materials accompanying the SOFTWARE. OTHER RESTRICTIONS. You may not rent or lease the SOFTWARE, but you may transfer the SOFTWARE and accompanying written materials on a permanent basis provided you retain copies and the recipient agrees to the terms of this Agreement. You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the SOFTWARE or HARDWARE. If the SOFTWARE is an update or has been updated, any transfer must include the most recent update and all prior versions. 5/8/96
Limited Warranty
LIMITED WARRANTY. Vista Medical Ltd. warrants that: (a) the SOFTWARE will perform substantially in accordance with the accompanying written materials for a period of ninety (90) days from the date of receipt at the distributor. (b) HARDWARE (interface modules, sensors,calibration jigs, autocalibrators, accessories) accompanying the SOFTWARE will be free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal use and service for a period of one (1) year from the date of receipt at the distributor. Any implied warranties on the SOFTWARE and HARDWARE are limited to ninety (90) days, and one (1) year respectively. Some states/ jurisdictions do not allow limitations on duration of an implied warranty, so the above limitations may not apply to you. CUSTOMER REMEDIES. Vista Medical Ltd. and its suppliers' entire liability and your exclusive remedy shall be, at Vista Medical Ltd's option, either (a) return of the price paid, or (b) repair or replacement of the SOFTWARE and/ or HARDWARE that does not meet Vista Medical Ltd's Limited Warranty and which is returned to Vista Medical Ltd's with a copy of your invoice. This Limited Warranty is void if failure of the SOFTWARE and/or HARDWARE has resulted from accident, abuse, or misapplication. Any replacement, modification or enhancements to the SOFTWARE and/or User Manual for BodiTrak and FSA Systems - 1st Edition Rev 0
User Manual for BodiTrak and FSA Systems - 1st Edition Rev 0
HARDWARE will be warranted for the remainder of the original warranty period or thirty (30) days, whichever is longer. Any modifications by a third party to the SOFTWARE and/or HARDWARE will void the manufacturer's warranty and any obligations to provide maintenance services. NO OTHER WARRANTIES. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Vista Medical Ltd. and its suppliers disclaim all other warranties, either express of implied, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose with regard to the SOFTWARE, the accompanying written materials, and any accompanying HARDWARE. This limited warranty gives you specific legal rights. You may have others, which vary from state/jurisdiction to state/jurisdiction. NO LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, in no event shall Vista Medical Ltd. or its suppliers be liable for any damages whatsoever (including without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or any other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use of or inability to use this product, even if Vista Medical Ltd. has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Because some states/jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages, the above limitation may not apply to you. THIS AGREEMENT IS GOVERNED BY THE LAWS IN THE PROVINCE OF MANITOBA Should you have any questions concerning this Agreement, or if you desire to contact Vista Medical Ltd. for any reason, please refer to the address and telephone numbers provided in the documentation for your system. Information in this document is subject to change without notice. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of Vista Medical Ltd. User Manual for BodiTrak and FSA Systems - 1st Edition Rev 0 © 2012 ... Vista Medical Ltd. All rights reserved. Windows® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
User Manual for BodiTrak and FSA Systems - 1st Edition Rev 0
User Assistance Information
If you have any questions about the BodiTrak or FSA Systems, or if you are experiencing technical difficulties, please contact Vista Medical Ltd. at the following address: Vista Medical Ltd. Unit 3-55 Henlow Bay Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3Y 1G4 North America Toll Free Technical Support 1-800-847-3157 Local 204-949-7661 Monday to Friday e-mail: Visit our website at: Outside of North America, please contact your distributor. A listing of our worldwide distributors can be found online at, look for the Contact link.
Before calling for technical support please try the following: Disconnect all cables from the computer, then reconnect cables. If using a system that uses a battery, try a new battery. Close down all programs running except FSA. Re-start computer.
When contacting technical support have the following information ready: Version of FSA software you are currently running. Click Help-About FSA. Name of your facility/company, current location and user. Type of computer equipment, serial #'s of interface module (if applies) and mat(s). Note down the error messages, if any Note down any attempted solutions.
EC Representative (regulatory affairs only): EMERGO EUROPE Molenstraat 15 2513 BH, The Hague The Netherlands Phone: +31.70.345.8570 Fax: +31.70.346.7299
User Manual for BodiTrak and FSA Systems - 1st Edition Rev 0
User Manual for BodiTrak and FSA Systems - 1st Edition Rev 0
System Requirements
FSA 4.1 software requires the following to operate: Supported Operating Systems: A PC running Windows XP or later operating systems with current service packs. Minimum Hardware Requirements: 10 MB of free hard drive space. 128 MB RAM or minimum required for operating system in use, whichever is greater. Display capable of High Color (16 bit), 800x600 resolution. CD-ROM drive if using an FSA Type 4 or 5/5E system. A USB port; 2 required if using an FSA AutoCalibrator or 2 or more BodiTrak system mats or FSA system Interface Modules at a time. Recommended: A PC running the Windows 7 operating system. 2 GB RAM or minimum required for operating system in use, whichever is greater. Minimum 768 vertical resolution. For video: If you plan on using the video feature, we strongly recommend running Windows 7 with a minimum of 4 GB of RAM. Camera must have VFW (Video For Windows) or WIA (Windows Image Acquisition) compatibility. Please check the driver and operating system compatibility specifications for cameras you are considering purchasing for use with the FSA software, or contact technical support at for suggestions. If you plan on using video, pay attention to the minimum system requirements for your camera.
NOTES: The system may not work through a laptop docking station. Make sure your computer has its own USB ports. FSA systems only: The final FSA 4.0 software release tested on Windows 2000 SP4 is FSA 4.0.225. Microsoft is discontinuing support of Windows 2000 SP4 in July 2010. FSA system Type 4 Interface Modules will run through a serial port, but as of November 1 2009 serial cables are no longer supplied with the FSA system. The cables are still available for purchase, please contact your distributor if you require one.
Operator Requirements
No special skills, training or knowledge are required for operation aside from the information included in this instruction manual. For location of use restrictions, refer to the section Product Environmental Specifications. User Manual for BodiTrak and FSA Systems - 1st Edition Rev 0
Operator and Patient Positioning
The expected positions of the patient and operator are the patient sitting, laying or standing on the pressure mat and the operator viewing the computer monitor.
Intended Use
The intended use of the pressure sensing mat is to discern the relative pressure levels of a mass on a support surface.
Models Covered by This User Manual
This User Manual applies to the following models: BodiTrak Systems: BT1510 Standard Seat BT1526 High Resolution Seat BT3510 Standard Bed BT3520 High Resolution Bed BT3526 Ultra Resolution Bed BT4510 Standard Torso BT4526 High Resolution Torso BT5010 Custom Sensor BT5510 Standard Treadmill BT5526 High Resolution Treadmill BT6510 OrthoTest BT6526 OrthoGait
555 x 555 (mm) 565 x 565 2032 x 863 2032 x 863 2032 x 863 1020 x 790 1020 x 790 2032 x 863 1117 x 863 1117 x 863 580 x 580 580 x 580
FSA systems - FT1005, FT1015, FT1020, FT1030, FT1035, ST1510, ST1526, ST3510, UT1009, UT1010, UT1021, UT1025, UT1026, UT1027, UT3010, UT3020, UT3030, UT4010, UT5010-S, UT6010 Mat specific instructions will be included with Custom mats BT5010, FSA ST5010 and UT5010 as required.
Applied Parts
The sensor mat itself is classified as a Type B applied part.
1.1.10 Disposal of the BodiTrak and FSA Hardware These products have been designed to be WEEE and RoHS compliant. BodiTrak mats & FSA Interface Modules contains printed circuit boards; dispose of per your territory's regulations. If there are any concern return to the manufacturer for disposal.
1.1.11 Statement of Accuracy BodiTrak & FSA pressure mapping sensors are accurate to within +/- 20% over the recommended operating range. For more details concerning the limits of accuracy please refer to Part IV section 4: "Acceptable Calibration Values". User Manual for BodiTrak and FSA Systems - 1st Edition Rev 0
User Manual for BodiTrak and FSA Systems - 1st Edition Rev 0
1.1.12 Warnings BodiTrak & FSA Systems: Medical Electrical Equipment (ME) requires special precautions regarding EMC and needs to be installed and put into service according to the EMC information provided in the accompanying documents. Use of this equipment with accessories or cables other than those qualified and sold by Vista Medical may result in increased emissions or decreased immunity of this equipment and may cause the system to be noncompliant with the requirements of IEC 60601-1-2:2004 (Ed. 2.1) Tables (FSA Systems) for FSA systems, IEC 60601-1-2:2007 Tables for BodiTrak systems. For FSA systems, refer to Approved Parts and Accessories. Electrical interference, such as electrical transients or bursts, may cause the sensing mat to stop working temporarily. To mitigate such occurrences try moving to another location and rescanning, or avoid using near equipment with a high amount of electrical switching (like motors) or plugged into the same power circuit. Connectors identified with the ESD warning symbol should not be touched and connections should not be made to these connectors unless ESD precautionary procedures are used. We recommend that staff be trained to recognize the ESD symbol and to prevent damage by discharging themselves by touching grounded metal prior to handling the USB connector or plugging it in. Refer to Definition of Symbols . The equipment should not be used adjacent to or stacked with other equipment. If adjacent or stacked use is necessary, the equipment should be observed to verify normal operation in the configuration in which it will be used. No modification of this equipment is allowed. See Safety Notices CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60601-1:2008, ANSI/AAMI ES 60601-1:2005/A2:2010 and EN 60601 1:2006/A11:2011 for BodiTrak Systems, CAN/CSA C22.2 601.1-M90, UL 60601-1 and EN60601-1 for FSA Systems, and Electronic Emissions Notices . BodiTrak Systems Only: No warnings apply to BodiTrak alone; see above. FSA Systems Only: Improper care and /or use of the FSA Interface Module could possibly lead to malfunction, failure or damage to the FSA Interface Module. The FSA mat covering should not be put in direct contact with broken skin. Improper care of and /or use of FSA mat(s) could possibly lead to malfunction, failure or damage to the FSA pressure-sensing mat.
User Manual for BodiTrak and FSA Systems - 1st Edition Rev 0
1.1.13 Typographical Conventions Special Bold indicates an item that must be selected such as a menu option, command button or list item, or a minor topic heading. Italics are used to emphasize an important point. Bold Italics indicate a warning. CAPITALS indicate the names of keys on the keyboard such as INSERT, CTRL. KEY+KEY indicate a key combination. Hold down the first key, continue holding it down, then select the second key.
User Manual for BodiTrak and FSA Systems - 1st Edition Rev 0
User Manual for BodiTrak and FSA Systems - 1st Edition Rev 0
2 2.1
Software Installation
BodiTrak systems are run on/powered by FSA 4.1 and up software. From CD (FSA Systems): 1. Insert the FSA CD into the CD-ROM drive (typically D :) on your computer. If the setup does not start automatically: Click the Start button and choose Run from the drop down menu that appears (or hit the Windows + R keys together). Type D:setup in the dialog box that appears. Left mouse click on OK. 2. Follow the instructions in the installation wizard. From USB Flash Drive (BodiTrak Systems): 1. Insert the Flash Drive into an available USB port on your computer, wait to hear the Windows Device Connect tone, then: Windows Vista or Windows 7 - When the AutoPlay window appears, select the "Browse" option. or Windows XP or Windows Vista or 7 if the AutoPlay window does not appear - Click the Start button and go to My Computer or Computer; browse to your USB Drive. 2. Look for the "Setup" file and double click to start the install. 3. Follow the instructions in the installation wizard. From Internet Download: 1. Download the file 'FSAsetup v4_1_###.exe' to your desktop (suggested). 2. When the download is complete, double click the file ''FSAsetup v4_1_###.exe' and following the on screen instructions. ### indicates the release version. Installation onto the Windows Vista or Windows 7 operating systems. A warning may appear indicating an unidentified or unknown program wants to access or make changes to your computer. Click Allow (Vista) or Yes (Windows 7) to install the FSA software. FSA 4.1 can be run by restricted users, but may have to be installed by someone with administrative rights, depending on how your users rights are set up by your IT department. Please read footnote1 for important information regarding where FSA files are stored. Sensor array files ( *.cal) files will be copied in to your default SensorArray directory when you double click on the file. If the file is not copied in to your default SensorArray directory, you may have not been granted the required rights by your network administrator/IT department. Please contact them to perform that task for you or have them adjust your security settings. User Manual for BodiTrak and FSA Systems - 1st Edition Rev 0
Getting Started
Footnote1 If installing onto a computer that has never had FSA 4.1.XX installed before the FSA4.1 installation will create C:Program Files (x86)FSA4 (typical to all operating systems) as the root directory by default, and will create the following directories; they are what is being referred to throughout this users manual as the default directories: Windows XP: C:Documents and SettingsYOUR USER NAMEMy DocumentsFSA - which store your FSA files. C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersApplication DataVistamedicalFSA4.1Reports - your printed report templates. C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersApplication DataVistamedicalFSA4.1SensorArrays - your sensor array (may be referred to as calibration) files. C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersApplication DataVistamedicalFSA4.1Templates - your document templates (similar to configurations in earlier FSA versions). C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersApplication DataVistamedicalFSA4.1Tools - your default FSA tool directory. Windows Vista and Windows 7: C:usersYOUR NAMEDocumentsFSA - which store your FSA files. C:ProgramDataVistamedicalFSA4.1Reports - your printed report templates. C:ProgramDataVistamedicalFSA4.1SensorArrays - your sensor array files. C:ProgramDataVistamedicalFSA4.1Templates - your document templates C:ProgramDataVistamedicalFSA4.1Tools - your default FSA tool directory. If the install is unable to create the directories where intended, you will be prompted during the install to make that choice yourself.
Upgrading or Re-installing the Software
If you need to reinstall or upgrade your FSA software: Uninstall existing: 1. Go to Start-Control Panel, double click Add or Remove Programs (XP), Programs and Features (Vista), Programs-Programs and Features (Windows 7). 2. Select 'FSA 4.1' (or 4.0 if uninstalling a previous version) from the menu presented, click the Add/Remove button (Vista and Windows 7 Uninstall/Change). Follow the instructions presented. 3. Restart your computer. 4. Reinstall as per Software Installation.
User Manual for BodiTrak and FSA Systems - 1st Edition Rev 0
User Manual for BodiTrak and FSA Systems - 1st Edition Rev 0
BodiTrak Systems
Components of a BodiTrak System Your BodiTrak system consists of one or more sensing mats pressure or otherwise, computer software, and often a manual calibration kit. BodiTrak mats are typically covered with a polyurethane coated Nylon/Lycra stretch fabric. Your BodiTrak mat connects to the computer via the USB cable permanently connected to it. BodiTrak software allows the user to scan, record, annotate, file and share the information gathered by the sensors. BodiTrak systems are run on/powered by FSA 4.1 and up software.
Component Description of BodiTrak System Shipping Tube with Shipping Foam your typical BodiTrak system will arrive with the sensing mat wrapped around the foam core. Save the tube and foam for storage or transportation of your BodiTrak system.
Typical BodiTrak mats are covered in a polyurethane coated Nylon/Lycra fabric, and have an attached USB cable. The label on the cable contains the model and serial number of the mat. For easy orientation, the logo is on the top side of the mat.
Additional: FSA Software USB Flash Drive including an electronic user's manual. Hard copy Manuals are only included if required by your jurisdiction. User Manual for BodiTrak and FSA Systems - 1st Edition Rev 0
Getting Started
Hardware Setup for BodiTrak System
Plug the BodiTrak mat's USB cable's securely into an available USB port on your computer. You should hear a Windows device connect tone - if you don't, dis and reconnect until you do, or try another USB port. Wait for Windows to tell you the driver has been successfully installed; watch the Windows notification area in the lower right. On initial connection to a computer running on the Windows XP operating system, the Found New Hardware wizard will appear. Follow the onscreen instructions to install the driver. When you connect and disconnect a USB device, you should hear a tone from your computer. Wait to hear that tone before scanning. Under Windows System Device Manager, BodiTrak mats show up as "BodiTrak Sensor Array" branching off of "BodiTrak Device". Your computer may need to be restarted to complete the driver install; follow onscreen instructions.
Proper Care of the BodiTrak Mat Do not fold the mat. Place the mat gently on surfaces by using the corners. Do not pull on or carry the mat by the USB cable. Do not pivot on the mat. Do not pull on the edges of the mat while it is under a client. Do not pinch the mat between moving components of a support surface. Store the mat flat or in the original packaging (roll the mat around the foam core and store in the shipping tube). If your mat has a ferrite installed on the USB cable, do not remove it. It is the operator's responsibility to ensure all cables are in good condition; inspect all cables for nicks or abrasions prior to each use. If function stops during electrostatic discharge to the device, reset the system by unplugging from the PC, rebooting the PC and plugging in the mat.
User Manual for BodiTrak and FSA Systems - 1st Edition Rev 0
User Manual for BodiTrak and FSA Systems - 1st Edition Rev 0
Cleaning the BodiTrak Mat
BodiTrak mats are typically covered in Polyurethane coated Nylon/Lycra stretch fabric. For daily cleaning, we recommend wiping down with a damp, not wet cloth using a mild soap and water solution. Mild alcohol based cleaners and cleaners containing no more than 10% bleach in non-wetting amounts may also be used. Other cleaners/ disinfectants sold under the following names may also be used: Viraguard, Cavicide, Vitre Tb, SeptFx. Undiluted bleach and Hydrogen Peroxide are not recommended. Cleaning products or disinfectants must be thoroughly wiped off after use. Allow mat to dry thoroughly before use or storage.
User Manual for BodiTrak and FSA Systems - 1st Edition Rev 0
Getting Started
FSA Systems
Components of an FSA System Your FSA system consists of one or more sensing mats pressure or otherwise, an interface module, cables, computer software, and often a manual calibration kit. FSA mats are typically covered with a polyurethane coated Ripstop Nylon or Nylon/Lycra stretch fabric or Polyurethane. Your FSA mat connects to the computer through the Interface Module and USB cable included with the system. FSA software allows the user to scan, record, annotate, file and share the information gathered by the sensors).
User Manual for BodiTrak and FSA Systems - 1st Edition Rev 0
User Manual for BodiTrak and FSA Systems - 1st Edition Rev 0
Component Description of FSA Type 4 System Shipping Tube with Shipping Foam your typical FSA system will arrive with the sensing mat wrapped around the foam core, and the interface module and other accessories inside the foam. Save the tube and foam for storage or transportation of your FSA system. Typical FSA Mats are covered in a polyurethane coated ripstop nylon or Nylon/ Lycra fabric. The mats have an attached ribbon cable covered with a black nylon braided cable sleeve and a 34-pin plug; the cable also gives the serial number and orientation (top/bottom) of the mat. The Nylon covering the FSA mat is blue on one side and black on the other. For easy orientation, blue is on top. For purposes of good hygiene, to protect against tension and incontinence, and to increase durability of the mat ALWAYS use the FSA Sensor mat with an isolation bag. The Type 4 Interface Module face has two 34-pin receptacles (A and B) for the ribbon cable from the FSA mat(s), and three LED lights. The rear of the interface module contains a single-pin receptacle for the battery pack or the Interface Power Supply, an 8-wire receptacle (similar to the common telephone jack in North America) and a USB B port. Use only the Interface Power Supply or battery pack supplied with your FSA system with your interface module. For the Type 5 and 5E Interface Module and mat system, refer to Contents of the Shipping Tube Type 5 or 5E System
Accessories: FSA USB Cable - 1 6'/2m USB A/B cable #LI62, which connects the interface module to the computer via USB port. Interface Universal Power Supply - 9V DC #ACC2021. Power Cord Set - 8'/2.5m or 10'/3m #ACCXXXX depending on your countries requirements Battery Pack with 9 volt battery - #FSA1050 FSA Software CD including an electronic user's manual plus FSA sensor array file CD (if two or more mats purchased) Hard copy Manuals are only included if required by your jurisdiction. Isolation Bags, 10 clear polyethylene (plastic) bags (typical), 3 ('Bed'). Isolation bags are intended for single use only; dispose of them according to your institution's biological waste disposal guidelines.
Also see Approved Parts and Accessories, Contents of the Calibration Jig Box (BodiTrak or FSA)
User Manual for BodiTrak and FSA Systems - 1st Edition Rev 0
Getting Started
Component Description of FSA Type 5 or 5E System Shipping Tube with Shipping Foam your typical Type 5 or 5E FSA system will arrive with the sensing mat wrapped around the foam core, and the interface module and other accessories inside the foam. Note that for the Type 5 Interface Module the mat cable leads into the foam core, and is attached to your interface module; Type 5E systems do not have the mat permanently attached to the module. Save the tube and foam for storage or transportation of your FSA system. Typical FSA Mats are covered in a polyurethane coated ripstop nylon or Nylon/ Lycra fabric. The mats have an attached ribbon cable covered with a black nylon braided cable sleeve and are permanently connected to your FSA Type 5 Interface Module (5E systems do not have the mat permanently attached); the cable also gives the serial number and orientation (top/bottom) of the mat. The Nylon covering the FSA mat is blue on one side and black on the other. For easy orientation, blue is on top. For purposes of good hygiene, to protect against tension and incontinence, and to increase durability of the mat ALWAYS use the FSA Sensor mat with an isolation bag. The Type 5 or 5E Interface Module has three LED lights and a trigger button on the face. The rear of the interface module contains a single-pin receptacle for power which is not used at this time, and a USB B port. Type 5 and 5E Interface Modules are powered by your computer via the part# LI## USB cable supplied with your FSA system, a power supply is not required, even though there is a power receptacle on the rear of the module. This receptacle is for future use. For the Type 4 Interface Module systems refer to Contents of the Shipping Tube Type 4 System
Accessories: FSA Cable One #LI## USB A/B cable; 6 feet in length, which connects the interface module to the computer via USB port. FSA Software CD including an electronic user's manual plus a FSA sensor array file CD (if two or more mats purchased). Hard copy Manuals are only included if required by your jurisdiction. Isolation Bags, 10 clear polyethylene (plastic) bags (typical), 3 ('Bed'). Isolation bags are intended for single use only; dispose of them according to your institution's biological waste disposal guidelines. You should only use the ferrited USB cable supplied with your FSA system with a Type 5 or 5E Interface Module.
Also see Approved Parts and Accessories, Contents of the Calibration Jig Box (BodiTrak or FSA).
User Manual for BodiTrak and FSA Systems - 1st Edition Rev 0