
Print Utility User Instructions Issue 1

User Instructions

28 Pages

DT_0006  TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS  3  1  DESCRIPTION OF THE VITALOGRAPH PRINT UTILITY  5  2  FEATURES OF THE VITALOGRAPH PRINT UTILITY  6  3  RECOMMENDED REQUIREMENTS  7  4  INSTALLING THE VITALOGRAPH PRINT UTILITY  8  4.1  Commencing the Install  8  4.2  Automatically installing the .NET 1.1 Framework  8  4.3 Installing the Vitalograph Print Utility Software 4.3.1 Welcome Screen 4.3.2 License Agreement 4.3.3 Installation Folder 4.3.4 Confirm Installation 4.3.5 Installing 4.3.6 Installation Complete Confirmation  11 11 12 13 15 16 17  5  18  5.1  STARTING THE VITALOGRAPH PRINT UTILITY Short-Cuts  18  5.2 Application Modes 5.2.1 Showing the Application On-Screen 5.2.2 Hiding the Application 5.2.3 Starting the Print Service 5.2.4 Stopping the Print Service 5.2.5 Shutting Down the Application  19 19 19 19 19 20  5.3  20  6 6.1  Status Bar and Status Indicators VITALOGRAPH PRINT UTILITY OPTIONS Application Defaults  22 22 3
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