

Model 2120 User Manual Issue 3

User Manual

59 Pages

Table Of Contents INTRODUCING THE VITALOGRAPH 2120... 5 Description of the Vitalograph 2120 ... 5 Features of the Vitalograph 2120... 5 Principles of Operation... 5 Using the Vitalograph 2120 with Peripheral Devices ... 6 Physical Features of the Vitalograph 2120 Unit... 6 INSTALLING THE VITALOGRAPH 2120... 8 Connecting the Vitalograph 2120 to a Power Source ... 8 Turning On the Vitalograph 2120 ... 9 Setting Up the Vitalograph 2120 ... 9 CHECKING ACCURACY ... 17 Attaching the Syringe to the Vitalograph 2120... 17 Any Problems ? ... 20 ENTERING OR SELECTING SUBJECT INFORMATION... 21 Entering a New Subject... 21 Selecting an Existing Subject... 23 PERFORMING TESTS ... 24 Entering temperature ... 24 Performing a VC Test... 25 Performing an FVC Test ... 26 Quality Criteria... 27 PERFORMING POST TESTS ... 30 Performing Post Tests... 30 VIEWING TEST RESULTS ... 32 PRINTING TEST RESULTS... 35 Connecting to a Printer ... 35 Printing Results ... 37 DELETING SUBJECT INFORMATION AND / OR TEST RESULTS ... 39 USING SMART... 41 CLEANING THE VITALOGRAPH 2120 ... 44 General Recommendation ... 44 Routine Practice ... 44 3
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File Name: Vitalograph - Model 2120 User Manual Issue 3.pdf

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