Whip Mix

Head Support Systems

Accurad 200 Instruction Manual

Instruction Manual

36 Pages

Table of Contents I Features and Benefits... 7 II Attaching the Accurad™-200 Headholder to the X-Ray Machine... 8 A. First -Time Attachment... 8 B. Selecting the Correct Lead Aperture... 9 C. Attaching Support Strap to Tubehead... 9 III Procedure for Use... 11 A. Loading the Cassette... B. Test Film Procedure... C. Test Film Troubleshooting... D. Patient Set-Up ... E. Adjusting the Nasion Aligner ... F. Recording Patient Positioning on the Film Envelope ... G. Exposing the Film... F. Radiographing the Temporomandibular Joint...  11 11 11 12 13 14 14 15  IV Appendices... 17 A. Clinical Specifications... B. Film Considerations... C. Troubleshooting... D. Procedure Variations... E. Anatomical Influences... F. Accurate Head Stabilization ... G. Manufacturer’s Notes...  17 17 19 20 25 25 26  V Exposure Charts... 27 1. Philips Oralix-65 Exposure Chart... 27 2. Lanex Rare Earth Intensifying Screens/OG Film... 28 3. Conversion Chart... 29 VI Warranty... 29 VII Care and Maintenance ... 29 VIII Bibliography ... 30  5
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