AED 3 Service Manual Rev F

Service Manual

32 Pages

Table of Contents Preface ... 1 Conventions ... 2 Safety Considerations ... 2  Chapter 1 Maintenance ... 3  Self Tests ... 3 Self Test Functions ... 4 Automatic Self-Test Transfer ... 4 Cleaning the AED ... 5 Manual Maintenance Tests ... 6 Physical Inspection Test ... 6 Test Equipment ... 7 Power Supply Test (Optional) ... 8 Equipment Needed ... 8 Set Up ... 8 Pediatric Mode Test ...10 Equipment Needed ...10 Set Up ...10 Energy Test ...11 Equipment Needed ...11 Set Up ...11 Wi-Fi Test ...14 Equipment Needed ...14 Set Up ...14 USB Test ...16 Audio Recording Test (ZOLL AED 3 BLS models only) ...17 Equipment Needed ...17 Set Up ...17  Chapter 2 Troubleshooting ... 19 Troubleshooting the AED ...19  Chapter 3 Functional Description ... 21 High Voltage Circuit Section ...21 Low Voltage Analog Circuit Section ...21 Digital Section ...22 Isolation 22 Readiness Indicator Board ...23 USB Connection ...23 Other External Connections ...23  9650-000751-01 Rev. F  ZOLL AED 3 Service Manual  i
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File Name: ZOLL - 9650-000751-01 - AED 3 Service Manual Rev F - 2023-10.pdf

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