AED Plus Aviation Administrator's Guide Rev E

Administrator's Guide

60 Pages

Table of Contents PREFACE ... V SAFETY SUMMARY... VI Warnings... vi Cautions ... vii Indications for Use... vii Contraindications for Use ... vii Intended Users of the Device ... vii Tracking Requirements... viii Notification of Adverse Events... viii Unpacking ... viii Conventions ... viii Symbols ...ix  INTRODUCTION ... 1 Using the ZOLL AED Plus ...1 Using Real CPR Help® ...2  OPERATION... 3 Operating Controls and Indicators...3 Using the AED Plus Graphical User Interface...5 Voice Prompts ...6 Using the LCD Display ...9 Using the Passive Airway Support System (PASS) ... 10 Using Electrodes... 11 Applying CPR-D-padz ... 12 Applying Pedi-padz II (Infant/Child Electrodes)... 13 Using the CPR Monitoring Function - Real CPR Help... 14 Using the Audio Recording Option ... 14  INSTALLATION AND SELF TEST...15 Inspecting the Unit... 15 Preparing the AED Plus for Use... 15 Using the Self Test Feature... 16 Battery Installation Self Test ... 16 Power On Self Test ... 17 Manual Self Test... 17 Automatic Self Test... 18 Automatic Monthly Test (software version 5.32 or higher only) ... 18  Identifying Battery Condition ... 19  MAINTENANCE AND TROUBLESHOOTING ...20 Maintaining the AED Plus... 20 Maintenance Checklist ... 20  Cleaning the AED Plus... 20 Optional Maintenance for Technical Professionals ... 21 Troubleshooting... 22 Contacting Technical Service ... 23 International Customers... 23  ZOLL ADMINISTRATION SOFTWARE ...24 Installing ZOLL Administration Software... 24 RescueNet Code Review Software ... 24 Setting Up Data Communications... 24  ZOLL AED Plus Aviation Administrator’s Guide  iii
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File Name: ZOLL - 9650-000856-01 - AED Plus Aviation Administrator's Guide Rev E - 2019-12.pdf

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