AED Pro Service Manual Rev E

Service Manual

46 Pages

Table of Contents Preface Related Documentation ...iv Conventions ...iv Symbols ...v Warranty ...vi Safety Considerations...vi Technical Service ... vii Returning a Unit for Service ... vii  Chapter 1  Maintenance Tests  Preparations for Testing ... 1-2 Test Equipment ... 1-2 1.0 Physical Inspection ... 1-3 2.0 Power Supply Test/Current ... 1-4 3.0 Power ON Test ... 1-5 4.0 Pediatric Mode/Electrode Connector Type Test ... 1-6 5.0 Defibrillator Energy Test ... 1-7 6.0 Battery Type Test ... 1-9 7.0 Establish Communication ... 1-10 8.0 Internal Discharge Test ... 1-11 9.0 Patient Impedance Calibration ... 1-13 10.0 ECG Lead-Off Detection ... 1-15 11.0 ECG Offset Calibration ... 1-16 12.0 Real Time Clock Test ... 1-18 13.0 Write Calibration to Flash ... 1-20 14.0 Audio Recording Test (if option installed) ... 1-21 15.0 Read Error Log - Final ... 1-22  Chapter 2  Troubleshooting  Troubleshooting the AED Pro Unit ... 2-2 ECG Monitoring Troubleshooting... 2-4 Defibrillator Troubleshooting ... 2-5 AED Pro Error Log Messages ... 2-6  9650-0309-01 Rev. E  ZOLL AED Pro Service Manual  i
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