Bien Air Dental

Reciprocating Microsaw


21 Pages

Table of contents 1 Symbols 1.1 Description of symbols used  5 5  2 Identification & Intended Use 6 2.1 Identification 2.2 Intended use 2.3 Intended patient population 2.4 Intended User 2.5 Intended medical condition 2.6 Patient contra-indications 2.7 In case of accidents  3  6 6 6 6 6 6 6  Warnings and Precautions of use 7 3.1 General information 3.2 Warnings  4 Description 4.1 Overview 4.2 Technical data 4.3 Performances  5 Operation  5.4 Changing the O-rings 5.4.1 Missing or damaged O-rings  13  14  6.1 Maintenance - General information 14 6.1.1 Precautions for maintenance 6.1.2 Suitable maintenance products 6.1.3 Microsaw and irrigation ring  6.2 Cleaning 6.3 Disinfection 6.3.1 Manual disinfection 6.3.2 Automatic disinfection (optional)  6.4 Lubrication 6.4.1 Verifying cleanliness 6.4.2 Lubrication with Lubrifluid®  14 14 15  15 16 16 17  18 18 18  7 7  6.5 Sterilization  8  6.6 Packing and storage 6.7 Servicing  20 20  7 Transport& disposal  20  8 8 9  10  5.1 Operating conditions and procedure 10 5.2 Changing the cutting tool 11 5.3 Changing the irrigation line 11 5.3.1 Removing the irrigation line and (optionally) the irrigation ring 5.3.2 Connect a new irrigation line  5.4.2 Replacing the O-rings  6 Cleaning and servicing  6.5.1 Procedure  7.1 Transport 7.2 Disposal  18 19  20 20  8 General information  21  8.1 Terms of guarantee 8.2 References  21 21  8.2.1 Sets supplied (see cover) 21 8.2.2 Optional accessories (see cover) 21  12 12  13 13  4
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File Size: 1.47 MB
File Name: Bien Air Dental - 2100358-0001 - RECIPROCATING MICROSAW Instructions for Use - 2021-08.pdf

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