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Conserving Devices. Equipment Guide.
BOC: Living Healthcare
Conserving Devices. Equipment Guide.
Contents. 4 The basics 5 How to use Chad Sequoia Oxymatic OM-312 7 After use for Chad Sequoia Oxymatic OM-312 Changing the batteries on Chad Sequoia Oxymatic OM-312 8 How to use ECOlite 4000 9 After use for ECOlite 4000 10 Changing the batteries on ECOlite 4000
Conserving Devices. Equipment Guide.
The basics. IMPORTANT: Please ensure you read all accompanying literature supplied prior to using your home oxygen equipment. In particular, pay attention to the section on not smoking or allowing others to smoke near your equipment. A conserving device makes your oxygen supply last longer. When we breathe, we spend only one third of the time breathing in, with the other two thirds breathing out. An oxygen conserving device works by sensing when you start breathing in, ‘turning on’ the flow of oxygen and ‘turning it off’ when you breathe out. Approximately two thirds of oxygen is saved, which dramatically increases the length of time cylinders of oxygen will last. Conservers therefore allow you to use smaller cylinders and increase the length of time you remain mobile whilst on oxygen therapy. They can also reduce the drying irritation which continuous flow oxygen can have on your airways.
If you are supplied with a conserver by your clinician you will benefit by being able to use cylinders of oxygen for longer periods, thus allowing much more flexibility on a day to day basis. Please note that oxygen conserving devices are deemed unsuitable for children under 9 years old or those unable to activate them. Your clinician will be able to assess you or your child’s individual needs. Face masks are not to be used with a conserving device.
Conserving Devices. Equipment Guide.
How to use Chad Sequoia Oxymatic OM-312. BOC can only supply conserving devices if they have been prescribed by a healthcare professional. Please discuss your needs with your healthcare professional prior to contacting BOC. Your prescription will detail the conserver setting you require. Check the cylinder contents gauge to ensure sufficient oxygen supply.
1. Connect your cannula to the conserver.
3. Remove the valve outlet cover. a) The hinged red or grey cover is pulled down. Do not remove the red or grey cover and refit after use.
b) The red or grey cover is removed by pulling towards you. Retain the red or grey cover to refit after use.
2. Attach the spiral tubing using the purple clip connector to the conserver.
4. Attach the spiral tubing to the cylinder outlet and push the metal band forward to reveal the green band.
Conserving Devices. Equipment Guide.
5. Open the cylinder valve by turning the ‘open/close’ handwheel (located on the side of the cylinder).
6. Set the oxygen flow rate on the cylinder to 4 LPM.
8. Place a nasal cannula onto yourself or user. Check the gas is flowing and that there are no leaks indicated by a hissing sound.(1)
Note: If you suspect that you have a leak, turn off the cylinder and check the equipment is properly connected. Turn on the cylinder and recheck for leaks. If the leak continues, turn off and quarantine the cylinder outside the home. Contact BOC on 0800 136 603.
7. Switch on the conserver by turning the thumbwheel selector on the top of the unit to your prescribed flow rate setting.
Conserving Devices. Equipment Guide.
After use for Chad Sequoia Oxymatic OM-312.
1. Turn the thumbwheel selector to the OFF position.
2. Remember to close the valve on the oxygen cylinder to avoid wasting oxygen. This valve will have to be opened when oxygen is once again required.
Changing the batteries on Chad Sequoia Oxymatic OM-312. 2. Pull out the old batteries using the flexible strip.
1. Pull open the battery compartment cover at the back of the device.
3. Place the new batteries inside the compartment, making sure the battery poles correspond to the symbols at the bottom of the compartment. Please note this unit takes a ’C’ size battery. 4. Close the battery cover.
Conserving Devices. Equipment Guide.
How to use ECOlite 4000. BOC can only supply conserving devices if they have been prescribed by a healthcare professional. Please discuss your needs with your healthcare professional prior to contacting BOC.
This conserver has an automatic mode which will deliver more oxygen during periods of activity, when you naturally begin to breathe faster. Your prescription will detail the conserver setting and this will be pre-set on the device. 1. Check the cylinder contents gauge to ensure sufficient oxygen supply.
2. Attach the spiral tubing to the conserver by using the clip connector. Connect your cannula to the conserver.
3. Attach the spiral tubing to the cylinder outlet and push the metal band forward to reveal the green band.
4. Open the cylinder valve or if you are intending to use the conserver with a liquid oxygen system, turn the flow control head on.
5. Set the oxygen flow rate on the cylinder to 4 LPM.
6. Switch on the conserver by firmly pushing the on/off button on the front of the unit for 2–3 seconds. The unit is now ready for use and will operate at the previous settings indicated.
Conserving Devices. Equipment Guide.
After use for ECOlite 4000.
2. Remember to close off the valve on the oxygen cylinder to avoid wasting oxygen and open the valve when oxygen is once again required.
1. Press and hold the on/off button on the front of the unit for approximately three seconds. An audible signal will confirm the unit is switched off.
When the battery power is becoming low, the display screen will indicate ‘CHANGE BATTERY’. Follow steps 1–4 on the following section.
Conserving devices. Equipment Guide.
Changing the batteries on ECOlite 4000. When the battery power is becoming low, the display screen will indicate ‘CHANGE BATTERY’.
1. Pull open the battery compartment cover at the back of the device.
2. Pull out the old batteries using the flexible strip. 3. Place the new batteries inside the compartment, making sure the battery poles are connected correspondingly to the symbols at the bottom of the compartment. Please note this unit takes 2 x ’AA’ size batteries. 4. Close the battery cover. Please recycle your batteries through your local services or these can be given back to your Patient Service Representative (PSR).
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Contact us.
BOC Healthcare Patient Service Centre, Priestley Road, Worsley, Manchester M28 2UT, United Kingdom Tel 0800 136 603, Fax 0800 169 9989,, The stripe symbol and the letters BOC are registered trade marks of The BOC Group Limited. Both BOC Limited and The BOC Group Limited are members of The Linde Group, the parent company of which is Linde AG. Reproduction without permission is strictly prohibited. © BOC Limited 2012
Our normal working hours are Monday to Friday 8am until 5.30 pm. We are open 24 hours for emergencies only.