HRC Cervical cage Product Line

EUROSPINE HRC Cervical Cage Product Line Instructions for Use

20 Pages

N8-HRCC-I-T  EUROSPINE  3, Av des DAHLIAS, 94240 L’HAY-LES-ROSES, FRANCE  INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE NOTICE D’INSTRUCTIONS GEBRAUCHSANWEISUNG ISTRUZIONI PER L’USO NOTICIA DE INSTRUCCIONES INSTRUÇÕES DE UTILIZAÇÃO ΦΥΛΛΟ ΟΔΗΓΙΩΝ ΧΡΗΣΗΣ ИНСТРУКЦИЯ ПО ПРИМЕНЕНИЮ  ---------For the instruments of interbody HRC Cervical cage Product Line Pour les INSTRUMENTS de la gamme de cage cervicale intersomatique HRC Für die INSTRUMENTE zwischen den Halswirbeln einzusetzenden HRC-Cages Per gli STRUMENTI della gamma di gabbia cervicale intersomatica HRC Para los INSTRUMENTOS de la gama de jaula cervical intersomática HRC Para os INSTRUMENTOS da gama de gaiola cervical intersomática HRC Για τα χειρουργικά εργαλεία θωρακικής μεσοσωματική αυχενικής κοιλότητα HRC για την θεραπεία των παθολογιών της σπονδυλικής στήλης. Для приспособлений из линейки продукции межтелового цервикального кейджа HRC --------The instrument identification is specified on the label of packaging and on the instrument. L’identification de l’instrument est spécifiée sur l’étiquette apposée sur le conditionnement. Die Identifizierung des Instruments wird auf dem Etikett der Verpackung spezifiziert. L’identificazione dello strumento è specificata sull’etichetta apposta sulla confezione. La identificación del instrumento queda especificada sobre la pieza así como sobre la etiqueta puesta sobre el embalaje.  A identificação do implante é especificada na etiqueta aposta na embalagem Η ταυτότητα του εργαλείου αναγράφεται στο σώμα αυτού, όπως και στη συσκευασία του. Идентификатор приспособления указан на этикетке упаковки и на приборе. ----------  en STORAGE AND HANDLING CONDITIONS: (To conform to the norm ISO 8828) • The instruments must be transported in such a way to prevent any damage. • In general, the instruments are delivered in containers. During the sterilisation by autoclave the instruments must be in their specific places. • When they are delivered without containers, the packaging of the instruments must remain intact until the moment of the sterilization. The absence of damage to the packaging must be controlled : in case of a damage to the packaging, the instrument must be considered as damaged and must be returned to the manufacturer or distributor. • Any instrument suspected to be contaminated must be decontaminated or returned to the manufacturer or distributor. • Never use a contaminated instrument (for instance; fallen down during the procedure). • For the containers in consignment, check before any use, the cleaning, the implant and instrument decontamination.  • In case of a bad state or of damage to the instruments or to the container, return them to the manufacturer or distributor without using them. Despite the care taken whilst manufacturing these instruments, traces of corrosion may appear, to avoid this: 1-Do not scratch the instrument. 2-Respect the specification of the detergents used. 3-Dry each instrument completely. CLEANING AND STERILIZATION WARNINGS:  • Do not use steel wool or abrasive cleaners. • Avoid products containing iodine or a high concentration of chlorine. • Only Eurospine instruments of similar metal composition can be deposited together in an ultrasonic cleaner. • Do not stack instruments or place heavy instruments over fragile instrument•Their bactericide, virucide, fongicide and sporicide properties have to be conform to norms, relative to 1 /20 Revision le 26/06/2020
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File Name: EUROSPINE - N8-HRCC-I-T - EUROSPINE HRC Cervical Cage Product Line Instructions for Use - 2020-06.pdf

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