HAAG-STREIT Pachymetry

OLCR Pachymeter Pachy 01 SL Instruction Manual

Instruction Manual

40 Pages

'OLCR Pachymeter PC Software' is not yet approved by the FDA, therefore this program is not available in the USA.  What this manual describes This Instruction Manual only describes the function of the OLCR Pachymeter Pachy 01-SL and Pachy 01-OEM and the inbuilt software as displayed on the control panel touch screen.  Optionally a computer (PC / laptop) with the 'OLCR Pachymeter PC Software' can be used in 3 different ways in combination with the inbuilt software. Mode 1  The computer is a slave, which only records and stores patient data and measurements. The touch screen (control panel) is necessary! Mode 2  The computer is a master, which controls the pachymeter and stores patient data and measurements. The touch screen (control panel) must be disconnected! Mode 3  (command line to start program) The computer is used as interface for print-out on external printer. The touch screen (control panel) is necessary!  For more information: see separate manual 'OLCR Pachymeter PC Software'.  1500.7200517.02010  © HAAG-STREIT AG, CH-3098 Koeniz, Switzerland  page 1 / 37
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