
98 Pages

RhinoStream  Contents  Table of Contents Chapter 1 Warnings and Safety Information ...1 1.1 Warnings and Safety Information... 1 1.1.1 Safety in Relation to the Use of Accessory Equipment... 2 1.1.2 Symbols on the Instrument ... 2 1.2 Manufacturer’s Responsibility ... 2 1.3 Contacting Interacoustics... 3  Chapter 2 Getting Started with an SRE2000 ...5 2.1 Introduction to the SRE2000... 5 2.1.1 Hardware Description ... 5 2.1.2 RhinoStream Software Items ... 5 2.1.3 Minimum System Requirements ... 5 2.2 Connecting the SRE2000 ... 6 2.3 Installing the Software on an External PC for SRE2000... 7 2.4 Entering the Software License Code ... 9 2.5 Installing the Hardware Key Separately... 10  Chapter 3 Getting Started with an SRE2100 ...13 3.1 Description of the SRE2100... 13 3.1.1 Hardware Description ... 13 3.1.2 RhinoStream Software Items ... 13 3.2 Connecting the SRE2100 ... 14 3.3 Following the Windows 98 Setup... 14 3.4 Entering the Software License Code ... 15  Chapter 4 Equipment and Maintenance ...17 4.1 Cleaning the SRE2000 and SRE2100 Instruments ... 17 4.2 RhinoStream Accessories and their Care... 17 4.2.1 Cleaning the Silicone Mask... 18  Chapter 5 Initializing and Measuring...21 5.1 Limitations and Sources of Errors... 21 5.2 Assembling the Probe... 21 5.3 Initializing the Manometer Probe ... 24 5.4 Measuring with the Manometer Probe ... 27 5.4.1 Making an Anterior Measurement... 27 5.4.2 Making a Posterior Measurement ... 30 5.4.3 Measuring Using the Silicone Mask... 31 5.5 Saving a Measurement ... 32 5.6 Using the Measuring Functions ... 33 5.6.1 Pausing a Measurement ... 34 5.6.2 Starting a New Measurement Using the same Initialization... 34 5.6.3 Selecting a New Measure Type ... 34 5.6.4 Using Short Cut Keys... 35 5.7 Setting the Program Options... 36 5.7.1 Using the AutoFreeze Function ... 36 5.7.2 Setting the Max Deviation Parameter ... 37  Chapter 6 Analysing Measurements ...39 6.1 Loading an Examination ... 39 6.2 Comparing Examinations for the Same Patient ... 41 6.3 Activating a Curve... 41 6.3.1 Activating a Curve... 42 6.4 Viewing Manometry Data and Curves ... 42 6.4.1 Setting the Reference Pressure... 43 6.5 Working with Curves ... 44 6.5.1 Renaming a Curve ... 44 6.5.2 Deleting a Curve ... 45 6.5.3 Changing a Curve’s Colour and Style... 45 6.6 Zooming ... 46  v
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