CO2 Insufflator

ENDO stratus GI Endoscopy CO2 Insufflator Instruction Manual

288 Pages

Table of Contents  I. Unpacking and Inspection...3 II. Introduction...3 Definitions...3 Indications for use...3 Contraindications...3 III. Warnings and Cautions...4 IV. Product Features...6 		Safety Features...6 		 Theory of Operation...6 V. Technical Specifications...6 Electrical...6 Mechanical...7 		 CO2...7 		 Environmental requirements...8 		 Accessories...8 		Replacement parts...8 VI. Front Panel Controls/Connections...9 VII. Rear Panel Connections...10 VIII. Setup and Operation...11 Initial Setup...11 Air hose attachment...11 		 Pre-procedure setup...11 		 Water warming...12 Operation...12 		 Shutdown...12 		  IX. Care and Maintenance...13 		 Cleaning...13 		 Maintenance...13 X. EMC Tables...14  IFU-52 / REV H  INTERNATIONAL_ IFU-52 (CO2 INSUFLATOR PUMP) REV H .indd 2  2  12/11/2015 9:31:54 AM
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File Name: MEDIVATORS - CANTEL - IFU-52 - ENDO stratus GI Endoscopy CO2 Insufflator Instruction Manual - 2015 - Rev H.pdf

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