

straumann Ratchet and Torque Assembly Instructions

2 Pages

Assembly instructions for ratchet and torque control device Step 1  Step 2  Step 3A  Step 3B  Loosen ratchet nut with service instrument or holding key.  Unscrew and remove internal bolt from ratchet body.  A. S lide ratchet body through torque control device (flared part of ratchet must be flush with fluted-end of torque control device). B. Insert internal bolt into opposite end of torque control device. Finger tighten together.  Step 4  Step 5  Tighten ratchet nut with service instrument or holding key. Do not overtighten.  Ratchet and torque control device assembled and ready for use.  Glossary Art. No. 046.020 loopedend  flared part  nut directional arrow  046.049 fluted-end  torque bar  tear drop  Ratchet - used in combination with the torque control device to torque in all Straumann® abutments and screws (same ratchet that is used when placing Straumann implants manually). Please note: The ratchet and service instrument are packaged together (Art. No. 046.119) Torque control device - once connected to the ratchet, it is used to measure the amount of torque applied when inserting Straumann abutments and screws  046.108  Service instrument - used to assemble and disassemble the ratchet  046.064  Holding key - forked-end can be used to assemble and disassemble the ratchet; pin can be used to stabilize drivers when abutments and screws are placed (same holding key that is used when placing implants)  pin  forked-end  Important: Proper care and maintenance are important to ensure correct function of the ratchet and torque control device. Always clean and sterilize instruments while they are disassembled. For detailed instructions on how to care for these instruments, please refer to their package insert and the brochure “Care and maintenance of surgical and prosthetic instruments” (USLIT 119).
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File Name: straumann - NAMLIT.074 - straumann Ratchet and Torque Assembly Instructions - 2020-07 - V2.pdf

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