Thermo Fisher Scientific

Printers Cassette

PrintMate AS Operator Guide A83810100 Issue 2 2013

Operator Guide

87 Pages

Table of Contents Safety Information... 1 Introduction ... 1 General Safety ... 1 Environment ... 1 Warranty Statement ... 2 How To Use This Guide ... 3 Introduction ... 3 Chapter 1 - Introduction to PrintMate AS... 3 Chapter 2 - Installation and Setup ... 3 Chapter 3 - Basic Operation ... 3 Chapter 4 - Troubleshooting ... 3 Chapter 5 - Cleaning and Maintenance ... 3 The PrintMate AS Product Range ... 5 Chapter 1 - Introducing PrintMate AS ... 7 Identification of Parts ... 8 PrintMate AS with doors closed... 8 PrintMate AS with doors open ... 8 PrintMate AS external connections ... 9 PrintMate AS Print Head ... 9 List of parts ... 10 System Interaction ... 11 System Specification ... 12 Mechanical Specification ... 12 Electrical Specification ... 12 Environmental Specification ... 12 Chapter 2 - Installation and Setup ... 13 Installation and Setup ... 13 Setting Up PrintMate AS... 14 Unpacking... 15 Locating PrintMate AS ... 19 Electrical Connections and Start-Up Procedure ... 20 Connecting the Output Chutes ... 22 Changing the COM Port Settings ... 25 Chapter 3 - Basic Operation ... 29 v
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File Name: Thermo Fisher Scientific - PrintMate AS Operator Guide A83810100 Issue 2 2013.pdf

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